- Comment on I think the original name was "dysaesthesia aethiopica." 10 months ago:
The US military really is one of the most socialist parts of our country*, it’d be hilarious if the average person was able to realize it.
*Other than all the money going to war-profiteering manufacturers.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
I think you have the terrible take. Untrained people shouldn’t be self-diagnosing based on hearing a list of symptoms, the brain is too good at tricking itself and it is too easy to even give yourself symptoms you don’t have.
And I don’t expect any one doctor to know of every treatment that exists for every illness, because that’s what collaborative knowledge bases are for. A carefully moderated medical Wikipedia that can be contributed to by doctors and researchers.
But all of this wouldn’t make the pharmesutical companies as much money as peddling to hypochondriacs so instead we have ads.
- Comment on European mind cannot comprehend this 10 months ago:
Jokes on you, I’ll have bankruptcy from rent first!
- Comment on You did it. The crazy son of a bitch, you did it. 10 months ago:
I dumped seltzer water into the ocean so now some of it is carbonated, boom earth unflattened.
- Comment on Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets 10 months ago:
That’s the thing about capitalism, it doesn’t have to be a conspiracy to be evil. Capitalism will optimize for the cheapest option to acquire the most profit, and generally the cheapest option is also the one that’s the worst for the workers/environment/consumers.
- Comment on Fairbuds are Fairphone’s proof that we really could make better tiny gadgets 10 months ago:
Sadly in my experience the boots theory is no longer accurate as the $50 pair of boots fall apart as quickly as the $10 pair, especially when talking about electronics. There may be longer lasting devices out there but the price is so beyond my price range that it may as well not exist.
Updated for 2024, the boots theory would read something more like a $50 pair of boots lasts for one year and is mostly comfortable to wear, the $10 pair lasts for one year but is uncomfortable to wear, and the $2000 pair of boots is comfortable and will last many years but anyone who buys them will toss them after one year anyway when “the fashion” changes.
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 10 months ago:
Another reason why, if any type of landlord exists, they should be an actual person who lives within what I affectionately call face-punching distance.
You can’t punch an anonymous conglomerate of soulless suits.
- Comment on United Scams of Assholes 10 months ago:
A bat is harder to hide.
- Comment on Want to lose weight? Poverty can help! 10 months ago:
Depression in combination with poverty, sure.
- Comment on Tesla scraps its plan for a $25,000 Model 2 EV 11 months ago:
No, they just create them and make them wildly successful so they have a backdoor in everyone’s pocket.
- Comment on AI will reduce workforce, say 41% of execs in a survey 11 months ago:
The challenge comes in being a scapegoat for when things go wrong (albeit a goat with a golden parachute) and a hype man for when things go right.
But as others have said AI won’t replace executives because it’s executives making the decisions to use AI, and no one with power will ever choose an option that reduces their own money.
- Comment on What web services do you subscribe to? 11 months ago:
YouTube music only, unfortunately. Unfortunate not because it’s the only expense of its type that I have, but because like so many Google products it’s a worse version of something they used to offer for free. And there isn’t a good alternative that I’ve found yet, and no music streaming service pays the artists anything worth mentioning.
- Comment on me too 11 months ago:
Will also accept being turned into land critters. Just as long as they are mountain dwellers.
- Comment on wealth 11 months ago:
Eye contact is cheaper than having to look at his hands. For the right price I’ll even stroke… his ego by comparing him to Edison. Fortunately for me I’m sure he’d take that as a compliment and not realize I’m calling him a talentless hack that steals from Tesla.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
You spelled 1 wrong.
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 11 months ago:
One day I will upgrade my Zune 2nd gen into a modern device, like this. I can only hope the software keeps working for syncing, at least until someone writes a custom OS for it.
- Comment on Roku explores taking over HDMI feeds with ads 11 months ago:
I haven’t had problems with my wireless mice but headsets seem to get worse the more money I spend (never above $200, granted).
- Comment on Microsoft lays out Windows 10 life support prices 11 months ago:
I’m waiting for Windows 12, since it’s only every other Windows OS that’s worth using.
Unfortunately with the way they’re going, W12 won’t have mouse or keyboard support and a Cortana/Copilot/Cockamamie LLM will be the only way you can interact with your computer.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
One side is clearly worst than the other on every metric possible.
And the other side consistently compromises with that worse side, time after time, never putting up anything more than a whisper of resistance. As a result, the side of lesser evil is now more evil than the side of greater evil was 50 years ago.