Previous profile under the same name over at
Federation bug in that instance led me here.
- Comment on Who am I? 2 months ago:
You are correct. Judging by the art style, it’s season 3, which had a slightly different art style than the other 2.
- Comment on It is very therapeutic to garden, though. 8 months ago:
I spend 1/3rd of that on all of my groceries combined per month. If I was spending that much per week I would be over 1000$ in debt after a single month. Is the average person really that rich? And what food are they buying that they need to spend that much?
This is baffling to me as a poor person. - Comment on The discourse 9 months ago:
Depends more on which man than which bear for me. Random man I know nothing about? The bear. Friend who’s been nothing but nice and respectful for years? The friend.
We aren’t answering the question thinking “well the bear might not kill me,” it’s “the bear will only kill me.” - Comment on There can only be one! 9 months ago:
You remembered wrong.
- Comment on Do we intentionally translate ancient stuff and languages to sound old timey as an artistic choice, or is there some other reason? 9 months ago:
I don’t have direct examples because I suck at googling, but what I saw that made me think of this was an ancient Greek philosopher insulting another, presumably in a rude tone, but still translated to look super polite and old timey. The explanations people have given here have really shed a lot of light for me on why that is though, so it makes sense to me now.
- Comment on Do we intentionally translate ancient stuff and languages to sound old timey as an artistic choice, or is there some other reason? 9 months ago:
I tried to find examples but turns out I’m really bad at googling. Quotes of ancient Greek philosophers is one example though. Surely not all of them spoke formally, and I’ve heard some even spoke rather rudely, and yet when they’re translated they’re still translated into really formal, old timey language. There’s been some nice explanations here of why that is though, so I understand a lot better.
- Submitted 9 months ago to | 27 comments
- Comment on YouTube is testing a new design that you'll probably hate instantly 10 months ago:
I’m gonna go against the grain and say this is the only change I’ve seen them make in a long time that I’m glad to see. I often read comments while watching the video, especially now that dislikes are gone to quickly tell if a video is real or not, or if there’s anything else to be wary of. I never scroll video suggestions until after I’m done watching the video, to decide what to watch next. This layout just makes more sense for that.
- Comment on The United States of America, but for Trans People 10 months ago:
Can somebody give me a better explanation of how NH keeps ending up red on these maps? As a trans person who’s lived in both NH and VT for very large parts of my life, I’ve found that they’re really, really similar when it comes to trans rights. Hell, NH is one of the few states to cover laser hair removal and electrolysis for facial hair under medicaid for trans people. Vermont doesn’t even cover that and has repeatedly shot down any attempts to add it.
Also even though both states cover breast augmentation for trans people, Vermont refuses to cover it for me because I have a deformity and require a slightly different procedure which they go out of their way to explicitly exclude, whereas in NH that procedure is explicitly also covered.I’m assuming there’s something deeper and more sinister going on in NH if it’s red even despite that. I wouldn’t doubt it tbh. I can’t move back there because they intentionally illegally shut off people’s disability benefits hoping they just won’t bother to appeal the decision, so I’m not blind to how awful the state can be.
- Comment on I feel so old. 10 months ago:
If that’s accurate then I got old way faster than I thought I would. At least I can take solace in the fact that I’m probably on the younger end of Lemmy users.
- Comment on shrimp colour drama 10 months ago:
I can’t see the fake colors either, so in a way I relate to the shrimp. I’ve done the overlapping an image of yellow and blue by unfocusing your eyes, where you’re supposed to see an impossible color instead of green, but I just see green. I’ve also done the ones with staring at a color then glancing at another, and it still produces very normal colors. Yellow circle then glancing at black? Just dark blue. Green then glancing at white? Regular pink. Blue then glancing at orange? Just looks red.
- Comment on What game fits this? 11 months ago:
I am diagnosed with ADHD, but more pressingly I’m diagnosed with Schizoaffective disorder. The manic phases from that make me try to empty my bank account at the slightest provocation, even after being medicated rather well for it.
