- Comment on check it before you wreck it 1 week ago:
In a chat I ma in someone made the same point with “having sex with your coworkers is bad: a novel hash weakening technique”
- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 3 weeks ago:
I agree with the overall sentiment, however:
Lootboxes are at least a conscious action you must take. They definitely have the same problems as gambling (because that’s what they are), but you can also choose not to engage with them. Ads however, are forced upon you, and do things that you cannot see (track you) and cannot turn off.
- Comment on Are there any better mechanical keyboards that don't break the bank? 4 weeks ago:
My current daily driver is a 13€ blue switches thing for AliExpress with 20€ DSA keycaps also from AliExpress. Both are fine.
- Comment on Defense of the internet (from billionaires) according to Cory Doctorow 4 weeks ago:
Doctorow has never been a practical thinker. That’s just not what he does.
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 4 weeks ago:
Yes but you have to lobotomize the frogs first.
- Comment on Meta’s AI Profiles Are Already Polluting Instagram and Facebook With Slop 1 month ago:
He was already a weirdo before the money, well adjusted people don’t create face match or whatever he called it
- Comment on Production quality often has in inverse relationship to information quality in youtube videos 3 months ago:
By the way veritasium isn’t really good. I have some issues with the ways he oversimplifies but at some point you gotta and I respect that, but much worse is his inability to actually cover truth, instead choosing to only parrot what the company “graciously” hosting him told him.
- Comment on AI-generated poetry is indistinguishable from human-written poetry and is rated more favorably - Scientific Reports 3 months ago:
That’s cool, I’m glad you are making something you enjoy. The point stands that the average Joe doesn’t actually seek out poetry, be it man or machine-made, and will therefore be an exceptionally poor judge of a poems quality.
- Comment on AI-generated poetry is indistinguishable from human-written poetry and is rated more favorably - Scientific Reports 3 months ago:
I’ll raise you one better: who the fuck wants poetry?
Like I know I sound like a fucking mongrel who can’t appreciate art or whatever, but how many poems do you think the average person reads in their entire life? Maybe 2, for school? Poetry is just not that popular of an art form, so of course people aren’t going to be good at distinguishing good from bad. Compare it to visual arts, where people have seen multiple examples, at least more than 3 times a year for their entire life, of good visual art.
- Comment on What is stopping a scammer from HTTPS certificating a "" 3 months ago:
That’s nice, be sure to tell us how it goes when HSTS is enabled
- Comment on Samsung: Exynos problems are due to "too short" 52-hour working week in Korea - News 3 months ago:
This almost reads like an onion article
- Comment on Lack Of Interest In The PS5 Pro Is Forcing Scalpers To Sell Them For A Loss 3 months ago:
The only reason I’m vaguely looking at a PS5 is to play Astro bot. And it can wait like a decade to be available on emulators
- Comment on When a researcher and publisher withholds information then ignores requests -- what’s the recourse? How can science have integrity? 3 months ago:
I have a contact at cmu’s student journal (for what that’s worth). They might be interested in this, maybe if they start prodding around the researchers will realize the mistake. What’s the publication?
- Comment on Ads 3 months ago:
- Comment on Whatever happened to racing games 3 months ago:
If you liked art of rally, I suggest Parking Garage Rally Circuit. Much of the same vibe.
- Comment on IFIXIT: Victory Is Sweet - We Can Now Fix McDonald’s Ice Cream Machines 4 months ago:
I mean, you could. The problem becomes “do you have more money and lawyers than McDonald’s” to keep pretending it has nothing to do with it in court.
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
I used to have these issues and I’m sorry to say you are, in fact, using it wrong.
If you find your coils burning out regularly when the tank is not empty, it’s most likely because you haven’t properly set the power on your vape. My coils have the appropriate power printed on them, and they only ever burn out when I forget to fill the tank. My current coil has been in operation for 7 months, I have 25785 puffs on it (the vape counts them). Before this vape, I didn’t care about setting the power and my coils would constantly burn out and I had the same frustration as you.
My current vape also does not leak, despite the fact that I manually replaced the seals when I broke the glass tank (so it’s not just that the factory made it well).
As for the liquide, yeah. Personally I buy base and flavor in the mail and mix them myself, but that’s probably also illegal for you.
Be careful with disposables. Their nicotine levels are way higher than advertised, because they want to build the addiction to their product.
