The disposable black market & associated disproportionate rise in youth vaping in Australia results from the illegality of all vapes, not just disposables. It’s hard to imagine it becoming a burgeoning black market predicated solely on that vapers find the highly available, better value, relatively environmentally friendly option untenable. Overall a sensible move I think coming from a pro-vape perspective
Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June
Submitted 4 months ago by to
Comments 4 months ago 4 months ago
What was the rationale for banning all vapes in Australia? Seems excessive. Are cigarettes banned too? 4 months ago
To address youth vaping. The outcome of that has been that youth vaping is significantly higher than in other OECD member countries, and kids are now getting them from the ‘vape dealer’ whom may have other illicit drugs available. Cigarettes aren’t banned, only made unaffordable via progressive excise tax. That’s had its own unintended consequences of launching a new market for “chop chop” i.e. illegally grown unprocessed tobacco, as well as black market imports that sidestep the plain packaging laws, and tobacco gang wars in Sydney and Melbourne. 4 months ago
Tobacco companies weren’t making money off them, no juul equivalent here, nothing from Marlboro/Phillip Morris ECT. Big lobbies to push the government. A year past the ban on vapes and I can still find them everywhere… Except from the doctors and pharmacies that are meant to be selling legal replacements. 4 months ago
it’s insane they ever took hold. in the 20 fucking 20s. people look at my refillable mod like I’m holding a walkman 4 months ago
As someone who is using a nicotine vape to wean off of nicotine, I still don’t understand why people buy disposable ones.
It’s less cost-effective, less customizable, and more sketchy. 4 months ago
It’s easy.
It’s closer in spirit to buying a pack of smokes, it’s easy to just grab one on the way somewhere, less of an issue if you lose it or have to toss it(like at some concert venues), easier to give to your friends, and generally they are much smaller, so easier to conceal. 4 months ago
Personally I think they’re useful for one thing and one thing only, a gig/night out. When you don’t want to have some kind of battery pack to recharge your vape so you have a couple disposables in your pocket, and if you lose it, shrug, it cost a couple quid.
That said, I back this ban wholeheartedly 4 months ago
Agree, I make my own liquid/coils/wicks and it doesn’t come to more than 20 quid a month 4 months ago
Someone said it’s an easy thing to get and “flavourful”. There’s plenty of cheap expensive vapes… I’ve seen coworkers with £250 on the unit itself and they have to clean it and replace coils? I can understand someone wanting a care free alternative" that works".
Not for me, just answering your question based on what I was told. 4 months ago
In my experience most of the non-disposable options are either super bulky or just shitty build quality. Pods that leak, or burn out super quickly. Vapes that just stop working or break super quickly. Incredible inconsistency in where/what pods are available.
None of these are insurmountable problems, but as of right now most companies seem uninterested in making a better product. 4 months ago
Good. We had perfectly reasonable rebuildables for so long.
And then Juul made disposables popular and in came waves of China disposables. 4 months ago
Good start. Now expand to all current and future battery devices. Honestly, disposable battery devices are a bad, out of date idea. Doing nothing but long term harm to the environment.
But nothing will change until firms are forced to do so. It’s just time until the next huge disposable trend if it is not addressed now. 4 months ago
I saw a disposable vape with a screen and Bluetooth/mic built in. You could play games on it and take calls. That is a ridiculous amount of e-waste. 4 months ago
now where will bigclive get free discarded lithium cells? 4 months ago
Shouldve been banned three years ago, but those investors wouldn’t make buck. Now that they did we can care for the environment. 4 months ago
Based. 4 months ago
Yeah there’s only really benefits to this. 4 months ago
I, too, love the idea of kids getting sketchy ass vapes from weird ass dealers in alleyways. Nothing but benefits tbh 4 months ago
we need a clean, biodegradable version of vapes. maybe use some form of paper? and instead of juice just use the actual leaves from the tobacco plant 4 months ago
Would this create less waste than buying one vape and using it forever? 4 months ago
It would fuck up the environment with butts like it always has. Cigs are shit for the environment, birds eat them and die and they’re everywhere. Can’t wait for them to completely die out. 4 months ago
Why paper? Why not just use the leaves?
And instead of pasteurizing it and adding a bunch of chemicals, we just let it sit and develop on its own? Naturally fermented like everything else that tastes complex and amazing?
We just invented cigars. 4 months ago
And pipe tobacco! I have a collection of tobacco blends I’m aging.
Use my vape (with rechargeable batteries) for addiction maintenance.
Tobacco is too pleasurable a luxury to give up. Harm reduction is the way to go for me. 4 months ago
Good. The batteries alone being disposable is insane. ……/staffordshire-university-graduate-use… 4 months ago
not smoke/vape related… but I remember buying a couple of these one shot power banks. Disposable thing, it was in like a pouch rather than a case. I did some googling… it looked a lot like this:…/B0BGMK7NWV?th=1
link disclaimer, DO NOT buy this crap
but it was about 10 years ago, they were like a quid each and I think I saw a basket of them at a market stall or something and I got 2. Anyway, lived in my work rucksack for a very long time, never being needed. I lost one, and the otherone the pouch got a bit damaged, so I thought sod it, lets open it.
