- Comment on The UK will neither confirm nor deny that it’s killing encryption 51 minutes ago:
Time to do steganography to talk to my friends I guess
- Comment on The UK will neither confirm nor deny that it’s killing encryption 58 minutes ago:
The EU is trying to do this at an EU level (and has been for years). As well as an individual country level, Sweden seems likely to pass a similar law in 2026.
- Comment on The UK will neither confirm nor deny that it’s killing encryption 1 hour ago:
Yep lol
- Submitted 2 hours ago to | 12 comments
- Comment on The Giant Asterisk on Election Betting 3 months ago:
What? I didn’t get a paywall so I assumed there wasn’t one sorry
- Submitted 3 months ago to | 3 comments
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
Why do you keep lying about this?
I’m not, you are the one lying about what I said.
He repeatedly defended raping children.
Yep, and that was very bad, and I never denied that. I denied that he said it was good.
He thinks raping children should be legal.
He thinks anybody against raping children is bigoted.
He thinks raping children is good.
He never said that
Stop equating drinking alcohol to raping a child.
I didn’t.
I’m being toxic?
You’re intentionally lying about what I said as an excuse to insult me rather than actually respond to what I said.
Mate you’re being an apologist for genocide and child rape
No I’m not
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
It’s just an endless circle of you defending Russian genocide and defending child rape with you, isn’t it?
I did neither of those things. You are openly ignoring what I said.
RMS is an advocate of child rape.
RMS did not do that.
Genocide is bad. Child rape is bad.
I agree.
I’m sorry to say though I am reporting you for trolling because you repeatedly accusing me of saying stuff I never said, refuse to acknowledge anything I say- then continue to lie about me without providing any evidence for your lies.
- Comment on More than a quarter of new code at Google is generated by AI. 3 months ago:
That said all they need to do is mandate use of AI during development
Wtf does that mean? Like what if you know exactly what you want to do? Do you have to ask GPT to review your code?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
He says people are bigoted if they’re against people fucking children. That’s him saying having sex with children is a good thing.
Here’s an analogy there is no way you can lie about(though you’ll probably find a way): Saying someone is bigoted if they make fun of arachnophobia is not the same thing as saying arachnophobia is good. And I’m not equating arachnophobia to pedos. Opposing opposition to X is not the same thing as supporting X, its possible to be neutral on X. I’m not neutral on pedos, I think pedos are bad and gross. I think it is wrong to be neutral on pedos, but it is factually inaccurate to say that being “neutral on X” == “X is a good thing”.
Agreed. However if you said “I think it’s unfortunate alcohol is banned. If you are against consuming alcohol then you are a bigot.” Then that instead points to you believing alcohol is good.
Thank you!!! This makes me so happy genuinely!!! You responded to what I actually said!! So you did get it! So why do you keep lying about it?
Anyways, my excitement aside, you’re fine to think that. But I do disagree that that’s the analogy of what you’re saying Stallman said, instead it would be closer to "I think it’s unfortunate alcohol is banned. If you are against letting people consuming alcohol then you are a bigot.”
Which is not necessarily pro-alchohol. Another example, imagine a government that banned a religion, say Buddhism, you could say "I think it’s unfortunate Buddhism is banned. If you are against letting people practice Buddhism then you are a bigot.”- that statement is not necessarily pro-Buddhist, its just anti-prohibition of Buddhism.
Yes it is.
Awww my excitement is gone
No it fucking isn’t. Having mild autism is not an explanation for thinking pinning down a four year old and giving them some dick is a good thing.
It literally is an explanation. You’re free to think the explanation is wrong and bad, but its still an explanation.
Not because of autism. Autism doesn’t make you like that at all.
I didn’t say it was because of autism. I said its because he failed to empathize with victims, yk a symptom of “autism”.
Yep, I’ve already covered this. He did a complete 180 2 days after it became apparent his job was on the line. It wasn’t genuine remorse, it was a last-ditch effort to save his own skin.
He’s still fired from MIT so why doesn’t he backtrack if he still believes it?
Being autistic doesn’t cause you to believe raping kids is a good thing. Stop pretending it does.
Never said it does, stop lying about me.
Yes you did.
Having a glass of wine is not like fucking a four year old. Stop.
My pain is immeasurable. Please quote where I said those exact words.
Yes he did. And his opinion has not changed.
Why’d he stop saying it then?
I hope you’re trolling, because if not you’re a fucking psychopath who denies genocide and thinks keeping a toddler as a sex slave is morally equivelant to having a Heineken, and that both should be equally legal.
