- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 2 days ago:
I knew more guns was the solution!
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 4 days ago:
The arms dealers love this one funny trick.
- Comment on Don't ya know, guns can just ✨ magically appear✨ so any attempt to ban them is impossible. Dumb liberalssss tryna to take away my GOD GIVEN right to murder people!!11! 4 days ago:
The problem is we only have about two times the amount of guns compared to our population. We need to get up a ten to one ratio of guns to people to fix our problems.
Think of the shareholders! If we don’t keep buying new guns at a breakneck pace they won’t have infinite growth. We need to arm both sides in every conflict including our own. It is just what we do.
- Comment on Poll: More Americans View DOGE Favorably than Unfavorably 1 week ago:
Hey everyone, someone new to block!
- Comment on Im thinking we still have a deeper bottom 1 week ago:
The point of no return was when a bunch of wealthy slavers decided to create a country by and for themselves. Everything else is just projection and propaganda.
- Comment on The Tesseract Lemmy app shows a news source ranking from MBFC 2 weeks ago:
Wow, I decided I would give MBFC a shot. You are greeted with an ad-infested experience with a giant start bar reminiscent of a malware site. After building up enough courage to click it I discovered it not only wanted my email but also my credit card.
After having to fight to see the article I wanted rated I just don’t have the fortitude to the fight this horrible experience to probably be told that the following article is left center or left leaning bias.
While I will admit this was a not Fox News praising the Trump Admin, it has an extremely neutral tone and does nothing to pushback against the obviously clownish message that the Trump team provides.
For this reason it, is to me at least, right leaning. I guess I will never know what MBFC would rate it.
- Comment on Teenagers turning to AI companions are redefining love as easy, unconditional and always there. 2 weeks ago:
I can only imagine how insidious this is going to turn in the future. People will undoubtedly use this technology to violate humans in ways we have never even thought of.
Allowing a corporation to control the only thing that person feels love for is a recipe for disaster.
People need connections with other people. This is the antitheses to this need.
- Comment on Hate speech on X surged for at least 8 months after Elon Musk takeover – new research. 2 weeks ago:
I am sorry, but this is a really dumb take. For instance Elon Musk is just one guy but his tweets are boosted straight to the top. The amount of increase is secondary to the amount of exposure.
Maybe there are not a ton of hate mongers out their after all, but if the algorithm pushes them to the top it does not matter. The devil is always in the details.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 3 weeks ago:
Americans when taxes are used to help the wrong people.
- Comment on no words, much feelings 3 weeks ago:
I think we just found our new Breeathe Free CEO!
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 3 weeks ago:
Lol, thanks for that.
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 3 weeks ago:
Nope, people in IT know the cloud is actually countless servers on racks in a giant data center rotfl.
- Comment on If scientists could make you immortal but could only do it by transferring your consciousness into a single video game for ever, which game would you choose? 3 weeks ago:
Imagine living for all eternity with all that sand up your hoo hah.
- Comment on Microsoft click-baits users with useless 'How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge’ instruction doc 3 weeks ago:
That option has been removed for your convenience. Isn’t nice to not have control over the hardware you paid for?
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 3 weeks ago:
You just made a Techbro angry somewhere in the world.
- Comment on New bird flu variant found in Nevada dairy cows has experts sounding alarms: ‘We have never been closer to a pandemic from this virus’ 3 weeks ago:
Ah yes, the mythical left leaning mainstream media. Having said that this story already broke on Fortune, NY times, Fox, CNN, Washington Post, CBS, and NPR to name a few.
You could be right though, they may stop talking about it because apparently the Department of Education is being demolished on Monday. Don’t forget about the Magabowl!
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Thanks for that.
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Grifters gotta grift.
- Comment on Can The EV Charging Business Survive the Trump Administration? 3 weeks ago:
Pretty much. When all your freedoms are being taking away you have to cling to the few things you are allowed to, even if those things are part of the problem.
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
I just think you are unaware of the context. This story is about the new administration setting priorities. Were you aware that previously there were many accusations of voter fraud, even if unproven, by the Republicans.
Why would the people who complained the most suddenly decide it is not a priority. My comment was just a sarcastic take on that one issue because it is kind of a big deal.
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
They = Republicans
Cared so much = eliminating oversight into election interference. This is sarcasm.
Lie = sowing doubt about our election systems for the last several years and suddenly silent now that they won.
Cheat = controlling information flow by manipulating corporations, disenfranchising voters, reducing access to polls, passing laws to restrict voting rights, etc.
- Comment on US Justice Department disbands teams investigating corruption, election interference. 3 weeks ago:
They cared so much about election interference, so strange they would do this. Just kidding. It was always a lie and they are deceivers who want to cheat to win forever.
- Comment on We have the meats 4 weeks ago:
I am a little disappointed this is not one of those pictures you need to squint to see. Someone should jam this and Gwyneth Paltrow’s hoo-ha into stable diffusion. For humanity, of course.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
Yeah, just going to block you now.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
Again, those are my words interpreting what you said. You are a lot like a greased pig. You say stuff which leads to obvious conclusions but when called out on it deny it. This makes a discussion with you pretty pointless.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
Those are my words. I block all tankie shit so I don’t even see it. I find it amazing you think quality exist on Reddit as opposed to Lemmy. Lemmy is a lot like old reddit with less users.
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
It ended for me when I stopped using it a year ago. Problem solved in my honest opinion (oh look, no Reddit IMHO bot, darn it)
- Comment on Is This How Reddit Ends? 4 weeks ago:
I wish there was another site just like Reddit!? How about you just use Reddit again and piss off.
Thinking more = better is what turned Reddit into a shit show to begin with. I would rather talk with a thousand people who give a shit than a million who could care less.
- Comment on Civilization VII Has Officially Gone Gold 1 month ago:
The actual full game release.
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
So let me gets this straight. You do not refute anything I have said.
Your are right, this is over.
I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the fluoride that is added to municipal systems comes from the smoke stack scrubbers of fertilizer plants. I also provided a sourced peer reviewed article that explained that adding fluoride to water when there is the presence of toothpaste and dental care is not effective.
There is a mountain of evidence comparing dental health in communities that use of fluoride artificially added and those who do not. Guess what, none of it supports adding fluoride. Why? Because it does not work when you already have basic dental care. There is no statistical difference.
Please read carefully because it supports everything I have said. Fluoride is effective topically but there is no benefit in ingesting it.
The conspiracy theory and is somehow drinking fluoride helps teeth pre-eruption. This is pure fantasy and what people who support adding fluoride to water believe.
Your elaborate straw man is that I am saying fluoride is dangerous. Instead I said it is effective topically but not when ingested. As in, there is no beneficial effect of swallowing it.
I provided an article you chose to dismiss because the guy who wrote havsa PHD in social sciences and therefore is full of shit. I won’t even go into how fucked up that is.
Because yes a research scientists is going to know about public policy!? I mean you are literally so stupid about this it isn’t funny.
I get you pretend to be smart but really have zero critical thinking skills.