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This will have been drawn from the work of Erin Reed Though its worth noting her only firm, DO NOT TRAVEL, so far, is florida. Though the rest are of course still dangerous.
Submitted 11 months ago by to
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This will have been drawn from the work of Erin Reed Though its worth noting her only firm, DO NOT TRAVEL, so far, is florida. Though the rest are of course still dangerous.
I may not be trans, but I’m brown, this helps too.
lucky, those are all the cool places!
As if having good morals leads to a pleasant living environment.
as someone who is temporarily stuck in FL and moving back to NYC soon, i assure you: even if the laws were friendlier here, this place would still be a hellhole.
Let’s be honest: Is there anything worth visiting in those missing states, anyway?
Cajun food is great. Basically, southern food in general is good. You can’t get boiled peanuts up north. Besides food? Not really.
Eh Maryland, and Baltimore in particular has everything from grits to chowders. If you’re thinking about a crawfish boil/stew/gumbo, they have those too, and the superior crab version.
Minnesota State fair. Boiled peanuts were added in 2022.
Do you know how easy it is making boiled peanuts?
Its literally just peanuts boiled in salty water forever
Super easy in a slowcooker or even a regular pot
You can have them whenever and wherever you want
Cant get boiled peanuts up north
Canned or fresh? Because I can buy them canned. I wouldn’t but the option is there!
Wyoming and Montana have absolutely amazing mountains. I say that as someone who lives in the third best mountains state. They have mountains as good as ours but without as many people in them.
Alaska is simply amazing, one of the best places I’ve ever been in the summer. I can’t wait to go again.
Otherwise nah fuck that shit
Atlanta has cool stuff like conventions. Savannah’s city center part is a nice place. I can’t think of any other reasons to go
Friends and Family?
National parks in many of them.
Yeah, Utah has Arches, Canyonlands, Zion; Wyoming has Yellowstone and Devil’s Tower, Montana has Glacier… And I know I’m leaving out a ton. I hate Utah’s theocracy, but the landscapes are mesmerizing. Everyone should get to see those wonders without fearing a lynching.
Spent a cumulative 5 or 6 hours driving in Florida. I saw orange groves, retirement communities, trailer parks, and barren highway. THAT’S IT. Hell, I was hungry coming off the plane and decided to pick something up on the way to where I was going 90 minutes away. I did not see a single food place. That’s unheard of in civilized states.
Fuck even the most barren bi ways usually have a deli in the local store or whatever.
There’s Disney California.
it’s the better one given how shit FL is these days and they don’t got a Disney California Adventure Park either
Parks. Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, the Everglades, that sort of thing. Some truly spectacular nature.
I’m surprised Arizona made the cut.
As someone who lives there, I’m not. We’re an extremely purple state.
Yeah, they’ll shoot you as you crawl down a hotel hallway on your hands and knees no matter who you are.
Yeah, especially since I know trans teachers who are leaving the state due to the environment in public education.
That sucks. Teachers are one of the professions treated the worst by our society. Losing any that are qualified and aren’t bad people / bad at their job is a terrible loss.
I’m really proud of AZ. Nobody ever thought about us but we could feel the tide turning for years. Then in 2020 Trump got a surprise. But it wasn’t a surprise to anyone in the state.
AZ always struck me as “the retirement state for new agers and hippies”.
Arizona in 2024 is very different. Blue leadership has led to things like actually holding people accountable for false electors, may be the 4th state to open up election interference case now that the GOP is out of the picture in terms of leadership.
As a southern California I couldnt be prouder, doesnt mean they can drive for shit though.
Especially with Jan “still cosplaying as a human” Brewer still technically alive.
Tucson’s pretty nice
All LGBT are safe and welcomed in Oregon and Massachusetts, my two home states in my life :)
Unfortunately, not all of our states are safe. While the population centers are mostly ok, there are plenty of places that are not safe. I had an acquaintance (gay) describe Eastern Washington as “fine as long as I don’t act too gay”.