Genuinely why are you still responding if you honestly believe that’s what I said? Just to insult me?
Please for the love of god be a troll.
I don’t hide behind a pseudonym to be toxic to people on the internet.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
Yes you did.
Quote it then, stop with the gaslighting, give the quote.
Do you think Russia cares about that? They’re happily conscripting young men into war. If they tell a maintainer to introduce a vulnerability otherwise their family will be killed, do you really think they’ll say “No. My name will then be tarnished in the Linux circle! I’d rather let myself and my family die than let that happen!”
I think that that is not an effective long term tactic. XZ relied on kilobytes of binary files to be blindly called, that sort of thing doesn’t happen in the Linux kernel. Its also not a good idea to use a real Russians working for real defense contractors if you don’t want to raise suspicion.
How convenient 🇷🇺.
Regardless, that is the definition.
That is a definition.
Go look it up yourself, sealion. It won’t take you long.
I have that’s why I asked, I’ve seem him say that Russians and Ukrainians are one people, but not that there is no such thing as Ukrainian culture. Another question though, why are you even still responding if you’re just going to insult me? No one is going to read this far into an old thread to see you “humiliate me” and you’re not going to change my mind through insults. Is is just a convenient punching bag?
I didn’t say it alone did. I said it as part of a bunch of other things.
And I responded to those other things. You seem to be ignoring half of what I say.
Of fuck off you genocide denialist.
I’m not, and I’m not even say what’s happening in Ukraine definitely isn’t a genocide. Just with the information I have it doesn’t look like it. I was hoping you might have more information on the topic, and you somewhat did, I didn’t know about the child abduction thing.
Forcible mass abduction of children with the specific intent of destroying Ukrainian culture is not the same as a family adopting a child who happened to have been born in another country.
I agree, that’s why I said what I said. You know the next sentence where I specifically said they’re not the same thing.
What the fuck is that equivalence? This is like your “child rape and drinking alcohol are both bad, but I don’t think the state should have the right to ban them” bullshit all over again.
Where did I say child rape shouldn’t be banned? You should work for TMZ or something, because it seems like you’re great at picking out tiny snippets of sentences and ignoring the full context. I never once equated child rape and drinking alchohol. Or that child abduction is the same as adoption- seeing as I literally said that child abduction and adoption are the same thing, and this seems like its mostly child abduction.
I see the blatant attempt at destroying all Ukrainian culture (i.e. committing genocide) means nothing to you.
Signs are not valuable, if the Nazis invaded Poland then decided they were just going to change the signs then I don’t think they would be quite as remembered. The Nazis I’m certain did change the signs- but that is pretty insignificant thing to care about to be honest. The child abduction is far more important to focus on than signs.w
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
He literally says it’s bad that child rape is illegal, then goes on about how if you’re against it you’re a bigot. In what world is that not him saying it’s good?
Because they’re different things? Again this is why I said the analogy. Saying prohibition of alcohol is bad is different from saying alcohol is good. That’s not equating alcohol and pedos, its an analogy on how saying something is good is different from saying it shouldn’t be illegal.
Saying you believe his is autistic is a disgusting defence. Being autistic doesn’t excuse believing it’s a good thing to have sex with children.
Its an explanation of why I think he might have had an opinion I think is disgusting. The defense is that he admitted he was wrong and apologized. Having a wrong belief isn’t a crime, he didn’t rape any kids, so he doesn’t have anything to be “punished” for. And being wrong in the past about ethics is completely different from beliefs on free software- and you know that. You’re just using it as an ad hominem.
Autistic people don’t believe that.
What? There are plenty of autistic people that have a wide variety of beliefs
Yes you did equate them.
Having a glass of wine and pinning down your toddler and fucking him are NOT the same. Jesus Christ.
No I didn’t, stop lying about me. Analogy is not equating, I have no clue why this has to be explained.
And Stallman doesn’t think the same. He thinks it’s good.
He did not say its good, and he does now think the same as he said.
And yeah. You think it’s as bad as sipping a pint of ale…
I am tempted to think you’re trolling seeing as you’re ignoring what I actually wrote and instead just going for cheap attacks. Please stop engaging in bad faith.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
I mean, I’d love to see if there’s any evidence to the contrary xd
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
First of all, none of those things are saying its good.
Ask yourself this:
A man has been publicly championing raping children for decades. Publicly. He firmly believes he should have the right to fuck children.
