- Comment on Valve ban advertising-based business models on Steam, no forced adverts like in mobile games 2 weeks ago:
From my POV, there isn’t a difference, other than a CCG gives you physical objects so wotc can’t just up and decide that they don’t want to run magic anymore and make all of that loot disappear.
But from the gambling perspective, it’s exactly the same. Oh, actually one other difference, electronic gambling can fuck with the odds in real time while physical cards need to be determined when the pack is assembled. But it’s still based on false scarcity.
- Comment on people who drink, how long do your hangovers last? 2 weeks ago:
I don’t drink as often as I used to these days and noticed that there’s short term tolerance for alcohol. Like if I get a case of beer, if I have 4 the first night after going some months without drinking more than one drink, I’ll often stop before getting to 4 because I’m feeling like the drunk is going in a bad direction. But if I have what I can one night, then the next night 4 isn’t a big deal.
Same thing seemed to happen with hangovers.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 3 weeks ago:
Plants have a mechanism like that. Surely there’s gotta be some chemical path that can take co2 plus some form of stored energy we use to break off the o2. I don’t expect it to be efficient. Just useful in scenarios where oxygen is needed now, otherwise that stored energy is useless in the future.
- Comment on Patch this Bish! 3 weeks ago:
How about add a process that uses energy to convert co2 back to oxygen to increase the amount of time we can go without, plus enable weight loss via holding one’s breath.
- Comment on New Bill to Effectively Kill Anime & Other Piracy in the U.S. Gets Backing by Netflix, Disney & Sony 3 weeks ago:
I’m curious how effective those bans have been. Is free porn difficult to access in states that have added verification laws or has it only affected the larger players that get attention while the ones that most people don’t usually think immediately of fly under the radar?
- Comment on Library 3 weeks ago:
Like a new gaming PC!
- Comment on California just debunked a big myth about renewable energy 5 weeks ago:
Could even make it a manual thing or periodic and dependent on the panel having reduced power generation during the day. Heat up the snow while the panel is angled and it will eventually fall off without needing to melt all of it. Then, the rest of the time you can just let it get cold.
I wish my car’s wheel wells had that to periodically drop the slush/snow that builds up behind the wheels. Just needs to run for a little bit until the chunk falls off.
- Comment on Almost a third of developers think generative AI is a negative for the games industry, says new survey 5 weeks ago:
I think there’s also potential for more organic and dynamic NPC interactions. Perhaps even an AI GM type thing, which would allow players to use information they shouldn’t yet know without just ruining the game because if the main mystery is solved in act 1, the GM could just make a new plot.
Not that I think we’re anywhere close to an AI that could do that well, but it’s just a matter of time (assuming things don’t collapse entirely before that, which is unfortunately looking more likely than reaching the tech singularity… Or fortunately, since I’m not sure how humanity will continue after tech makes all of the work we can do redundant, as sweet as it could be for entertainment).
- Comment on Uber Eats undercover: Delivering your food for $1.74 an hour 1 month ago:
Yeah I liked the idea of Uber at first because taxis have been shitty for a long time and Uber was shaking up that industry.
But then I learned that Uber wasn’t making money and immediately realized that they were just looking better than taxis for as long as they needed to to drive them out of business so they can be even worse, while providing even less than taxis companies do. At least taxi companies have a relationship with their drivers while Uber was just a platform for connecting anonymous riders with almost as anonymous drivers and handling the financial aspect of it (so that they control it all as middlemen with control of the wallet).
So now I just use taxi services when I need a ride (while cursing the state of mass transit in North America and GM plus corrupt politicians for their role in making this like this).
Similar story with hotels/airbnb, though they’ve made it even worse because they are affecting the housing market itself rather than just the luxury service of staying somewhere while away from home.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
It may be helpful to read up on food-borne illnesses and their vectors. I say this because what I interpret from your comment is that rural areas are “dirty” and that right-leaning areas are somehow “dirtier” by virtue of being lax in food safety.
Yeah, I meant the association between right-leaning and “probably thinks safety regulations are a government overreach and waste of time that can be ignored if you can get away with it”. And non-existent rights for immigrant workers, including unhygienic living conditions imposed on them.
And an assumption that choices between profit or safety will be more likely to err on the side of profit than safety if they believe they can get away with it, with the “fuck you, I got mine” mindset seeming to be stronger on the right.
Thanks for the comment and info though. My own comment wasn’t really fair or useful.
