- Comment on [deleted] 6 days ago:
The craziest thing about this is that you’re boss doesn’t text you anything else all day?? Is all other communication over email? I mean I assume a lot of it is face to face but they never message you while they’re in a meeting?
- Comment on Get ya every time 1 week ago:
Obviously we need to support everyone and ableism is bad, but I wouldn’t want to get drafted which is basically a death sentence and then a guy who gets bring from A to B mixed up with bring from B to A is beside me with a loaded gun. I definitely wouldn’t want him behind me with that gun. To say that’s elitist is intentionally naive.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 2 weeks ago:
I think this may be body dependent. Sometimes I get a nasty hangover headache from just two drinks. Lady weekend I pounded like 5 and a half drinks in an hour or two, I was drunk and queasy until deep into the next morning and no hangover. I think it’s more about what you eat and drink besides the alcohol.
- Comment on In the era of remakes and remasters, what niche game would you like to see receive the treatment? 3 months ago:
Make clue finders for adults! Same game, just adult level facts, puzzles, and math!
- Comment on why do our noses & anuses think different types of paper are softest? 3 months ago:
Thank you posting such an in depth and interesting explanation!
- Comment on Couple tried to sell baby for a 6-pack of beer and $1,000 at campground, police say 4 months ago:
Suggesting all women flee Everytime a law is passed that doesn’t work for us is short sighted. I’m not leaving my entire support system on the chance I get pregnant. First off, we’re trying to get the laws changed. We’re voting, and getting new abortion guidelines on the ballots. Second, yes, all women in my state should have a little vacation fund in case they want to visit the North in a hurry. A six week ban is ridiculous.
- Comment on Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say 6 months ago:
That’s not necessarily a false sense of privacy if it works. There’s an inconvenient barrier to searching vote history and if you do it in the current system you’d be recognized as petty at least. Easing access is not going to make Lemmy better.
- Comment on Caption this. 6 months ago:
If you’ve been challenged to a foot race and you have the choice, wear your skeleton, muscles, and skin for your best chance at winning. If you’re being made to pick only one, choose muscles over skeleton.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Well that sucks. I did not know that.
- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Libby isn’t the only app though! My library uses Libby and overdrive and maybe even a third one
- Comment on ID Scanners Can Change How Your Local Bar Treats You—and Whether It Lets You In. 7 months ago:
Yeah, I’m half surprised there isn’t “under consume” on the list and they stop letting people in who don’t spend enough money
- Comment on Long COVID puzzle pieces are falling into place – and the picture is unsettling 7 months ago:
They also think doing actual research causes long covid. Not worth the risk
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
It’s almost like our collective experience is so boring and gloomy and so stressful for our little bodies and brains that we as a species are prone to mercurial outbursts where we act recklessly as a way to prove our existence to ourselves
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
They’re safe relative to other explosives like bombs.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
I think a big part of it is that they’re dangerous. It’s fun to experience just a tinge of fear from how big they sound, or even just from being near the little street versions. It’s a (relatively) safe way for us to experience something that would otherwise be terror inducing explosives.
- Comment on Is there a way to hide posts that take you to another site? 7 months ago:
Hey, we look to the comments to see if someone else read it and summarized it first before commenting!
- Comment on How long does it take for neurotypical (or just typical) people to get over a minor fight? 7 months ago:
my husband and I both have ADHD. typically, we fight, I’m over it pretty quickly, he needs until he can sleep to get over it, but I think this is because we usually fight “My way.” I need us to talk it out and dissect what’s actually the root of the issue (usually past hurt, ongoing pattern, or misunderstanding at the onset of the fight). Once the issue is dissected and we commit to a resolution, or even just commit to acknowledging the issue and working on it, I feel loads better. If our flight is interrupted or he gets his way (ignoring the root cause, taking a short break from each other for a walk) then I’m simmering for ages and not that interested in being friendly again whereas he is back to normal.
Are you better at arguing? Do you typically “win” the argument? Or do arguments usually go along your ideas of how a fight should be structured? This may have something to do with it.
I second the above recommendation for the Nonviolent Communication book. It’s a short little read / work book and it can get you both using the same language, as well as kind of force you to take responsibility for your own feelings and needs.
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 9 months ago:
I’m not sure I understand. If you want a word removed from being suggested / corrected to, you type the word, and then click the word, and immediately above the keyboard there are 3 suggested words. You can press and hold the word to get it removed from being suggested in the future/ defaulted to with swype
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 9 months ago:
I’m on the Google Pixel and it lets me remove words from being suggested, and only takes me a few times tapping out a word to add it to my suggestions. I use swipe and it’s only gotten better and better for me.