I think you need to be more realistic about who he and others are and try to understand why they have the beliefs they do, a lot of them are differences in personal and social awareness/ability. An analogy(I know you struggle with these, sorry its just the way I communicate and explain my thoughts), but would you look at someone with dyslexia and use them struggling with reading as an excuse to completely invalidated their opinions and views on everything else?
Stallman has deeply ideological beliefs, one of them being radical freedom of choice. He looked at pedophilia through that, because that’s what his conception of the world(and therefore ability to perceive it) allows. To be totally blunt I think its an “autistic” struggling with understanding the feelings of others(that many on here and Reddit also have) that lead to him focusing on his ideological perspective. I think he “put himself in the shoes” of kids, and thought, “I want to be able to engage in consensual relationships” he didn’t consider that not everyone is him, or how he would feel in circumstances different from ones he’s experienced. This combined with his ideological conviction made him fail to understand how kids lack an ability to consent.
If he really apologized to keep his job, I don’t know. But he has and continues to say deeply controversial things that cost him opportunities. He also still leads Gnu and FSF. I think its possible he just was upset about the situation, talked to someone he trusts about why people are responding this way, and they explained it in a way he could understand and he changed his mind.
How you just equated raping a child and drinking a glass of wine is beyond me. Wow.
I did not equate them. But also don’t underestimate the damage alcohol has had on the world. Child rape is bad, I have never denied that.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
You’re getting little in the way of benefit of the doubt because you’re repeatedly trying to make Russia look good and misleading about this.
Never did either of those things.
It’s also somewhat hard to take you seriously when in another comment you equated drinking alcohol with child rape.
Why are you lying? I did not equate them, and you know that. I analogized. If I say a sad movie “hit me like a truck” does that mean I’m equating it, or even saying its close? No, its an analogy.
11 maintainers from sanctioned Russian companies were removed from their position where they could submit patches without any approval required.
My understanding is this is not true. My understanding is they are pushed to
where people test and review them, and are eventually merged into the main branch after Linus reviews them, though I agree those patches are probably not reviewed as thoroughly, but there is still an approval process. My understanding is no one other than Linus can push directly tomain
.Russia could easily utilise these people to introduce insecurities. We do not need another xz utils disaster.
Linux is not xz, each change has weeks before introduction and is much more looked at. Furthermore, the core thing, Jia Tan wasn’t a real person- these maintainers are real people. If you’re going to do a backdoor there still could be pseudonymous maintainers and contributors, those that show their face are more trust worthy. They’re at least risking losing their real names reputation.
Stop trying to minimise what they’re doing.
I’m not, stop insulting me. Nothing I said minimized it in any way.
Genocide: “acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group”
I think this definition is not specific enough. I would not consider ‘cultural genocide’ genocide. Genocide is the systematic slaughter of nearly everyone of a specific group with the intent to kill nearly everyone in that group. It is not the banning of a religion to destroy that religion or as China and some other countries have tried to do- encouraging or forcing reproduction with a certain ethnic group to ‘dilute the blood’. It is also not banning or repressing a language. That doesn’t mean those things aren’t ‘cultural genocide’, just that ‘cultural genocide’ and genocide are different things. To be honest, I’m not sure how to classify forced sterilization.
Putin has been leveling entire cities.
This itself doesn’t mean its a genocide, war crime and massacre yes of course.
He said Ukraine isn’t a real country with a real culture.
Yes to the first, the second though do you have a source for? (Though I would support that if he applied the same to Russian ‘culture’ but I don’t think he does sadly)
He has been abducting children and bringing them into Russia so they grow up as Russians.
Systemic cultural repression is bad, taking orphaned kids from their close family is bad. Adopting orphaned children itself is not itself bad, just like an American adopting a baby born in China isn’t cultural repression for them to be assimilated into American ‘culture’. I don’t know how much of it is former, and how much is the latter, but it seems like it leans towards the former rather than the latter- but there are also cases where its the latter.
He has been altering signs, maps, etc to erase Ukrainian names.
The reason I am hesitant to agree with the claim of genocide is that there are still plenty of ethnic Ukrainians living in Russian occupied territories, and they are being oppressed(even more so than others in Russian territory) but they still exist. One example, my grandma was born in Nazi occupied Czech Republic, called then on her birth certificate the “Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia”. Czechoslovak resistance assassinated the Nazi governor of the protectorate, an in revenge that Nazis killed all the adults in the town of Ležáky and in Lidice all the men and many women and children were slaughtered. This was a horrific atrocity, but I do not believe it was a genocide of Czechs because for the most part ethnic Czechs were able to live, oppressed, but still allowed to live. It would be fair to say it was a genocide of the people of Ležáky but I don’t think that counts as a “national, ethnical, racial or religious group”
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
Nobody got banned
Yep I knew that, no clue why I wrote that, sometimes I should probably proofread.