- Comment on ugh i wish 2 months ago:
Considering farms are pretty much exclusively in rural areas and how rural areas generally lean politically, it’s a testament to the human immune system that food poisoning deaths aren’t more widespread. Or maybe a testament to the usefulness of food production regulations. Guessing we’ll find out which one by 2030, assuming it will be allowed to be reported on.
Or maybe new conspiracy theories will pop up over the next few years, oddly aligning with current health and safety science.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
That’s fair and to be clear, I wasn’t intending to contradict what you were saying but to clarify the scope of my comment was intended to be “anything in a package with a label where you trust that the contents match the label”.
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
I’m not even talking about the fun drugs, but things like a bottle of vitamin supplements, over the counter, or prescription medication. Sure, you can test a batch, but will that mean testing one pill out of each bottle? Or could consistency drop enough that one pill might not say much about the others in the bottle?
Will testing resources get stretched to the point where many won’t be able to afford them if we’ll need to test each bottle of pills we buy to make sure the producer didn’t just stick a nice label on lead pills to make a quick buck and disappear in the night before the fallout?
- Comment on BACK IT UP 2 months ago:
I wonder how hard it will be to tell the good stuff from the poison. Depending on just how unregulated they go, labels might not even match contents.
- Comment on Don't let the fun stop 2 months ago:
We’re all just people.
- Comment on wrappers 3 months ago:
Oh is that why some trees hurt so much?
Or just another reason why a tree might hurt so much?
Are they even trees or just more spiders?
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
It’s all gravity in the end. Or probably middle but I don’t know why gravity, so that’s as far as I can reduce it.
Everything we see around us is just hydrogen trying to get closer to the middle of the biggest hydrogen party it can find in the general vicinity. And we were all once part of at least one massive party that eventually got a bit out of hand when we all tried to get so close together we bounced off of a neutron star before it collapsed into a black hole.
- Comment on But yes. 3 months ago:
- Comment on lab toys 3 months ago:
I’ve wondered if mental state actually affects reality around us. Like some people who see paranormal shit are just more open to it or something while the presence of a skeptic prevents it from happening
And people who just don’t have confidence that tech will work can cause random issues just by being present, but sometimes when a tech confident person comes to assist them, their confidence gets it to work properly.
Maybe it has to do with particle/wave duality and the observer effect, and the simulation approximates things more when people aren’t paying as much attention or won’t likely investigate an issue closely after the fact, so the simulation gets sloppy because it’s approximating. But then when someone who will pay closer attention comes (or will come), the waves collapse into particles and it behaves as expected.
Maybe those cases where a user claims something usually works when they do it a way that is clearly wrong to the more experienced observer, the approximation works out in their favour, but the collapse to particles makes it break like it was supposed to the whole time.
Maybe Pauli understood some things about the technical equipment (and ropes?) that the others didn’t or was better at calibration and collapsed the wave more than usual.
Though my guess for the chandelier is that someone first thought of the dropping it when he entered joke but then realized that saying they tried to do that and it failed would be even funnier plus save them a chandelier and be much easier and safer to pull off.
- Comment on lab toys 3 months ago:
As a math guy, obviously the order of the letters is: x, y, z, a, b, c, then the rest of them in whatever order I currently feel like.
As a CS guy, obviously the order is sort( [ set of all letters ] ).
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
A property of hydrogen is that, given enough hydrogen and time, eventually it will write out the full works of Shakespeare.
- Comment on Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy Infintiy 3 months ago:
That’s the thing about infinity. If you have infinite monkeys, you don’t have to choose. You’ll have infinite instances of every possibility.
Finding any of the monkeys that typed out something interesting (or did something interesting that wasn’t typing or more common interesting monkey stuff) is another issue. If there’s an 0.0000001% of something interesting and unusual happening by coincidence, then there will be 999,999,999 uninteresting or usual instances for each interesting and unusual one.
Now if there were infinite copies of you searching the infinite monkeys for interesting and unusual events and all interesting ones get sent to an email address, the email server would overload in about the time it takes for the quickest interesting thing to happen, be noticed, and reported.
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 3 months ago:
Thanks for the detail!
And I agree that maybe they should be using something else. Though one risk with using something that few others are using is that it can also be used for targeting and tracking. Like if someone knows the bodyguards use shortwave communicators and that there’s an event at some location, they could have drones set up to just target those frequencies when they see them.
It’ll always be an arms race, at least if the players realize they are in an arms race and don’t just willingly carry tracking devices.
