Yeah why would anyone pay 700 bucks for a highly restricted device, that can’t even play games online without an additional subscription. Just get a Steam Deck, which costs less, is portable, doesn’t require subscriptions, and basically works like a full PC.
[Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday
Submitted 5 months ago by to
Comments 5 months ago 5 months ago
I have a Steam Deck and a PS5 that I will be replacing with the Pro when it ships. So to give you an answer: I’m not going to be plugging a Steam Deck into a 4k 65" OLED TV with VRR. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Steam Deck, and I also enjoy PC gaming when mouse and keyboard makes sense, but sitting on the couch in font of a giant responsive display with amazing colors is by far how I enjoy gaming the most. 5 months ago
Ok but why are you replacing the regular PS5 with the PS5 Pro? 5 months ago
You can use a controller on PC and also connect to this display with the same responsiveness and colors. I always thought consoles were for the exclusive games and to play with friends, not performance or graphics. 5 months ago
For Europe it’s 800 EUR + disc drive + vertical stand, almost 1k in total. No thanks, Sony 🤡 5 months ago
The specs on the Steamdeck are pretty underwhelming, and the cost of storage upgrades is outrageous. I was thinking about buying one yesterday, so I just looked at all the specs. It’s due for a second version, but that’s not coming for at least another year. So, I decided to build a mATX computer instead. But I don’t care at all about the portable aspect, so I’m probably not their target demographic. 5 months ago
30$ for 500gb, what the fuck are you on about storage being expensive?! 5 months ago
Compared to what I’m used to regarding storage upgrades on other highly integrated devices like smartphones for example, the storage upgrade costs of the steamdeck seem much better and almost fair. 5 months ago
I’m a huge fan of the deck and use mine daily, but that is just stupid. These are entirely different platforms with different purposes, and deck just fails at new games. I see so many cases of people saying it runs new games perfectly and realistically you get 20 fps on low 4 months ago
deck just fails at new games.
That assumes the PS5 has games worth playing in the first place. 5 months ago
A quick look on eBay suggests the only people buying them seen are scalpers.
Hope they all get fucked on this one. 5 months ago
It’s already at scalper prices, the fuck are they going to sell it for? Lol. 5 months ago
This is a bit off topic, but it made me nostalgic. My first argument on reddit over a decade ago was with someone, either a scalper or a contrarian, trying to argue that scalpers provided a useful service that made things more fair, rather than assholes creating scarcity so they could profit selling a solution to a problem they themselves create.
So yeah, I hope they all get fucked on this one, too. 5 months ago
Oh they all say this shit, must be included in the standard issue dickhead guide book 4 months ago
This is why I like seeing new tech with a high launch price. Even if I want one, I’m patient, and it would be worth seeing a bunch of scalpers get fucked from just assuming that initial demand will set the price even higher.
I hope they thought they had to wait in an uncomfortable line to grab the ones they got and that the store only offers exchanges and no refunds. 4 months ago
Be nice if it actually came down in price eventually though. 5 months ago
- Negligible performance/visual increases.
- Expensive
- PS5 still has NO GAMES 5 months ago
uh what are you even talking about?? It has block-buster console sellers like Concord 5 months ago
And no drive, so it’s not like it only does movies 4 months ago
I can’t wait to buy movies from Sony only to have them invalidated a few years from now. 5 months ago
Hey now there’s like 2 games. 5 months ago
Cmon, PS5 has great PS4 games, like Horizon, God of War, The Last of Us, … 4 months ago
Sony is so out of touch it’s actually insane. 4 months ago
I think everyone should ditch consoles too, but I don’t understand the “no games” comment, I’ve played through Elden Ring, Returnal, Final Fantasy 16, Final Fantasy 7 Intergrade, Ratchet & Clank, Gran Turismo 7…
There are clearly games for it, what gives? 4 months ago
There are only like 2 or 3 games that can only be played on a PS5 and nowhere else. Exclusives are one of, of not the most important part of getting a console, IMO. Like, why would I get this specific console if I could get any console or a PC and play the same games?
