- Comment on No one knows what this ancient script says. Now there’s a $1 million prize to crack the code 3 days ago:
Beer brewing. Mashing and boil process and then 6 weeks fermentation.
- Comment on 🪨 Rock on 🪨 4 days ago:
Yeah but videogames can actually be fun for a while. I suspect work would be far more bearable if everything could be completed. I would be much happier if I didn’t need a job to survive or have a decent standard of living.
- Comment on That explains a lot 4 days ago:
I love clover! So much softer than grass. I like Moss more, looks the nicest!
Clover is better at retaining moisture too. So yards with lots of clover tend to stay green longer in dry periods, which also helps life. Keep things cooler too.
Grass is really just awful ground cover.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 1 week ago:
Oh we didn’t buy things with apples as you youths like to do these days. Our apples were too big to use as money.
- Comment on I am from a different millenia 1 week ago:
So I wore my wallet on a chain, which was the style at the time.
- Comment on Observer 1 week ago:
Yeah they beamed with pride when asked about their work. They were so observant and laser focused and we hit the mark every time while they were here. It was pretty obvious they’d make waves when they quit. Still, no one expected it.
- Comment on transformations 1 week ago:
Still the best graphical explanation of the Fourier transform. Still wish they just showed this in signals and systems and saved the remaining 3 months of the quarter.
- Comment on So, is the USA screwed? 1 week ago:
Power market’s going to get real funky in over the next 6 months as utilities run out of runway on their renewable programs.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
100% fair, that’s my current issue tbh. Honestly it’s bullshit they even charge for the first session.
- Comment on How do you express romantic interest in someone? 2 weeks ago:
Speaking from US context, and referencing your other post.
“Hey do you want to go on a coffee date?”
There’s little words or statements that can act as indicators which are direct/specific yet not pushy. You need to take the risk and be at least a little direct. You also need to be able to receive and handle rejection well.
Social setting means a place you are both at voluntarily and not as a course of daily needs such as a party, concert, book club, barbeque, club, etc. Anything not income/job-related for either party. Not the grocery store, not the bus, not the DMV.
Reading signs of interest in you: -Someone stays physically near you (e.g. within arms reach) for the majority of the night at a social gathering. -someone keeps focusing on you over multiple gatherings -Someone is electing to talk specifically to you significantly more than to other people in a social setting.
- not a strong an indicator: They’re smiling, making lots if eye contact, etc… -Touch is a pretty uncommon but big indicator when paired with the above. (Hugs, sitting against you, etc.)
These are signs, not invitations. You still need to ask about their intentions, and express yours in some way. Always form enthusiastic consent. If they’re not clearly enthusiastic then either ask their intentions very directly or move on.
I am not providing advice on sex at all here, too complicated and situational especially around consent.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah you definitely want to be around supportive and emotionally reliable and safe people your first time. Set and setting are extremely important.
Also just dip your toes in. You don’t need to leave the planet. If the people you’re with are pushing you to take them in the first place they’re the wrong people.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Sounds a therapist problem and not a therapy problem. Not that therapy is perfect, just that you didn’t receive any.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
A therapist that claims to know it all or makes promises that they can help you (esp. Short term) is just a licensed grifter. Can that fucker and find one that gives a shit.
The most significant factor for success in therapy is that the therapist has a similar condition to yours and they’re engaging in therapies that worked for them. Next it’s important they look like you (share your demographic somehow). Your dedication cones immediately after that.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Honestly, if you’re in the US especially, mutual aid might at least be interesting. You can try Food Not Bombs or MADR or a regional/local org.
There’s pscilocybin or MDMA for a break from the shitshow or even a guiding light.
Therapy is kind of difficult since it’s expensive and you need to sift through multiple therapists to find one that clicks with you. It’s the most likely thing to benefit you as long as you find the right one. Maybe antidepressants will help?
At the end of the day you have to choose something to do for meaning. Change is going to take months or years. Silver bullets are the rare exception.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 2 weeks ago:
No. The heat of combustion increases the gas temperature. But this temperature increase is relative to the mass of the gas. The heat is relative to fuel/oxygen mass combusted. (Combustion energy + Ideal gas law)
Add mass without adding combustion, you get lower pressure and temperature out. So you get less boost from the turbo and make more work for the compression cycle.
The major point of the turbo is to use wasted heat to add more oxygen by packing more air in. So it’s a bit of an odd question to answer. The point is there’s a lot of energy wasted in a naturally aspirated engine’s exhaust. Turbos mostly use that wasted energy, and not power from the crank.