Yes you’re sadly absolutely right. I live in Oregon these days and the PDX area is quite nice but if you go south east, it is like you describe with eastern WA.
Piece of shits have to have their bigoted safe-spaces i guess
I just watched a video about Utah and apparently Mormons are pretty tolerant of just about everyone and even though it’s a red state they’re pretty progressive on social issues.
Take with a grain of salt, my source is a YouTube video.
they’re really not, slc has a pretty progressive community but it’s in direct opposition to the mormons. they’re officially accepting of gay people, but as long as they don’t do anything gay. they aren’t ok with trans people who transition at all.
utah also recently passed bathroom laws for all govt controlled buildings and schools and there are ones for colleges in the works.
generally mormons will be nice and accepting if they think they can convert you, but that’s about as far as it goes…/mormon-leader-lgbtq-advocacy-comes……/mormon-leader-gender-assigned-birt……/understanding?lang=…
“Church leaders counsel against elective medical or surgical intervention for the purpose of attempting to transition to the opposite gender of a person’s birth sex (“sex reassignment”). Leaders advise that taking these actions will be cause for Church membership restrictions.
Leaders also counsel against social transitioning. A social transition includes changing dress or grooming, or changing a name or pronouns, to present oneself as other than his or her birth sex. Leaders advise that those who socially transition will experience some Church membership restrictions for the duration of this transition.
This reminds me very much of the “hate the sin, not the sinner” that never actually happened.
No, no, no, no, no. I moved to Utah five years ago and this is absolutely not the case and I'm not even LGBTQ. A couple of vignettes:
I'm not sure I need another exhibit, but I have them.
Mormons tend to be nice … to your face. As soon as you leave they’re likely to act like you’d expect followers of an extremely socially conservative, regressive, patriarchal religion would.
Nothing about the religion's teachings about gender, sexuality, and sin support mistreatment of people who believe or act differently. The broad strokes your applying to the entire religion is exactly the same as saying that all Muslims are violent terrorists just because of the actions of an extremist few.
In short, it's bigotry.
You got gaslight my man.…/The-Trevor-Project-2022-Na…
Utah teen lgbtqia+ suicide rate is very high. I’ve got a friend who is a therapist out there and i do not envy them. The Mormon church tries to say that they love and accept everyone but if you push them they will clarify they can love someone but they hate the sin. Ask yourself, how can you love someone when you can’t accept a fundamental part of them? If you practice your gayness/etc you will be treated differently by Mormon church standards. You will lose out on church privileges and be ostracized.
I saw the same video, thanks for the correction before I started spreading this false fact.
Lmao, good one. 🤣 The Mormons contributed over three-quarter’s of the funding to get Prop 8 passed in California.
Yea this may be the case for some mormons, maybe, but they as a whole are not very tolerant at all. We had a mormon in our school who was very vocal about his dislike about a couple where one was trans. He pretended to be a nice guy, but his views were gross when they came bubbling to the surface.
I dont buy that mormons are a tolerant group for a second.
Christianity is all about being tolerant actually. Its just that most Christians dont care
I too watched that Half as Interesting/Wendover productions video, that’s not what it said. In fact he explicitly said that’s not what he’s saying.
To be fair I watched it at a taco bell on my lunch break
We watched the same video probably.
Yeah that’s it lol.
There is a reason why I don’t mention that I am an atheist when I travel to Utah.
It’s much more nuanced than that, different parts of some states act very differently from the rest.
Take Colorado for example: the same state that was the first state (along with Washington) to legalize recreational weed, but it’s also where Boebert came from.
Yeah this map would have much smaller areas. If you broke it down into safe counties or something
Idk, it would just look different. There are also trans friendly places within the omitted states (e.g. Austin, Texas)
Certainly as important as the green book!
I only learned about this maybe a year ago, so I'm linking a source, in case anyone else missed this horrific part of history.
I’m in NC and I feel pretty safe
Certain cities like Chapel Hill or Durham on the piedmont are quite tolerant. But go into the coastal area and foothills and you might need to be careful.
