- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
Do you prefer this:
- Comment on What will happen to large companies once poor people have no more money to use? 10 months ago:
You’ll owe your soul to the company store
- Comment on One afternoon, summer of 2003, this move landed me Aeroblast. 10 months ago:
Ahh metronome
1% of the time it OHKOs 30% of the time
- Comment on So sad 11 months ago:
Lol the observer looks to be just barely able to hold back puking the whole time
- Comment on The United States of America, but for Trans People 11 months ago:
Do you know how easy it is making boiled peanuts?
Its literally just peanuts boiled in salty water forever
Super easy in a slowcooker or even a regular pot
You can have them whenever and wherever you want
- Comment on The real personality test 11 months ago:
Man fuck CVS. I once sat on hold on the phone for an hour and a half with a local CVS pharmacy.
That was more than enough time to take a shower, get dressed, drive my angry ass up to the Pharmacy, and have it out in person with the people there doing … nothing.
I sat in line while still on hold. I got my prescription refilled while still on hold. None of them ever picked up the phone.
I held my phone up while still on hold (with their phones ringing nonstop) to show the pharmacy employee I had been waiting for an hour and a half and had to drive up to the pharmacy to resolve the problem in person when it should have taken no more than 5 minutes over the phone.
So that was the last time ill ever go to CVS. Fuck them.
- Comment on Take-Two Buys Gearbox From Embracer, Confirms Development on New Borderlands Game 11 months ago:
They can keep lillith too
- Comment on Canadians Are Buying $12,000 Yurts To Avoid Ridiculous Rental Prices 11 months ago:
The curse is you keep aging
- Comment on geography 11 months ago:
Someone really took time out of their finite lifespan
To replace a cats head with a cats asshole and genitals
- Comment on bogs 11 months ago:
They end up resting on bumpy logs if my memory serves me
- Comment on After 114 days of change, Broadcom CEO acknowledges VMware-related “unease” 11 months ago:
Hey hey my company is doing exactly this right now
- Comment on I'm deaf 11 months ago:
It sound like
- Comment on On social media we have these huge conversations where nobody involved has any actual experience. They're just repeating what other people said. Isn't that literally insane? 1 year ago:
So exactly how the world worked before the internet except instead of getting your misinformation from aunt Becky you get disinformation from xXxFrenchmansCumsockxXx a12 year old in a foreign country… or a bot
- Comment on OpenAI boss Sam Altman wants $7tn. For all our sakes, pray he doesn’t get it 1 year ago:
- Comment on If the food makes you sick, it's free 1 year ago:
How fast can you run
- Comment on Protesters Gather Outside OpenAI Headquarters after Policy Against Military Use is Quietly Removed 1 year ago:
You have the right to an attorney should you survive my onslaught
- Comment on Canada to ban the Flipper Zero to stop surge in car thefts 1 year ago:
No the world just ran out of coat hanger bones and is trying to hide it with plastic replacements
- Comment on Funimation is shutting down — and taking your digital library with it 1 year ago:
| || ||- |-
- Comment on YSK: Indeed and other job sites are saturated with scams 1 year ago:
Its what people used to do when they were done working at the end of their career to live out the end of their lives
It has been replaced by the 9,45, or heart attack retirement plans for the most part
- Comment on Japan is Japan 1 year ago:
Japan is number 1 surgeon in japan
- Comment on I'll just be a quick 3h 1 year ago:
Predefined queries more or less
- Comment on This tiny, little-known tree nut may hold a major key to protecting our planet's rainforests 1 year ago:
“Key to protecting our rainforests” this is not.
Key to replacing rainforests with a monoculter of this tree because Capitalism seems more likely
- Comment on Does this compiler exist? 1 year ago:
This is called linting
- Comment on Commercial Flights Are Experiencing 'Unthinkable' GPS Attacks and Nobody Knows What to Do 1 year ago:
Nah we just need a satellite mechanic astronaut
- Comment on What NAS to get for running plex and is there anything I should know? 1 year ago:
A nas may be overkill for what you want.
You may only need a modernish pc with lots and lots of storage so you can keep redundant copies of your library
Plex was super easy for me to set up on my old gaming pc that had multiple TB of storage.
So was jellyfin when i decided to swap.
If you only want to watch your library over your local network and dont care about remote access id reccomend going with jellyfin instead of plex because FOSS vs proprietary software. They both can be configured for remote access but it seemed easier to do in plex and also not something youd want to do depending on where/how you’ve acquired your digital library
- Comment on Nuclear power? That's just steam power with extra steps! 1 year ago:
Hollowed be thy pipes
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
Bruh Philadelphia burns down every time they win something big
Plenty of college footbal stadium goalposts are designed to be easily replaced because fans will storm the field and take them down/home with them after big wins
- Comment on Very few people realise how environmentally devastating this game is. 1 year ago:
Yeah i might enjoy soccer if plyers got to run around with roman candles firing them at each other
Goalies get three mortar shells per match
- Comment on Blueberry milkshakes 1 year ago:
Most aquariums have a horseshoe crab petting exhibit. Hands on.
If you are a fast enough runner i bet you could take a couple
- Comment on StarCraft could return, according to Blizzard president, but not necessarily as an RTS 1 year ago:
Mobile gacha / 10