Most of the PS5’s exclusive games are actually just PS4 games and don’t even have the enhancement features offered by the PS5’s hardware. If you have a PS4, there’s really no reason to upgrade to a PS5 unless you really wanna play the Demon Souls remaster or Astro Bot. 5 months ago
Nobody wants to pay $310 ($80 for a disc drive, $30 for a stand) more for a machine that looks better if you pause the game and squint hard.
Here’s a good example:
Can’t see it? The PS5 Pro has added reflections on Venom’s back and right shoulder. The texture on the door of the Jeep is marginally improved. 5 months ago
It really is tough to see the doubled framerate when you pause the game. 5 months ago
What if I told you it’s not going to double the framerate either?…/index.html 5 months ago
Pause twice 5 months ago
Just gotta pause faster! 5 months ago
It’s more, almost only, visible on the enemies venom is destroying. Overall it’s less blurry. 5 months ago
Wait is that really how blurry it is in game? That would make me sick trying to play a game like I was nearsighted constantly. 5 months ago
I’m sure it got jpegged to hell by the various sites sharing it. 4 months ago
I am just going to wait until the prices go down in the fall and buy an PC. 4 months ago
You had me in the first half, ngl 4 months ago
Even though nobody from the government wants to admit it, the proof is in the pudding. North America is in a recession. People don’t have $700 extra + the cost of the disc drive and stand, to throw down on a console that’s only marginally better than the same console that’s been out for 5 years now. 4 months ago
I don’t know about recession, but I know I’ve hit a personal inflection point with prices where I’m just sick of the bullshit and only buy if absolutely necessary, or on sale.
Everyone is so fucking greedy, everyone wants just 5 more dollars bro to the point where the consumerism has been driven out of me.
I actually have money to buy shit, I just don’t want to anymore because nothing seems to correspond to its value anymore.
A new car? 35 k for a fucking base kia, gtfo out with this shit.
New phone? 1.2k for the same screen bullshit as the last 5 years.
Same with this PS5, they are pricing this shit like it’s lifesaving medicine, when in reality it’s just shit no-one really needs 4 months ago
35k for a base Kia? Hell naw, I bought a fully loaded 2024 hyundai elentra hybrid for 34k out the door. Base Kia K4 is 22k plus tax title and reg. That’s like almost a third less than what I paid lol 4 months ago
Curious to how the lone downvoter views this topic. They disagree with me apparently, but on what point? The fact that people don’t want to spend $700+ on a marginal upgrade? Do they though? The fact that we’re in a recession? We are though. They bought a PS5 Pro and are actively experiencing buyer’s remorse so they have to chime in on every PS5 Pro post with a symbolic “nuh uh”? Probably. 4 months ago
you did not just make a whole comment responding to one single downvote 4 months ago
Not the down voter, but as a day 1 PS5 buyer who could afford the pro I will just say they didn’t offer any value to me. I’ve played 1 game on the PS5 that I couldn’t have on my base PS4 (Demon’s Souls) and I could play the original of that on my PS3. They promised all of this great stuff on the PS5 and under delivered. Why would I put down the $700 why would I spend that when I hardly even use my PS5 and even when I do I could’ve just used my PS4? 4 months ago
I’m not arguing for or against being a recession. But the sales for this console don’t prove or deny a recession, they just show that either no one actually wants this thing or Sony has managed to misjudge demand. 4 months ago
We also don’t give a shit.
If you own a PS5 already, it doesn’t offer you much and if you own a PC, it offers you less. 4 months ago
I have a PS5 with the disc drive, which I paid extra for. I don’t see any reason to get this when it doesn’t even come with that. The performance of the base PS5 has been very good. If it’s just a hardware boost, I don’t really need it. I don’t get the purpose of upgrading. The battlefield games I play run like butter, and the new titles, like Dead Space that I’ve played also run great.