- Comment on LinkedIn fined $335 million in EU for tracking ads privacy breaches 4 months ago:
The button already exists and it’s the install button on unlock origins page.
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
Obviously prohibition doesn’t work, but banning disposables specifically should be mandated everywhere. It is insane that a product that contains rechargeable lithium batteries is not rechargeable, or if it is it must be thrown away after less than a month.
- Comment on How does US "early voting" works logistically speaking ? 4 months ago:
I mean, not connecting machines to the internet is entirely reasonable (though in my opinion having them at all is insane).
That’s really interesting though, because your model creates a system where fraud can exist but can be checked (and thus it will, not doing it would be insane), whereas ours removes the problem entirely. I know that you personally don’t have the power to change it, of courses I’m just fascinated by the ways society manages to create deeply flawed systems and prop them up like we can’t do any better.
- Comment on How does US "early voting" works logistically speaking ? 4 months ago:
I mean, yes here too, but we’re still assigned a specific place. My voting location is booth 6 at my local primary school, and someone else in my city might get one of the booths at their closest location despite both of us being in the same district.
Even at that primary school, I’m only on the ledger at booth 6, if I tried voting at booth 5 they wouldn’t let me (though they would point me to the booth right next to them of course)
- Comment on How does US "early voting" works logistically speaking ? 4 months ago:
How do people vote at different locations? Here we are only registered to vote in a single location, if we’re away then we have to go to the police station and sign a delegation form to allow a trusted person to vote for us in the original location.
- Comment on Subnautica 2 early access should last "2 to 3 years" - it'll launch with "several biomes" and "some narrative" 4 months ago:
I was wanting to play it with friends but I’m just gonna have to wait for release. Subnautica on EA release was garbage compared to 1.0.
- Comment on 5 pin connector recommendations that have both male and female sockets available 5 months ago:
PCIE 8-pin connectors supports up to 150W (12V/12.5A), but they’re meant for internal use, not chassis.
If you want to get 120W, chassis-mounted, your best bet is usb-c.
10 amps is a crazy ask. Are you trying to power the entire device with this port? If so, consider common ports (what’s wrong with IEC C14?).
- Comment on Mirror seeing half the write IOPS on one disk than the other, is this normal? 5 months ago:
It’s a gigabyte ab350m gaming-3 rev 1.0. it boots grub fine but then crashes right after displaying “loading Linux 6.x”, CPU led flashes then dram led stays on, I have to turn it off with the PSU switch.
Either it’s a rev 1.0 bug which is a thing on those motherboards, or the CPU (or igpu) is defective.…/proxmox-doesnt-boot-after-cpu-cha…
I’m currently waiting on support from both the seller and gigabyte but I don’t expect anything out of it, though I’m still yet to test it in a different motherboard.
- Comment on Mirror seeing half the write IOPS on one disk than the other, is this normal? 5 months ago:
Oh wow congrats, I’m currently in the struggle of stretching an ab350m to accept a 4600G and failing.
You’re right, you should hit PCIe 3 speeds and it’s weird, but the fact that the drives swap speeds depending on how they’re plugged in points to either drivers or the chipset.
- Comment on Boeing offers staff 25% pay hike in bid to avoid strike 5 months ago:
Read: Boeing could have been paying it’s workers 25% more, but was too greedy to do anything about it.
- Comment on Mirror seeing half the write IOPS on one disk than the other, is this normal? 5 months ago:
I’m not fully familiar with the overheads associated with all things going on on a chipset, but it’s not unreasonable to think that this workload, plus whatever the chipset has to do (hardware management tasks mostly), as well as the CPU’s other tasks on similar interfaces that might saturate the IO die/controller, would influence this.
B350 isn’t a very fast chipset to begin with, and I’m willing to bet the CPU in such a motherboard isn’t exactly current-gen either. Are you sure you’re even running at PCIe 3.0 speeds too? There are 2.0 only CPUs available for AM4.
- Comment on Mirror seeing half the write IOPS on one disk than the other, is this normal? 5 months ago:
It might be that the data to both disks saturates a common link before the second disk reaches full iops capability, and thus the driver then writes at full speed on one disk and at half speed on the other, for twice as long.
- Comment on Any good games that break the mold 5 months ago:
I heard good word about Paradise Killer, in which you’re also a detective and must figure out the truth
The outer wilds is amazing. You should play it.