- Comment on Apple turns off iCloud encryption feature in UK following reported government legal order. 1 week ago:
You could swap out the Pixel+Graphene for say a FairPhone+LineageOS. I ran misc-secondhand-phone+LineageOS for over a decade. Still selfhost everything I need. My family have all their photos upload to my nextcloud instance instead of Google.
My switch to Pixel+Graphene is because ultimately the problem is political not technical. A banking app I needed for work refused to run without the real Google services. It also refused Custom ROMs. I tried a lot of tricks. Also GoogleMaps is the only satnav with traffic information in the route planning. There is other things, but Graphene allows you a compromise of running the Google services, but sandboxed.
The problem is not technical, it’s political. Most people don’t understand the difference between a standard and a monopoly. The law makers are asleep to monopolies and the need for competition in the tech world, so have allow this tech dystopia to happen. Some that are more awake know big monopolies are easier to get things like this story from. Multinational corporation are money machines, they won’t really fight for their users. But they miss the bigger picture.
If you care about all this stuff, there is groups like:
Maybe also openuk.uk , though they more work with big tech.
- Comment on Not enough teachers, children turned away: Schools 'can't cope' with population boom 4 weeks ago:
Confirmed. No boom : www.worldometers.info/…/uk-population/
- Comment on Misogyny identified as breeding ground for extremism in UK, says leaked report 4 weeks ago:
Pretty sure there are professional right wing trolls flooding and popular social media. MAGA backed, Russian backed, etc
- Comment on WH Smith in secret talks to sell historic high street arm 4 weeks ago:
Amazon? They probably want Waterstone to. Competition
- Comment on Fossil Fuel Interests Ramp Up Their “Solar Makes Electricity More Expensive” Falsehood 1 month ago:
There wealth is going to end up with a lot of “stranded assets”.
- Comment on Starmer must protect elections from foreign interference, says watchdog | Party funding 2 months ago:
He should also get rid of FPTP now. If he doesn’t, the sane vote will be split Lab, Green, Lib and maybe Plaid, SNP and maybe Con. While the nutty vote all goes to Reform and they get in with like less than a third of the vote.
- Comment on TRA recommends new duty of up to 83.5% on Chinese excavators 2 months ago:
I only light skimmed : …amazonaws.com/AD0047 - Statement of Essential Fa…
But this looks it could be argued the Chinese excavators are cheaper because they are electric. That all the combustion engine vs electric is the normal anti EV FUD. JCB don’t do electric as they say it can’t work. They back hydrogen or the status quo. If JCB is right, they shouldn’t need tarrifs.
But maybe is some evidence is real market dumping I didn’t see.
- Comment on Britain will rejoin the EU within 15 years, former Brussels chief predicts 3 months ago:
No. He needs to be trialed for treason, then jailed when found guilty.
- Comment on Trying to reverse climate change won’t save us, scientists warn 3 months ago:
Things that reduce consumption are frequently successful in capitalism. Generally, using less, costs less. There are always those selling a thing who are trying to increase the consumption of that thing, but often at expensive of those selling a competing thing. One successful way of doing that is to be cheaper to buy or run or both, by doing more with less.
However, sometimes we want something to be made with more a bit more to last longer and be repairable.
Raw capitalist won’t do all this on its own. The invisible hand isn’t very good at planning long term. Governments need to structure markets for outcomes they want, and keep measuring and correcting.
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
It should surprise me, but not as anymore. It must be economies of scale making lithium batteries the cheapest thing to do now.
- Comment on Row as Starmer suggests landlords and shareholders are not ‘working people’ 4 months ago:
Yer, I totally trust the Telegraph on what Starmer says on the lines in a class war. Completely trustable source on the subject. Not at all trying to put that line with as many people on its side not Starmers…
- Comment on Disposable vapes to be banned in England and Wales from June 4 months ago:
Good. The batteries alone being disposable is insane. …nub.news/…/staffordshire-university-graduate-use…
- Comment on Hacking Kia: Remotely Controlling Cars With Just a License Plate. 5 months ago:
This is the problem with digital serfdom, those lording it over us aren’t perfect either. Not only should we be able to connect our cars to our own server, we should be able inspect provided server implementation to see if it’s a bag of nails.
