- Comment on Not real... *for now* 8 hours ago:
It’s what happens when you scorch glass without shattering it
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Not directly, but plenty of models are basically trying to get work from rich coomers and what not. On the more extreme levels it gets pretty fucking horrific, if ya want to know how bad it can get look up Instagram models who whore travel to the UAE or Dubai. Mind you you’ll probably want to turn Arabia into glass.
- Comment on Amazon is changing what is written in books 1 week ago:
Well that and the fact that some of us define better in such ways that others think may be worse. For example there was a trend some years back where Instagram models were damaging Joshua trees, I am of the complete and unshakable opinion that their blood shouldve water a new Joshua tree and their corpse reduced to mulch for said tree. I aint got nothing against whoring oneself out after all money is money but hurting the Joshua trees is a worthy of death.
- Comment on Facepalm on multiple levels 1 week ago:
I know enough old English and some old Norse, I think I could get a Danish bureaucrat to want to kill themselves. I also approve.
- Comment on Is Tesla’s sales slump down to Elon Musk? 2 weeks ago:
I didnt notice it till your comment but Musks spiral of stupidity lines up with him losing positive social influence. Motherfucker has nothing to fill the void so he is instead chasing higher and higher positions to try to scratch that itch, it matches up pretty well when you use his early publicity stunts as the start, the purchase of Twitter as a midpoint, and now as the current high and your probably right he cant get too much more influence meaning he is probably not far from trying to shoot someone. Lets hope he goes for Trump as a target cause at least then nobody of worth will get hurt.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
If it was part of a trend of Redneck shit mobiles itd be respectable but stupid, the fact that they are built out of a factory and not Bubba’d out of scrap metal and random parts in a garage makes them thoroughly stupid and infinitely trashy.
- Comment on Polyglot de naissance 3 weeks ago:
Yes but in a bit of an odd way as I ubderstand it, not quite a cousin of English not quite a dialect but its given the classification of an independent language since most folks cant understand it fully. Frankly if Scots is its own language then about a dozen other dialects and accents need to be reclassified as well starting with West Country.
- Comment on Polyglot de naissance 3 weeks ago:
Yeah a better one for the list would be Scots, or maybe Caijun English dialect.
- Comment on Fucking pigeons 1 month ago:
Ever seen a Dodo bird? Imagine that but smaller and more fucked up. The reason for this is because the Dodo bird was a type of pigeon that had developed neotenic traits which combined with island gigantism resulted in the ever beloved but extict island bird we know and nourn today.
Also neoteny is the retention of juvenile traits into adulthood.
- Comment on Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior' 1 month ago:
Lawnmowers have the bitchiest machine spirits.
- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
The Norwegians are a plague apon society.
- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
Hey now dont insult Taco Bell they are entirely doing their own thing and gave up on pretending to be Mexican food awhile back. Also Baja Blast and Nacho fries slap.
- Comment on My favorite 1 month ago:
Great now I can hear Company Man talking about the decline of Olive Garden and casual dining as a whole.
Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head Get out of my head
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
- Comment on turned them into their final form! 3 months ago:
Ive had burgerdogs before, taste pretty good.
- Comment on Frog's Gift 3 months ago:
I feel like the soul exception is sovereign citizens, which gets dumber the more I learn about them.
- Comment on It's fire... Maybe concerning but fire still 3 months ago:
Korpiklaani and Turisas are pretty good starts if ya like metal.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Yeah if RFK jr wasnt such a shitheel id feel bad for him, but he is infact a shitheel so I have only one want for him, suffering and pain.
- Comment on America's Next Health Secretary Enjoying A Meal With His Future Boss and Colleagues 3 months ago:
Burger king maybe?
- Comment on idk french but this escalated quick 3 months ago:
Its actually the Germans dressed as the English, retribution for France planning on nuking them if the cold war got hot. Also it wa as all of Germany not just the Eastern half.
- Comment on Terrified friends burn to death trapped in Tesla as doors won't open after crash 3 months ago:
As a 25 year old Gen Z I love my manual window rollers on my 1991 Jeep Cherokee.
- Comment on Come to the Deep Sea!! 3 months ago:
Those are his friends, Jeph and Kile.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
You can install mods directly into the OG game directory, why OpenMW doesnt tell you that I dont know. Only problem is that ya need to do trouble shooting the old fashioned way.
- Comment on I want to feel like a bad-ass wizard 3 months ago:
If you are cool with CRPGs may I suggest Arcanum? Probably has one of the most weirdly in depth magics systems.
- Comment on lab toys 3 months ago:
Are you in Trazyn the Infinites museum by chance, specifically as an exhibit.
- Comment on M4 Mac Mini Power Button Has New Bottom Location 3 months ago:
I just stuck a Belgium post WW2 MP helmet on mine, pretty effective at keeping my power button safe. Just like how judging frok the dent it kept some Belgian from getting their head caved in by a beer bottle.
- Comment on The EchoChamberinator 9000! 3 months ago:
You can buy little FM transmitters for car use, and plenty of concerts use FM based speakers and a local FM transmitter. Its perfectly legal just would be real fucken annoying to jam on my side of things.
- Comment on The EchoChamberinator 9000! 3 months ago:
I wish there was an easy way to do this for radio, best I can think of getting some AM transmitters and overriding the stations. But that would be annoying and the AM ones are hard to find.
Seriously AM talk radio is fucken cancer and needs to be fucking nuked from orbit. Its where my grandmother gets her stupidest ideas from and then I have to explain that no I am not doing that stupidly complex thing so you can have a 5 percent better car antenna.
- Comment on I hate that that happens 3 months ago:
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!
- Comment on Balls 3 months ago:
I threw a brick through my window, what now. Theres glass everywhere.