Exactly, this is many states, like TN. Some of the southern parts of TN are insanely racist (like Polk County). Went to a halloween party in that area once when I i was in uni (will never go back to that fuckin state willingly) and I brought two black dudes who were my best buds and shit popped off pretty quick simply because black people had the nerve to show up.
Fucking gross.
God forbid they elect Mark Robinson as governor, then you have state level oppression again.
I lived in Chapel Hill during the 2016 election. The one silver lining to that Election Day was voting Pat McCrory out of office after his own bathroom bill nonsense.
That can be said for many of the states on this map.
I think Charlotte, Wilmington, Asheville, etc are likely to be fine. I think it goes for many of the states on the map too, is rural NC going to be that different from like, upstate NY or rural Virginia?
I’m in Wilmington
Can somebody give me a better explanation of how NH keeps ending up red on these maps? As a trans person who’s lived in both NH and VT for very large parts of my life, I’ve found that they’re really, really similar when it comes to trans rights. Hell, NH is one of the few states to cover laser hair removal and electrolysis for facial hair under medicaid for trans people. Vermont doesn’t even cover that and has repeatedly shot down any attempts to add it.
Also even though both states cover breast augmentation for trans people, Vermont refuses to cover it for me because I have a deformity and require a slightly different procedure which they go out of their way to explicitly exclude, whereas in NH that procedure is explicitly also covered.
I’m assuming there’s something deeper and more sinister going on in NH if it’s red even despite that. I wouldn’t doubt it tbh. I can’t move back there because they intentionally illegally shut off people’s disability benefits hoping they just won’t bother to appeal the decision, so I’m not blind to how awful the state can be.
What did NH do?
I’m sorry, but honestly this reads like someone who lives in a bit of a bubble. Essentially every state has bigger cities filled with LGBT people who live there fine.
I live in a dark blue state, in-laws in a light blue state, the rest of my family in a state not pictured. I haven’t seen them in probably half a decade, and then only for a funeral. I have niece/nephews that only know me and my husband as the people that ship them gifts in the mail.
Apparently, Utah can be added to this. Though they vote overwhelmingly Republican they are surprisingly supportive of lgbtq rights , at least according to a video I saw yesterday.
I think it was called Why is Utah Wired? I think Bobbybroccoli did it.
Anyone from Utah with a different experience, please correct me so I don’t spread any more disinformation.
It sucks but those other states don’t matter. Culinary wastelands full of poorly run operations. They had some nature but they paved it over.
waves from behind enemy lines hiiii
This is total bullshit, I live in the state not pictured and I know tons of trans people who are openly accepted by the community 11 months ago
I really wish my friends and family would understand this. This is something that I have to worry about, all of the time. It causes me constant and immense stress.
“I would not be welcome here if they knew.” - this is what I have to be aware of, all of the time. I do volunteer work and often drive out to rural areas - stopping at gas stations where they’d leer at me if I wore a mask inside 2 years ago… - am I safe if I get pulled over?
I’ve sat at workplace trainings and heard the things that they think about people like me - debating on if there’s a way that I can say something that won’t call attention to myself. I turn on the news or scroll through Facebook and see an endless stream of debates on whether or not I should exist.
All I want is to inject myself with testosterone (which my insurance does not pay for). I want my drivers license to say M. I wanted, and paid for, a mastectomy. Testosterone makes me strong enough to carry folding tables for homeless shelters. It helps me turn my anger into energy. It helps me exist.
I don’t understand why that bothers people so much. No one gave a shit ten years ago. My Pentecostal family were happy to call me their son. Trans people are just a convenient boogey man as part of a long term backlash strategy against gay and women’s rights. 10 months ago
Honestly, that seems a big concern for my mom about me and I’m not sure if she even thinks I’m trans. Its just things like me growing my hair out that make her worried about more less favorable treatment if I were to get pulled over. My mom is an extremely butch lesbian, so I’m sure she’s had her own experiences but she hasn’t said much along those lines.