They were removed from their positions as maintainers, because they work for a sanctioned company.
But again, employees of non-Russian sanctioned companies were not removed.
Please stop being purposely misleading.
I am not, it was genuine slip of the finger? Idk, but if you check my profile there are plenty of examples where I omitted or said the wrong word, I really should proof read more rather- though that would ruin the fun. Stop assuming malice when someone has a different opinion from you and makes a mistake.
They just can’t submit patches with no oversight
There is still oversight, plenty of people read every merged commit.
because they are close to the Russian government
I’ve never seen anything to support this.
has invaded their neighbour and is currently committing genocide.
Invaded yes, genocide I have no clue what really is happening in Ukraine, but I would say it doesn’t look like a genocide. War is bad, killing is bad, but genocide is a specific thing, and this feels a lot like just adding a word to make it sound more bad. The invasion is bad enough.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
None of those say it is good. I disagree with him, he also disagrees with him and apologized for saying that. But that is very different from saying its good. I don’t think alcohol is good, I also don’t think it should be illegal.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
Do you have a source for that?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
People were saying it in the comments before the recent press release even came out. Do you think they knew it by magic?
They saw people were banned to comply with the law and it was a list of just Russians. Huawei is a sanctioned company and none of their employees were banned.
Good thing Linus was never talking about Russian people in general then, isn’t it?
But he was talking about the specific people implying that they were supporting the Russian aggression, which to my knowledge they weren’t. The removal also said it can be reversed with “sufficient documentation” without any clarification on what that is. There were and are many opportunities to say “these people were removed because they worked for sanctioned companies” but that was not said.
And btw, for being Polish it seems weird that you constantly post in US politics communities and never in any polish ones.
To my knowledge there are no Polish communities on here. I do comment and post on r/Poland on Reddit.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
He never said that. I agree he was more skeptical than I’d like, but he eventually was informed and apologized.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
If the cruelty had stopped, I would agree revenge is inappropriate.
Has the cruelty done by the US, France, Palestine(under Hamas), and Israel stopped?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
Oh, yep I didn’t see that. Though definitely more eyes are on Linux than were on xz
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 3 months ago:
It was known beforehand.
I live in Poland…
Also, disliking the Russian state is different from disliking Russian people
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
And you know this because it has been made clear throughout this thread,
As I said, everyone is basing this on one post on Mastadon, I have no clue where that person got that information, if he is trustworthy, if he speaks for the LF/Kernel team, or what.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Russians are not the Russian state, I’m well aware of what Russian(and don’t forget other Eastern Bloc militaries did at the time). My relatives were arrested for protesting in the Prague Spring. Actually, one of those relatives runs an organization for political prisoners. This kind of reciprocal cruelty will just make it more common. Just look at the Yugoslav wars, or the eastern front in WW2 if you don’t believe me. Or every war that’s happened in the middle east or south east asia for the past 50 years. Actually a lot of soviet oppression of the western republics (Ukraine, Causes, etc) was justified based on the cruelties nationalists did from those countries while fighting on the side of the Germans in WW2. This nationalist/xenophobic “revenge” on civilians is evil. (And rests on the same premise as was used to justify 9/11, collective guilt)
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Yes, something that wasn’t published to my knowledge until after a xenophobic rant
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
What did I miss?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Nothing was or to my knowledge has yet been indicated that it is only sanctioned companies, or if it is to comply with the sanctioning of all of Russia, other than one post on Mastadon
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Don’t know, but if they want to avoid that backlash there’s literally 1 person they can remove to fix it.
Good idea, I expect you hold the same standard for all Americans, French, Israelis, Chinese, and Palestinians too
Or let me guess, Germans in 1945 didn’t deserve the cruelty they got from the red army either?
You’re right, they didn’t. Shockingly, being cruel to civilians and conscripts isn’t cool. If “lashing out against oppressors” is okay then I’m sure you supported what happened in Rwanda? What about the Khmer Rouge killing foreigners?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
I heard Russia is full of Nazis, and if that level of hearsay is fine for staging a multi year invasion and destroying a thousand years of history it’s just FINE for segregating bad-actors and persona non grata.
Linux maintainers aren’t invading Ukraine