Oh yeah, the turbo is going to have an efficiency ratio for converting exhaust pressure into boost. So that added backpressure on the exhaust is going to be offset in the intake stroke by that ratio. Not important to the point, hat a tidbit. These things are so complicated lol.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 2 weeks ago:
It’s pretty much like billiards. They just bounce. Different chemicals (types of molecule) are different phases at different temperatures e.g. nitrogen is a gas at room temp, water is liquid. Stuff that’s a gas at room temp just has less bonding forces (and often mass) than liquids or solids. So they don’t take as much heat to go fast. There’s a lot of heat even at room temp, and even at -40deg. The temperature for nitrogen to sit in one place is -210C or -346F.
- Comment on New thermoelectric generator converts vehicle exhaust heat into electricity, boosting fuel efficiency 2 weeks ago:
The exhaust gases are at a high pressure after combustion due to combustion heat. The turbo does indeed increase exhaust pressure, and therefore extracts some work from the crank but it’s extracting significantly more from the high pressure of the expanded hot gas. It’s not “free” because it’s energy that is usually just wasted in a naturally aspirated engine. There are many examples of engine configurations where a turbo is used to boost efficiency by reducing displacement.
There were systems on old aircraft engines which used exhaust power recovery turbines geared directly to the crank. Those wouldn’t physically function under your concept.
The increase in manifold pressure doesn’t just increase oxygen in the cylinder. It also increases the manifold pressure, or the total mass of gases. The increase of oxygen does allow for more fuel and total energy in the ignition event but the extra inert gas also expands when heated. So both play a factor in increasing mean effective pressure, and therefore energy output per cycle (power).
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
It’s also the pure insistent annoyance of a tool being inserted into everything we use in daily life which spits misinformation, plagerizes real human work, and is being pushed by big tech to such a degree for no apparent reason. Furthermore it’s intent, from tech’s point of view, is to cut labor, which it doesn’t do. What it does is allow for layoffs of well paid labor and rehire at a lower pay as AI jockeys who just clean up the mess after it.
The hate is grounded on a lot of factors which the “worst it will ever be” argument completely misses the point on.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
With any luck I’ll have this summer to hang out on the porch of my cheap trasheap of A house in the woods and just fuck off for a good majority of it XD. Lots of projects and some gardening to do but all that can be done on my own time 😁
COVID/2020 sent me the opposite direction. Things just picked up and got worse over time. Been spending the last three years digging out of that hole.
- Comment on I would do this for just 1.99 2 weeks ago:
Arguably people don’t like the USE of AI regardless of whether the user thinks it’s trustworthy.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
Just a few weeks left for me. I haven’t really had any of these in a decade…
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
Fucking dream. Could take or leave the kratom but i respect it.
- Comment on Advice on enjoying your life 2 weeks ago:
It’s so huge not only for rest but creativity and mental housekeeping.
- Comment on In light of recent events, here's OpenStreetMap editors discussing naming of the Gulf of Mexico 2 weeks ago:
They also returned from the war to a much stronger welfare system.
- Comment on What's the tallest pyramid we'd be able to build? Can we reach space? 3 weeks ago:
You wouldn’t even notice seams. Line the width of human hair if you’re using similar to Egyptian pyramid blocks
- Comment on AI chatbots unable to accurately summarise news, BBC finds 3 weeks ago:
Fuckin news!
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
People capable of Einstein’s genious are born daily. There’s two major reasons we don’t her about them.
First, we have to live under capitalism. Opportunity is distributed poorly and depends directly on circumstance and luck. So most people who could be another Einstein end up working at a service job to survive.
Second, the sciences have grown so much that these works are now the leaves in the canopy of a dense forest. Sure, you can see the trees, you can see the leaves, but every single tree is a different subject, every branch a new revelation, every ring built upon the previous, every leaf subdivided into thousands of little bits, and even the cells with component parts. Once you start learning about a subject you start to see just how complex something as simple as the tree really is. So just like you don’t see every individual leaf, you don’t hear about these people.
Bonus: science isn’t the only place for genius, there’s tons of absolute geniuses working as artists, and that’s a good thing.
- Comment on The extremely rich would rather not have another Einstein unless they knew they could control them and it wouldn't hurt the bottom line. 3 weeks ago:
… Carries just enough water to sound plausible.
- Comment on what if another country staged a coup in the US and deposed trump? 3 weeks ago:
DOGE cutting CIA funding or something? Gotta open source the intel apparatus now?
- Comment on Tough question 4 weeks ago:
Much more likely astrology daughter is engaging with crystals and vibrations from a more spiritual sense without zealotry, and purely for the joy it brings them. Homeopathy probably because western medicine is a miserable experience for women…
So yeah, those aren’t exactly red flags at first glance.
NFTs however… Don’t ever talk to me again.