The ADHD sure doesn’t help though, causing me to still be impulsive even when not in a manic phase, just less so. It’s also possible my impulse control in my manic phases is only as bad as it is because it’s combined with ADHD.
- Comment on i hate my wife and i love bug lite 1 year ago:
Where I live they seem to come and go. Some years there’s literally zero, then a few years later there’ll be so many you almost don’t wanna go outside because they might get in your mouth. Although admittedly I haven’t seen the usual swarms lately either. It’s long overdue and yet they’re not here.
It’s a big change from when I was a kid, still living in this same area, but we had a consistent, manageable number of fireflies every year. - Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
I know you’re joking, or at least half joking, but I literally am getting help for this. I have psychiatric appointments constantly to deal with how easily I get addicted to things and occasionally try meds to try to improve my impulse control.
I haven’t quit the game because my psychiatrist and the few therapists I’ve gone through feel the game’s actually been a net positive on my life, and the real problem is my impulse control. If I wasn’t drooling over a 2000$ staff I’d be buying 2000$ worth of 40k minis that I’ll never actually get around to putting together and painting. That actually already happened a little bit during a brief period where I quit the game, and I did indeed buy a bunch of 40k shit I still haven’t assembled.
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
Is it even possible to forget Fargoth?
- Comment on What game fits this? 1 year ago:
Not many people have played it I’m sure, but imagine this:
You’ve just downloaded a new free MMO. You figure it’s gonna be super pay to win, but it’s free so why not give it a shot anyway.
For the first few minutes, after you stop being confused by the UI, you start to take everything in. There are no classes, you can do whatever you want. Want to be a mage AND a warrior? Totally doable. Want to be a bard playing in the town square for tips? Thanks to the robust music system, you can. In fact, you’re having trouble finding anything you can’t do.
A few months later, things are progressing nicely. You’ve mastered every skill, played thousands of songs by now, got some pretty good gear, and you haven’t encountered even a hint of the p2w you expected. Life is great. However, you’re going to need a bit of a gear upgrade before tackling this next dungeon. You check how much it’ll cost you. 300 million.
You’ve never even seen more than 50 million in one place before. Nevertheless, you figure with hard work, you can achieve it. After a month, you’ve gathered about 100 mil by exploiting market bubbles to sell anything valuable as fast as possible and in as large of quantities as possible. It’s still not enough though. The cash shop begins to beckon you. You could pay a little real money to buy a cash shop item, and sell it for gold.
But you realize that in order to get the 200 mil you need, you’d need to spend over 100 dollars. You rationalize to yourself that hey, the p2w isn’t that bad if it’s easier to make the gold in game than it is to make the real money to buy it. You continue on your quest, but you run into an issue. There just aren’t any more bubbles to exploit. You’ve crashed the market in your quest to obtain all the gold you need without spending a penny. You cave, and buy just a couple cash shop items to sell and make up the difference. You get your shiny new equipment. You feel powerful. It’s such a huge upgrade it’s almost ridiculous. You feel like 20$ was worth it to have this much fun. Out of curiosity, you check to see how much your next upgrade will cost.2 billion. It’s too late. You’re addicted. Sunk cost fallacy has kicked in. You’ve already invested in your character, and that next upgrade is gonna cost you 2000$.
You can’t quit. You’ve tried. There’s just no game like this anywhere else. You will spend that money eventually, no matter how hard you try to avoid it.This is my story. I’m aiming to get that gold without spending a penny. It’s been months. I’m half a percent if the way there. It’s not gonna happen. Every day I have to pull myself away from that cash shop. It would be so easy, but so irresponsible.
But one day I will spend that money. The game is insidious like that. The only way to avoid it is to either not play the game in the first place or not give a shit about progressing. I am in neither camp.Genuinely, I love the game, but every day I pray it gets shut down before I have the chance to pay in that much money. It’s so hard to stop myself.
- Comment on And why you gotta touch my back with those ice blocks 😩 1 year ago:
Put simply it isn’t a joke. It’s evolved to the point where it basically means “prepare yourself, a joke’s coming.”