This just runs better? Not necessary to me. 4 months ago
No I think it just proves this is a shit product 4 months ago
Why buy a console when for roughly the same price you could buy a PC that does everything the console does and more? Yeah $700 is an insane price for what is effectively a toy. 4 months ago
It’s about the same as the inflation-adjusted PS3 price, but here’s the thing: the PS3 had a difficult first couple of years. If not for the Red Ring of Death, Microsoft could have come out ahead that generation. One thing Sony is good at is capitalizing on its competitors’ mistakes, and combined with price reductions on later models, they pulled out a victory. It didn’t win because it was >$750 inflation-adjusted dollars. 4 months ago
Also $700 isn’t going to buy you much of a PC if you don’t have one already. Maybe mid spec 1080p.
Not that I’m arguing for PC. I’m pro-console in most circumstances. Only for power modders, power gamers or power purchasers would I maybe argue that PC is the better route. Everyone else, console 100% (except this joke of a console). 4 months ago
Because PCs are worse for living room/controller gameplay, you have to deal with Windows or Linux, and many other factors? 5 months ago
$700 for a console that’s barely even better and in some ways is worse. What a deal! 5 months ago
In what ways is it worse? 4 months ago
A 700 dollar console with no games. 4 months ago
The PS5 in general has just felt like a nebulous console. I don’t know if it’s just me not being as connected to console gaming anymore or what, but there’s no PS5 games that are “must play” or anything that I’ve seen/read/heard hype about that has made me really interested. Partly there was the Covid years where it was apparently facing shortages and during that I just switched my mind off to the idea that I’d ever buy one. It’s been out for years now though, but nothing about it makes me care to move on from our PS4 that’s still chugging along. 5 months ago
I would have paid $700 for the Pro if it came with everything the 30th anniversary edition had, and maybe a little more if it also included the Portal.
Unfortunately, Sony can’t stop tripping over their own incompetence and limited the units to 12,300 for a reason that can be simplified to be: “money.” So it sold out in less than a minute to scalper’s bots and can now be found on eBay for five times the price. 5 months ago
It’s not the price point. Most of the people who’d be in the market for one wouldn’t buy it because it doesn’t take discs. When I bought my PS5, I specifically bought the disc version. So I’m not going to ‘upgrade’ to a machine that doesn’t have one and only really offers ‘improved performance’ as its main selling point. It just doesn’t make sense.
If you’re new to the platform and are used to buying only digital, it might be more palatable. But as someone who’s been with Sony since the very first PlayStation: I’m gonna pass. 4 months ago
This makes no sense. Why would a company want their product to be sold out? The goal is to balance supply and demand. So they SHOULDN’T sell out. It’s not a limited edition product or anything. This post is sensationalized as fuck. 5 months ago
This happened with the ps3, the chief at playstation at the time said we wouldnt be able to find them at retail. My friends and I made some fun snapping pics of them sitting on shelves.
We were way into the game news scene at the time. 4 months ago
Who cares 4 months ago
The price alone isn’t the problem.
If the launch came paired with great new games it would be a whole different story, like as if it would be a new generation console like a PS6 with new exclusive games I doubt that the price would even be an issue. People would still complain, but they’ll get over it.
From what I’ve seen it’s practically only PS5 ‘Pro Enhanced’ games, which are mostly games that have been around many years already. Plus it doesn’t have a disc drive so it’s more expensive if you want disc support too.
I still got an original PS5 (with disc drive), I mostly only played PS exclusive games and a few games that I prefer on console, it’s perfectly capable of doing 4k and/or high resolution graphics and framerates depending on the game. I don’t see a reason to upgrade to the Pro at all. And I think new players are more likely to just go for the PS5 Slim instead. 5 months ago
Its funny how people are clowning on a 700$ console but buy phones for twice as much happily every year. 4 months ago
My ps5 is collecting dust. I wish it was more like a Steam machine. 4 months ago
still be sitting onthe shelf after the holidays at that price point 5 months ago
“Twice the pride double the fall.”’
