- Comment on Cars will need fewer screens and more buttons to earn a 5-star safety rating in Europe | Euro NCAP will introduce new testing rules in 2026 requiring physical controls for the highest safety score 1 day ago:
New models have LED headlights and they’re awful. They’re angled down, but any sort of hilly back road means you’re blinding anyone in front of you anyway. Halogen are much better because it’s a softer glow instead of a laser beam.
- Comment on YSK: Gas stoves cause cancer 1 day ago:
Magic eraser might be worth a shot. Melamine foam is the generic name for it and you can get a ton of it cheap. It destroys stains easily. Even if it doesn’t handle the burner stains I highly recommend it for cleaning around the house anyway.
- Comment on Russia says talks on annexed Ukrainian land 'non-negotiable' 3 days ago:
Sounds like Russia doesn’t want kursk back.
- Comment on Controversial Influencer Andrew Tate Reportedly Leaves Romania. 3 days ago:
His brother is someone else.
- Comment on Henry Symeonis 5 days ago:
This is the way. I almost made a guy puke in his own car. He still talks about it years later.
- Comment on We already knew that 5 days ago:
The disagreement is about who else sucks.
- Comment on Stop touching your stuff! 5 days ago:
Watch me climb the dick ladder mouth first.
- Comment on I understand what sea turtles go through now 5 days ago:
That’s what my girlfriend says when she pulls out the strap.
(Cause I’m choking on plastic)
- Comment on NCAAP Gives Kamala an Award—No One Knows Why | Headline USA 5 days ago:
Oil infrastructure keeps exploding in Russia. Amoxtli has no idea why.
- Comment on I thought he died before they invented baseball 1 week ago:
They could make Jesus blonde as well.
- Comment on Amazon boss Jeff Bezos could face prison over knife sales to children 1 week ago:
long jagged grooved blade that serves no apparent purpose
but gleeful, sadistic murdersitting on a shelf and looking coolMall ninja shit, my friend.
- Comment on JD Vance to Young Men: Don't Let Them Turn You Into 'Androgynous Idiots' 1 week ago:
And lifts. Actually, those look kind of weird. The eyeliner is on point though.
- Comment on Palps 1 week ago:
- Comment on Please donate 1 week ago:
Find me any library that has full sets of manga and you will have found a modern library of Alexandria.
- Comment on Classic Osaka 1 week ago:
- Comment on Honda-Nissan merger collapses as talks fail 2 weeks ago:
Thank fuck. Keep your Nissan away from my Honda.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
I’d vote grad as worst, but it’s certainly close.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 2 weeks ago:
Tap water is already safe in my country so you can just pay $0.50 to access toilets
I now realize what you mean, but I just woke up and for a good 3 seconds or so imagined you slurping toilet water.
- Comment on Meet Eva, the AI chatbot based on a woman in prison 3 weeks ago:
This is what the hell we need. I’m sure someone could use an LLM to make natural language processing easy. Until then, I’ll keep listening to music whenever I tell Google to turn the lights on.
- Comment on Once you roll down the stairs, you're all set 3 weeks ago:
No, because “mobility handicaps in general” includes wheelchairs, and I think we can all agree wheelchair users may have some difficulty accessing them.
- Comment on Do you like the smell of bookstores? 3 weeks ago:
There’s a scent oil called “library” and it’s pretty spot on. If you have a candle nerd in your life, you could ask them to make it for you.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
AITA for using chatGPT to farm karma on a dying website?
- Comment on Goldman Sachs Starts Process of Replacing Bankers With AI 5 weeks ago:
I can’t wait to see someone trick it into thinking they’re supposed to receive a transfer of millions.
- Comment on Hmmm 5 weeks ago:
Box is open and the lap. I would guess dick in a box, if that person has one.
- Comment on Starfield's abandoned gore and dismemberment system sure would have made it less grey 1 month ago:
That was THE WORST. I spent so much time farming materials, realized I needed skills to upgrade weapons and gear, spent time grinding levels, unlocking upgrades, upgrading guns, building farms on planets… Only to realize I’d lose it all if I did ng+. So my choices were to waste time during every run to farm again to upgrade my weapons again, just speedrun the powers with whatever shit I found on the ground and make no bases, or shut the game off and play a better one.
It could’ve been good. Running through the polite qualification again after hacking the program was cool. Knowing the story beats and being able to skip was kinda cool.
Space was shit and travel was a load screen. Powers were not nearly as exciting as they should have been. Bases were pointless. Ship building was needlessly locked behind levels and not worth because again, space was nothing. Just get the freestar shop and yer done.
- Comment on Let's all make fun of this stupid astrapotherium. 1 month ago:
That’s the love child of a hippo and an elephant. No way in hell am I talking shit on this apex predator.
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
Fuck off, venture capitalist!
I have no idea. Women churned them out in ye olden days, so probably a lot.
- Comment on Teen says she was forced to fly around the world with a stranger's toddler on her lap 1 month ago:
This is not the first time an Australian woman has bemoaned her treatment under popular Middle Eastern airlines.
Wow, women mistreated in the middle east? No way. Are you sure?
- Comment on I think we might be leaving the "boring" part of this dystopia 1 month ago:
They aren’t keeping brain dead women as incubators for free.
- Comment on Putin vows 'destruction' on Ukraine after Kazan drone attack 2 months ago:
I thought he was denazifying Ukraine, not destroying it? C’mon vladdy at least pretend to keep up appearances you stupid fuck.