It’s just a meme that got so overused that it doesn’t mean anything anymore.
Think of it like how 90% of knock knock jokes don’t need the setup of answering the door, it’s just a familiar setup. Why is a banana knocking on the door? Why does there need to be a door in the setup of interrupting cow? That’s what “no one” means to younger people. It’s a familiar way to set up the joke.
- Comment on And why you gotta touch my back with those ice blocks 😩 1 year ago:
It’s a weird gen Z thing. The original point of the “no one” meme was to make jokes about people responding to things nobody has ever said. Subverting the punchline is a way to increase humor because it’s not expected. Misusing the meme phrase entirely sets you up to think the meme is going in a direction you’re familiar with only to be a completely different meme, thus increasing the humor. However the “no one” meme has been used this way so often that misusing it became the default use of it instead. Now the humor from it comes from the opposite, in that it’s basically a universal buildup that works for any joke. More or less it’s a beat phrase that sets up a brief moment of suspense for the punchline, similar to how comics will have dialogueless beat panels to increase the humor of the punchline.
Gen Z grew up with this kind of humor, which is why they think it’s so much funnier than older people do. Equally, gen alpha will likely have completely different humor gen Z doesn’t understand.
- Comment on Japan's lunar lander is dying before our eyes after setting down on Moon 1 year ago:
Kerbal landing technique? Like smashing into the surface max speed because you somehow managed to decouple your only engine due to poor preplanning? At least that’s how I play it.
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
Are you coming onto me?
Ah, just kidding. In seriousness though, I’ve chosen not to have kids on account of being so mentally fucked up by my childhood that I don’t want to put a kid through having me as a parent.
Although luckily my dad did mellow out with age. He’d kinda also been equally fucked up by his own childhood and refused to seek help until I’d left, my mom left, and later my old sibling left, and I refused to speak with him anymore. Last year I got a massive, 4 page, single spaced apology from him for everything he’d done, so luckily things are looking up at least.
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
My dad was like that. I remember a moment where my dad couldn’t understand the solution to the Monty Hall problem, so I tried to explain it to him and instantly got yelled at and sent to my room for contradicting him.
- Comment on I'm never lonely cuz i got these little guys with me :) 1 year ago:
Some parents are weird. I once got grounded because I left my room, forgot something, and went back in to get it. Wasn’t even going anywhere or doing anything important. Just randomly got yelled at and grounded.
- Comment on What are your favorite third party controllers? 1 year ago:
The Mad Catz Dreampad for the Dreamcast is the only 3rd party controller I’ve ever encountered that’s better than the original. Better grips, extra face buttons for fighters, a nicer analog stick. The whole thing just felt really high quality. The exact opposite of what you’d usually expect from Mad Catz.
Only issue is for whatever reason the white ones have a crooked d-pad. All the other colors are fine. - Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
At least that means I get to be rich and hot. Better get shopping for castles to brood in I guess.
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
Considering a broken bone didn’t cause any bruising, I don’t think I’m up for the Drukhari shit they probably have in mind.
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
I’ve got a fair amount of fat and muscle on me. That could be a factor though. Maybe one of the reasons I don’t bruise easily is because I absorb the blows better than I used to. Back when I was bruising constantly I had alarmingly little body fat.
Combined with some of the stuff other people have mentioned, I can see there being enough factors piled on that the injury would have to be really severe before I start having noticeable bruising.
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
It was good until I broke the same toe the same way again. I’ll never break any other bones, just that toe over and over again. Luckily there’s been basically no pain this time since I’ve actually been treating it properly and staying off it.
- Comment on Why don't I bruise? 1 year ago:
It’s nice to know my arteries are good considering my doctors hate my veins. Getting blood drawn often takes 3 or 4 attempts and when I need an IV they break out the ultrasound.
And the drunk bit does make sense. When I broke my toe while drunk, I didn’t even know it was broken and just kept walking on it, so maybe that’s why it bruised when I normally don’t.
- Submitted 1 year ago to | 18 comments