“I’ve been looking forward to this.” 4 months ago
The supply chain problems of covid REALLY broke everyone.
Consoles selling out is actually “bad”. Why? Because they are closed gardens. If people can go down to best buy or browse amazon and pick up a console they are more likely to buy a few games to go with it. Rather than needing to frantically monitor five different discord servers to get into a queue as fast as possible to MAYBE get one.
Also… it is not even October. MAYBE come early November you can start to make these assessments for that most holy of holidays, Black Friday. But hell day and xmas are still months out and the holiday rush of shopping hasn’t begun yet.
I personally see nothing compelling about the ps5 pro. But this is the equivalent of buying an xbox and saying microsoft are going to win because they have a stronger supply chain. 5 months ago
Isn't the PS5 like 5 years old? Why would it be sold out? 5 months ago
599 US Dollars.
It’s Ridge Racer…RIIIIIIDGE RACER!!! 5 months ago
Around a grand plus tax where I live. Fuuuck that 4 months ago
But it’s such a nice door stop! 😢 5 months ago
well i guess sony found the mark what they can charge and what not. don’t expect the next one to be cheaper 4 months ago
That’s too bad, it looks like the ps4 will be my final Sony console 5 months ago
Build a PC
Install Linux
Fuck corporate bullshit. 5 months ago
Build a pc.
Install linux.
Get confused by linux.
What the fuck does linux want from me???
Rip hair out.
Be bald.
People confuse you for skinhead.
Wear wig.
Wig blows off on sunny windy day.
Lose wig.
Be sad. 5 months ago
This is absurd. Where’s the step to grow a beard and become a hobbit? 5 months ago
Linux is easy. 5 months ago
Use rats as wig 5 months ago
I agree for the most part but it really does “just work” for gaming. If you use Chimera or Bazzite it works almost just like a console. 5 months ago
As a windows main but steam deck user, can confirm Linux being confusing.
Fucking wine prefixes. 5 months ago
Bazzite is the answer you search for. Learn the terminal & eventually get a grasp on why atomic distros are cool and you’ll be okay. I was on windows for years & when I learned the terminal for that it was like I was giving God powers. 5 months ago
You forgot the part where you get angry, bevause your hdmi doesnt work with linux 4 months ago
! 5 months ago
PS5 pro is a waste of money, but also lots of people don’t want a PC to play games. Two things can be true at the same time! 5 months ago
I’m a die hard Linux nerd, but I would still Rather have a console.
But what I really want is a console that just runs Linux so I can keep it updated and fix minor issues without all the bullshit. 5 months ago
Who is making all those pc parts? It wouldn’t be corporations would it. 5 months ago
You’re still beholden to the hardware manufacturers whether you buy a PC or a shitty console but at least with a PC you have choices and you’re spreading your corporate money out to those you feel worth it instead of motherfucking freedom-hating Sony. 5 months ago
Been building since 2003.
On Linux since 2018. Current on Bazzite.
On meh 7950x X Sapphire Nitro+ 7900XTX and NVME 4.0 drive. 240hz 4k on Display Port.
Who would wanna play on cruddy console hardware lol. Based. Ironically I use a DualSense Edge.
Also have an OG and OLED Steam Deck.
I am spoiled by living near a Micro Center.
Tho the 9800X3D may launch as soon as next month for people wanting to wait. 5 months ago
Does Meh have good deals again? I used to check that daily but the last few years it seems like its been nothing but cheap chinese garbage. 5 months ago
How’s the dualsense running on Linux? I opted for Xbox elite purely because I thought it’d have better support for the back pads but still not over bluetooth :-(. 5 months ago
Or if you want something more turnkey, a Steam Deck. Want more flexibility? Put Bazzite on it.