- Comment on Typing monkey would be unable to produce 'Hamlet' within the lifetime of the universe, study finds 3 months ago:
Infinite monkeys would produce everything in the time that it would take to type it out as fast as anyone can type, infinite times. There would also be infinite variations of slower versions, including an infinite number of versions where everything but the final period is written, but it never gets added (same with every other permutation of missing characters and extra ones added).
There would be infinite monkeys that only type one of Shakespeare’s plays or poems, and infinite monkeys that type some number greater than that, and even infinite monkeys that type out plays Shakespeare wanted to write but never got around to, plus infinite fan fictions about one or more of his plays.
Like infinite variations of plays where Juliette kills Hamlet, Ceasar puts on a miraculous defense and then divides Europe into the modern countries it’s made up of today, Romeo falls in love with King Lear, and Transformers save the Thundercats from the Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles who were brainwashed to think they were ancient normal samurai lizards. Some variations having all of that in the same play.
That’s the thing about infinity. If there’s any chance of something happening at all, it happens infinite times.
Even meta variants would all happen. Like if there’s any chance a group of monkeys typing randomly on typewriters could form a computer, there would be infinite variations of that computer in that infinite field of monkeys, including infinite ones that are trying to stimulate infinite monkeys making up a computer to verify that those monkeys make up a valid computer worth building and don’t have some bug where the temperature gets too high and melts some of the monkeys or the food delivery system isn’t fast enough to keep up and breaks down because monkeys get too tired to keep up with necessary timings.
BUT, even though all of these would exist in that infinite sea of monkeys, there would be far more monkeys just doing monkey things. So many more that you could spend your whole lifetime jumping to random locations within that sea of monkeys and never see any of the random organization popping out, despite an infinite number of monkeys and societies of monkeys dedicating their whole existence to making sure you, specifically, can find them (they might be too busy fighting off the infinite number of monkeys and societies of monkeys dedicating their lives to prevent you from ever finding non-noise in the sea of monkeys).
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 3 months ago:
Ah, I haven’t used it so didn’t realize there was a social aspect to it, that makes sense, though I don’t think the social nonsense is worth giving that kind of data to the parent company. Though I suppose the leaks in this case were just from people looking up the bodyguards on the service? Is there an option to set your profile to private?
But yeah, I’d agree that anyone who doesn’t want their location to be shared shouldn’t be using that, especially when there’s security concerns.
Though just carrying a cell phone at all gives some people access to your full location information, if they care to track it.
- Comment on Fitness app Strava gives away location of Biden, Trump and other leaders, French newspaper says. 3 months ago:
I’d prefer if that information was stored locally and wasn’t usable by anyone at Strava to just look up where someone is and/or has been.
- Comment on Court Orders Google (a Monopolist) To Knock It Off With the Monopoly Stuff. 3 months ago:
That’s exactly what I was thinking. I’m baffled as to how Apple won their version of this lawsuit when their system is arguably more of a monopoly than Google’s, since there were still ways to use 3rd party app stores on Android but not in Apple’s ecosystem.
Does it just come down to how connected Apple’s lawyers were vs Google’s? How about an investigation of all involved, assuming things don’t go to complete shit over the next few months?
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
Haven’t read down yet, but I bet odds are a bit better if you let go of the brake just before impact, to raise the front up a bit.
- Comment on Elon's Death Machine (aka Tesla) Mows Down Deer at Full Speed , Keeps Going on "Autopilot" 3 months ago:
I’d give the moose the top spot. Maybe not in sheer numbers of deaths, but I’d much rather have an encounter with a deer than a moose.
Though for sheer number, I also wouldn’t give that to deer, that spot would go to humans, though I can admit it’s a bit pedantic.
- Comment on Microsoft just paused Windows 11 24H2 update for many PCs due to crashes and freezes 3 months ago:
I just picked the one that lets me decide when to download the updates instead of when MS decides it’s time for me to download the updates. And I paid for the pro version just to get that.
It’ll be the last time I pay anything for Windows, and no, I don’t mean I’m going to switch to the ad supported version next. I’m hoping the last xbox game pass subscription payment I made before finally cancelling it is the last money they ever get from me.
And to add insult to injury, one of the last things I did before cancelling was scroll through their list of games and add the interesting looking ones to my steam wishlist, as well as the ones I uninstalled and enjoyed playing.
And yes, I realize I could have looked at that game list without a sub, but I had been delaying cancelling for a while because I always saw more games that I wanted to try when I looked through what they had and needed to do that to let go.