- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
Copilot by Microsoft is completely and utterly shit but they’re already putting it into new PCs. Why?
- Submitted 3 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 50 comments
- Submitted 4 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 12 comments
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
That’s totally wild
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
I quit after they fraudulently charged me a 6 month subscription renewal and then refused to refund it for months because no customer service reps anymore, and then the next expansion had paid early access for a huge paywall. It’s a total scam now
- Comment on World of Warcraft adds $90 mount to in game store 4 months ago:
Imagine a parallel world where no one brought the horse armour
Redditors said the same thing
- Submitted 4 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 113 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
Weird part is they weren’t arrested… Like tf? There are police
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
You know it’s so funny about the hunting skill that was really controversial? The people who actually did the skill did not enjoy it at all It was extremely tedious and frustrating, myself included. One of the worst skills and I’ve had no interest in doing it since. But it is by far the most botted skill in the game, pretty much everyone that I came across two years ago doing that skill when I still played, they were all bots. Like every single one of them. You could even mess them up just for fun by putting boxes around them so that you captured stuff and they would basically error out because the spot wasn’t working
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
Don’t worry, there will be better times ahead friend. Maybe not for this game, but I’m sure that someone will be inspired by the joy that the game brought them and create something similar. Games like Valheim arose this way, and the original dev (Gower) is creating another game with no microtransactions in it at all. Just sucks that this has to keep happening repeatedly with every game
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
It’s honestly crazy how horrifically they monetized RS3. You’re spammed with login notifications for your free gambling opportunities. Idk what it is now but it was squeal of Fortune, then some weird chest opening game you get two keys from or you get them from just playing the game and at random. Met a guy who spent $3600 on getting his skills up. Unfathomable to me
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
I don’t subscribe anymore. I unsubscribed with the other people who left when the subscription increase was announced
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
Hmm idk… The community is mad half the time at the devs. The voting is awful and simply doesn’t work at all. They’re not a tight knit company anymore either, they’re owned by an investment company
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
Ohh darn you’re right. I misremembered. Thought it was always 15.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape 4 months ago:
I think your need to do some inflation adjustment, their costs increase a lot as well. And raw “record profits” aren’t meaningful when not inflation adjusted.
They added microtransactions to both Runescape 3 and Oldschool, bonds never existed back then, so now you can buy gold in game, which is huge insane revenue amount for them. World of Warcraft has never had to increase costs even once.
- Submitted 4 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 24 comments
- Comment on [deleted] 4 months ago:
It’s globally accepted in the Sims community that no one wants a multiplayer Sims. We’ve been asking for Sims 5 for years now, and they tell us they’re no longer doing Sims 5 they’re doing multiplayer Sims next, with a paid store similar to Fallout 76. So yeah, fuck EA 100% truly vile shit company
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
Yeah, I’m pretty sure you’re getting put on a list. They probably have it designed that way, people who use offensive language often or certain words, add them to an internal list and restrict their interactions with the rest of the people heavily.
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
Just a habit, on lots of subreddits now, you get AutoMod deleted or banned from their subreddit if you use curse words. This happened to me on PC gaming subreddit. I got hit with a Perma ban there 3 months ago and they wouldn’t tell me why I kept messaging them over and over again, told it was for excessive profanity. Apparently lots of my comments use the f word so that’s not acceptable.
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
I’ve used CD keys and G2A in the past and had keys failed to work because they had already been used. Lukewarm customer service on both. I don’t know if I would trust that
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
Uhhh what? Are we talking about the same things? Steam doesn’t do sales to individuals. If they put a game on sale for $8 it’s that price for everyone, unless I’m missing something?
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
It has unequivocally ruined old school RS. Not only do people still buy gold for real life money. They also real world trade, too. some very popular streamers have RWT permanent bans. So the bond has solved literally no problem it claimed it would. It really just allowed people to buy gear for money in real life which is really sad. I get you can buy membership with gold. But that was never a thing back in 2007 and shouldn’t be allowed now. That sort of insane feature is directly fueling the bot industry
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
I get the concept behind it. But it just seems so predatory that older games never depreciate in value. Back in the olden days of GameStop, they would adjust prices. An old game was reduced in price after a certain time since it’s no longer new.
Now, that’s no longer the case. Valve seems to be the only one that does this, as an exception. Left 4 Dead 2 is now $10 standard and that’s not some crazy percentage off discount. That’s just the base price now. Other games though are silly as hell with the pricing. Battlefield games are the most obvious. Priced at a full $60, but the value plummets to $8 when on sale. Why don’t they reprice it to $30 and then on sale for $8? Seems less psychologically manipulative
- Comment on Why does the PC gaming industry still use such deceptive pricing? 4 months ago:
Did your friend make you want it enough to pay full price?
For $60, I would NEVER buy a game that has mostly negative reviews on steam hahaha
- Submitted 4 months ago to games@lemmy.world | 40 comments
- Comment on Starfield's first DLC is one of the worst Bethesda and DLCs of all time 4 months ago:
Microsoft is a fucking ghoulish, evil company. The only reason they bought Bethesda was to own their IP. They have Elder scrolls, Fallout, and Doom Because of ID games. That alone is going to bring them so much money, if they ever want to sell any of those franchises in the future, they can sell them for a fortune. That’s probably the reason why they acquired Bethesda to begin with. Laying off Hi-Fi Rush after they delivered an excellent product was just pure evil.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
No, it’s adjusted for corporate greed. World of Warcraft has never once raised their subscription. Also, they shouldn’t have had to raise their subscription because they introduced microtransactions in both RS3 and OSRS which further boosted revenue. You’re comparing two very different times in the game. There’s no excuse whatsoever.
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
they’ve done a really good job culling the bots in osrs
You’re badly misinformed. Their official subreddit is rife with complaints constantly about how bad the bot problem is. Some top ranked players on high scores are bots too.
Example one where top fishing skill players are bots.
Example 2 The top 25 Bandos highscore ranks are dominated by ranged-only tick-perfect bots, with a combined kill count of 1.7 million, generating approximately 225 billion gold from Bandos sets and 50 billion gold from hilts, and similar botting issues persist across other high-level bosses and activities.
Example 3 where CVC admits they have no fucking idea how many bots there even are but that they’re important to OSRS and part of the game.
The bot problem is out of control and they obviously profit from it massively, banning them takes away subscribers
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
I’m done bro. I have no hope left in me after Back 4 Blood. The original creators of Left 4 Dead, totally failed to deliver a fun and interesting game. I can’t believe the whole “original creator” bait anymore
- Comment on Corporate greed is killing RuneScape. What do people play instead? 4 months ago:
RS was a grind but it was relaxing. That’s what I loved. Come home, chill, chop some trees, level some skills, be a mage and kill some bad guys for slayer. Now it’s just min maxing for end game. The grind is unreal for some people, they kill the same bosses 20000 times for a pet to drop