- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 2 days ago:
Hah I’ve thought of this maybe I can look into it, I’m an amateur Arduino enthusiast but it might even be more simple than that.
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 2 days ago:
The same crossed my mind but that would be hell for everyone around you on a sunny day. Sometimes even just a car with a lot of chrome is annoying 😔
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
I recently had a high beam tailgating me. I moved my side and rearview mirrors to reflect it back and he passed me on a double yellow line with him in front of me I just turned on my own high beams. He turned off soon after but I hope it made his day a little more frustrating ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on FuckYourHeadlights - A community for people to organise and vent about ridiculously bright lights 3 days ago:
Dude YES. 20 years ago driving in the country you see some high beams in the distance and people would go back to low beams as they get around a corner or crest a hill when they see other cars.
My commute is through a lot of schools and parks and pedestrian crossings and it’s somewhat poorly lit, so everyone has high beams on regardless of traffic but as a result I can’t see shit. If there’s oncoming cars stopped and a pedestrian tries to squeak through I literally wouldn’t be able to tell.
It’s gotten so bad, either people have their brights on all the time or they’re not adjusted properly. In either case headlights DONT HAVE TO BE SO BRIGHT.
- Comment on Another relapse... (again) 1 week ago:
I have to buy the little gas station packs because I will eat a whole fucking box of Oreos if they’re around.
Double stuff golden 😁
- Comment on This book is huuuuuge! 4 weeks ago:
Is communism the answer
- Comment on Day 169 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots 2 months ago:
One of my all time favorites. There’s something special about the N64, these games were magical as a kid and a lot of them still hold up today.
I used to play through Ocarina almost every year but it’s been about a decade and I started a playthrough last week. People have made some incredible progress on updating textures and such to make the game look more modern 👌
- Comment on YSK: The US is currently giving away free COVID tests to all Americans 2 months ago:
Thanks I always forget about these!
- Comment on Do people still call each other at midnight on NYE? 2 months ago:
I used to work next to a huge arena. Every time there was a sold-out show, the cell service would be rough the whole time from people sending videos and such. When the shows let out it would be a complete meltdown while people tried to get Ubers.
- Comment on DIY beauty 3 months ago:
What the fuck, man.
- Comment on Wink wink 4 months ago:
Ya, family holidays are stressful. If you smoke weed and know a relative smokes weed, it’s tradition to “go for a walk” or have a “safety meeting” or “take out the trash” to break away from the main group and get some fresh air.
In my family it’s my brother and his wife. Usually right after dinner.
- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
If I were applying I might do a cover letter for like my top 2-3 picks just to try and tip the scales.
I do the hiring for my department and most cover letters are AI/template garbage but sometimes I’ll get a short and sweet one that seems genuine and it gives a legitimate edge.
- Comment on "English" 5 months ago:
It’s all a bit shit tbh mate
- Comment on DarkPattern.games - a website that rates mobile games for their "dark patterns" 5 months ago:
That’s sad to hear. It’s been a long time since I’ve played any sports games and I had a hankering recently but everything has shit reviews and I keep coming across stories like yours.
Remember a game would come out with everything you need to enjoy the game? ¯_(ツ)_/¯
- Comment on Despite tech-savvy reputation, Gen Z falls behind in keyboard typing skills 5 months ago:
T9 was supreme.
- Comment on Hero shooter Concord taken offline as Sony say its "initial launch didn't land the way we'd intended" 5 months ago:
Bad timing with Deadlock, which I feel is also taking a lot of thunder from smite 2.
- Comment on Perspective 6 months ago:
Or a UPC into scientific notation…
I’ve been doing heavy Excel/data work for years and never have I ever wanted or needed anything in scientific notation.
- Comment on TitanFall 2 at 3$ 6 months ago:
Agreed it’s easily one of my favorite single player campaigns.
- Comment on I tried to make a phone case. 7 months ago:
It has character 😉
- Comment on Reject reality 7 months ago:
All the tacos you could have picked, strumming softly to sheet music 🎶
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Myth busters had to be the worst offender in that realm. “here a 2 minute recap of that things you just saw 5 minutes ago.”
- Comment on Everything old is new again. 8 months ago:
In Chicago all the big taxi companies have apps
- Comment on It's too hot to hang out in a parking lot all day 8 months ago:
Those bad boys are concrete lol.
- Comment on We're all a little crazy 10 months ago:
Fear is the mind killer.
- Comment on Megafauna 10 months ago:
Yeah whatever surface it’s on, it’s slightly elevated. It’s a big bird but there’s some optical illusion going on.
- Comment on Species dimorphism 10 months ago:
She’s rocking it.
I’m a tall guy and when I was single I would joke about that with tall ladies and say if we went out you could wear whatever heels you want. It’s cheesy but 3 for 3.
- Comment on Meta spent $4.3 billion on its VR division in three months, and made *checks figures* $440 million in return 10 months ago:
Think about it liner term… All the people struggling at the bottom now have secure housing. More money is free for nutrition, hygiene, they can get better jobs or afford schooling… Trades or higher education. More people have a chance to escape poverty and contribute production, get more money to spend, more money gets out into local economies. So and so forth. It’s a good idea.
- Comment on Steam FPS Fest 2024 is live with tons of great discounts 10 months ago:
Gunfire Reborn has been really fun, it’s on sale now for $14.99
- Comment on But how would they be able to live on that? 10 months ago:
Billionaires: ok no more minimum wage then. /s kinda
- Comment on He's got a point 10 months ago:
I’m not a programmer by trade but I learned some python and VBA to automate some of the things I do every day. Any time you’re doing some manual shit and think “there’s gotta be a better way” there probably is - just Google how to do that one thing and you’ll build up your knowledge over time.
It’s up to you to decide if you tell your boss or not. I chose to and took on some extra duties along with extra pay so it worked out for me but it’s a small business with a high value on productivity.