Couldn’t believe it, I was expecting a bunch of alkaline button batteries connected together through a little zener circuit, but no, it was a straight up lithium ion battery. 4 months ago
It should surprise me, but not as anymore. It must be economies of scale making lithium batteries the cheapest thing to do now. 4 months ago
Wow, I normally don’t think of England when it comes to countries who have their shit together! 4 months ago
Don’t get used to it. 4 months ago
One time I saw England return a library book on time. It made me so proud. 4 months ago
I think we just get by by knowing we’re better than Northern Ireland. 4 months ago
But not disposable lighters? 4 months ago
disposable vapes come with built in lithium batteries, while (most) disposable lighters don’t. so there is a very real difference between the two. but disposal lighters are also stupidly wasteful, so it would be nice to ban those as well. 4 months ago
Lighters last a super long time and they don’t contain batteries which is the real concern. 4 months ago
Lighters last a super long time
flashbacks to last 4th of July where we needed to get 4 different disposable lighters before one worked
Not that the actual lighters are any better, those try out on their own with no use. 4 months ago
I’ve never seen a “disposable” lighter that didn’t have a gas filling hole. 4 months ago
went to my junk drawer and got one, Doesn’t have anything on the bottom and top won’t come off without breaking 4 months ago
Aside from the myraid of good arguments about why this is a good thing to be happening.
Having, in a past attempt to quit smoking, used a few. The ones that they tried to make look like a cigarette.
Yeah they are really awful, utterly horrid. I’d rather suck turd out a camels arse. Turned out I’d also rather just stop entirely (sorry, I only lasted about 18 months. but I will mange it) 4 months ago
Hear that noise? That’s the sound of organized criminal smuggling gangs celebrating being given their new market. 4 months ago
Disposable vapes, not vapes in general
Banning disposable vapes are just a strictly positive thing 4 months ago
I really can’t see that happening when perfectly legal alternatives are like 20 quid. People aren’t exactly going out of the way to do things via the illegal method, just because 4 months ago
No I don’t hear a noise like that. 4 months ago
People should be boofing nicotine pouches like God intended anyhow. 4 months ago
Yeah, good luck with that. Nobody is regulating any of it so the rules might as well be advisory only.
Seemingly every dodgy corner shop sells high strength disposable vapes already, so I don’t know why they’d stop because of this… 4 months ago
In the same fashion that cigarettes are no longer on display in stores this will absolutely have an effect. The supply chain will eventually evaporate so once stores are out of stock it’ll no longer be common place. Sure, they could be imported but stores that don’t comply won’t be common and will stick out easily. 4 months ago
I don’t think cigarettes being out of view lead to their decrease, nor all the warnings or pictures of diseases. It’s more that they cost about £15 a pack. Honestly feels like weed has already overtaken cigarettes.
I know they mean well, and disposables are spectacularly wasteful, but I can also see the appeal of a cheap, no maintenance, no mess, no faff vape.
And from a purely selfish point of view, I’d rather smell Fruit Salad smelling vapes everywhere than cigarettes or more bloody weed. 4 months ago
Right and how are they going to get new stock exactly? When they ban something they ban the import of them as well not just the sale. 4 months ago
🙄 4 months ago
TBH I like an elfbar sometimes. But I know how unsustainable they are, buying one feels worse than buying cocaine or meat or insert whatever fun and ethically challenging item.
I’ve never managed to replicate the disposable taste with a reusable vape, and I’ve had experience with reusables. Anyone know if it’s doable? 4 months ago
Obviously prohibition doesn’t work, but banning disposables specifically should be mandated everywhere. It is insane that a product that contains rechargeable lithium batteries is not rechargeable, or if it is it must be thrown away after less than a month. 4 months ago
I think in this case prohibition should work fine…
The alternative is just… Get a non-disposable one and learn a bit of maintenance. Jesus. 4 months ago
Disposable vapes are easier to hide from parents since you can just throw them away, and also you don’t have to worry too much if your teacher confiscates them because they’re disposable.
With a non-disposable vape, suddenly things become a lot harder for vaping teenagers.
I’m not suggesting we let teenagers vape, I’m just saying there’s a reason teenagers like the disposable ones. 4 months ago
I use a disposable vape now and I was adamant about not using one because of the wastefulness, until they banned flavored vape liquid in my state.
It started to get really hard to buy coils for my vape, because it became unprofitable for these companies to operate here, and then even harder to find the liquid I enjoy.
Non-disposable ones tend to be bulky too. Not to mention the maintenance is a huge pain in the ass. The non-disposable vapes tend to leak. Doesn’t matter which one you use. If you don’t prime the coil correctly they burn out in a few puffs, and you just wasted 5+ bucks on the coil you’ve been searching for. Coils only tend to last a few days to a week as well. So you’re always on this search to find coils. Also reusable ones only last for a few months to maybe a year anyway (if you’re lucky), then you have to spend 100+ on a new one.
Sure you could get the little pod ones but now you’re being wasteful because you can’t reuse those either, and break twice as fast.
Now I can buy 2 disposables that last a month, don’t leak, don’t take a lot of real estate in my pocket, are significantly cheaper, is easier to find, and the flavor is always consistent.
I would’ve been fine with my reusable one until they banned the products that allowed me to use it.
So yeah prohibition doesn’t work. You ban this people will just go back to smoking. Which is just as wasteful and way more toxic. 4 months ago
Well it’ll work in this case because they’re not banging people from doing something they’re banning companies from doing something.
If a product is not available for sale then it’s difficult for people to purchase it 4 months ago
Not really, in places with decriminalized but not legal weed there’s still a lot of weed in all forms being distributed.
What will make this work is that they didn’t ban flavors or non disposable vape devices. 4 months ago
People throw them out of their car windows too. I see them on the ground all the time. Insanity. 4 months ago
Oh free lithium batteries. I’ve got a decent sized stash of cells salvaged from disposables. Some of their cases I want to use as project boxes for esp devices.
Will be sad once the supply dries up for us electronics folks.