- Comment on 30% of Children Ages 5-7 Are on TikTok 9 months ago:
I’m guessing you’ve never been on TikTok. It’s a pretty good news source and information disseminator. Your algorithm feeds you what you pick so if you linger on posts from physical therapists and psychologists about child development, that’s what you learn about. If you linger on political posts highlighting our local and federal government’s corruption, you get that.
I’m all for banning it (and all social media) for children, but if you think TikTok is all trash TV, you’ve been successfully propagandized.
- Comment on The increasing distrust many Americans have in modern medical advances is probably mostly due to our failing Healthcare system. 10 months ago:
It’s tough when doctors have been liars too, like those who are hired to push a certain narrative by corporations, or those who participated in unethical studies, or basically all doctors to women saying all our problems are emotional and in our heads while ignoring objective medical facts/symptoms.
When I see how differently men and women are treated in medicine, it’s hard to trust doctors to be objective. They’re just not.
I’m doing my best to be a good little Democrat and look down on those who don’t trust doctors but geeze, experiencing a pregnancy and then giving birth in America makes it real hard to give doctors the benefit of the doubt.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
This is a thoughtless take. Do you know how hard it is to do things randomly? It takes way more work than doing things for a reason. Just because you don’t know the reason, you assume it’s arbitrary? That kind of thinking is why simple rules and instructions don’t get followed mucking up entire systems.
From another comment on this thread:
“I think it goes back to Fannie Farmer in 1896, who wrote the first major and comprehensive cookbook in English that used any kind of standard measurements. European cookbooks mostly used vague instructions without any standardized weights or numbers before that. At this point in the industrialized world standardized cup measures were relatively cheap and available. Scales were relatively bulky, expensive, and inaccurate in 1896. So the whole tradition got started, and most of the major cookbooks owed something to Fannie Farmer. Cookbooks that used standardized weights probably got started in other countries much later, when scales were becoming commonplace.”
- Comment on How does the day-to-day work of not wearing shoes in the house? 10 months ago:
Doesn’t this defeat the purpose of no shoes inside? The point is to keep anything that touches dirt outside your house. Aren’t you tracking in dirt if you go outside barefoot?
- Comment on mOLecuLaR maN 10 months ago:
Stress can exacerbate almost every medical condition. The boat doesn’t perform normally when it’s under stress. It can affect pregnancy like crazy which affects every single person in the world. Every single person comes from a pregnancy. Stress can affect sleep which also negatively affects like every condition.
- Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 10 months ago:
Their policy isn’t an unreasonable risk of danger or disruption, it’s an unreasonable risk of offense. You’re not allowed to wear clothes that offend other customers. They can kick you off the plane for wearing a shirt that has an image of giving the middle finger or a curse word. You can tell it’s see through because the collar is fully opaque where the fabric is rolled over itself.
Plus it sounds like they gave the woman the option of changing her shirt or adding a jacket and she wasn’t willing to do that
- Comment on Woman removed from Delta flight over 'too revealing' clothing, calls for policy change 11 months ago:
I don’t care what people wear, but everyone is saying she’s in trouble for wearing a T Shirt without a bra as if the mere outline of a nipple was the problem, but it looks like in the picture that her shirt is pretty see through. I think that’s the issue.
Again, I don’t think she should have been kicked off the plane over it, but a see through shirt in Utah? That seems like an unreasonable risk of offense to me. Utah is crazy conservative. Delta isn’t taking a moral stance, they’re just protecting their profits in a Conservative state by enforcing a pretty reasonable dress code. You have to have coverage over your body.
- Comment on ‘It went nuts’: Thousands join UK parents calling for smartphone-free childhood 1 year ago:
He may not have been bullied, but he may have missed out on bonding and closeness that his peers enjoyed. There was a study that showed life is way better for kids if they don’t have a phone, but only if their peers also don’t have phones
- Comment on How can a ugly and short guy compensate for his looks? 1 year ago:
And I have literally never heard a girl in real life say she wouldn’t date a guy if he’s not above 6 ft. I see guys say it about women, but none of the women I know actually care about height. I have heard women say they’d prefer if their partner is taller than them, but even this is a preference, not a deal breaker. If you’ve actually heard the height thing from real women in your life, you just need to start hanging out with different women because that’s a shallow requirement.
- Comment on France uncovers a vast Russian disinformation campaign in Europe 1 year ago:
Yeah, they would go down fighting, saying someone “got to” Trump and threatened him into saying it was a lie
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Have you been checked for sleep apnea?? Maybe ask for a sleep study! That could explain a lot of what’s going on