- Comment on Warlord Straight Out of "Mad Max" Says Elon Musk Remotely Shut Down His Cybertruck 5 months ago:
Our emperor Elon gave him a fair trial in a court of his peers before serving out the sentence?
Totally not unchecked power right?
Not diametrically apposed to Right To Repair right?
- Comment on Dozens from UK take up Putin’s offer to ditch ‘woke’ West and move to Russia 5 months ago:
So less Reform/Conservative voters in the UK. Win!
- Comment on AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem 5 months ago:
No worries. I think your not the only one. I wasn’t clear, sorry.
- Comment on AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem 5 months ago:
Corporation? I’m not anti business, far from it. But I have an interest in economics as well as technology. We need effective markets. CUDA is an example of a market problem caused by corporation’s own language. It has screwed up competition.
- Comment on AMD announces unified UDNA GPU architecture — bringing RDNA and CDNA together to take on Nvidia's CUDA ecosystem 5 months ago:
As a general rule, don’t use a corporations language. Languages, and their reference implementation, should be truly independent.
- Comment on X (formerly Twitter) labeled an unflattering NPR story about Donald Trump as ‘unsafe’ | A spokesperson said the warning was a "false positive." 5 months ago:
I think you mean “had”.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
As I said, I can see Windows .NET people using Linux for server runtime. Actural Linux natives are going to touch that stuff. There is no new Microsoft. I’ve been hearing new Microsoft for over 20 years. In that time they never stopped the patent trolling, corrupted the ISO process for OOXML, continued their anti competive practices, etc. They never stopped being a big tech monster. Just equally big new monsters came along so they went it to background to those not watching. They still need dealing with. They are the definition of the confusion of standards and monopolies.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
I think it will remain a Windows dev thing. Even if they sometimes use Linux as a runtime. Linux devs will use Python or something else. PHP is legacy really now. Go is popular for apps started at a certain time, but Rust seams to be replacing it. Which is good as Go is as Google as C# is MS.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
You got some stats? The Debian stats say no one is using it on the desktop or traditional server stuff. I can believe Windows C# Dev are porting their closed service to Linux to improve, well, everything.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
They are saying very little in Linux world moved to .NET/C# : qa.debian.org/popcon.php?package=mono
It’s just not popular in Linux world despite MS attempts to make it so. It’s a Windows people language.
- Comment on Microsoft donates the Mono Project to the Wine team 5 months ago:
I think it is partly that, but I think it is partly all the bright young tech kids coming in from uni want Linux not Windows. I think it’s targeted at inside and outside.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 5 months ago:
Your not meant to be able to render it outside of MS software. The whole ISO thing was high level game to make a monoply look like a standard. It’s a super long standard with closed binary bit that were meant to be temporary. It only got through at due to outside corruption. Governments are as much at fault as MS for being a sleep at the wheel of stopping monopolies and keep the market functional. ISO is broken if something can be a standard where the reference implementation is closed, let alone have any closed bits.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
They should be made to open Office. Too much is in those formats for a for profit company to own the reference implementation. Let alone for that reference implementation to be closed.
Reading about this “standard” makes me angry every time. en.wikipedia.org/…/Standardization_of_Office_Open…
Google and Apple and Amazon and Facebook are all tech bastards too. But Microsoft has not gone away or been solved.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
Monopoly is a super profitable and comfortable position, but it’s when capitalism fails.
…wish I hadn’t looked up vore…
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
I’ve been in tech for over twenty years. About half of it in games (first half) and half Linux embedded stuff. What I’ve seen is it’s hard to recruit good people. The first job to get is the hardest as you have no experience or references. I know I’ve been lucky, falling in my feet multiple times, but so has everyone I entered industry with. A few now have their own companies. I’ve had to let a few people go myself and I hate it, but I knew they’d be fine, and they have been.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
This is tech workers. They won’t be in survival mode. They are highly employable and always have options. I think most people outside tech will have other employment options. Though if you don’t, your screwed in multiple other ways on top of has bosses.
- Comment on Why are so many leaders in tech evil? 6 months ago:
Not sure about that. I thought he was a nob before it was cool. He was claiming too much engineer credit for himself since forever. No humility or crediting others.