- Comment on If you want to learn how to work from home make sure you learn from an expert 2 days ago:
This reminds me of the proliferation of content creators who make content advising content creators. Like if you had the tips for success wouldn’t you just be successful rather than barely scraping by? It feels like there are more of these content coaches than non-coach content creators these days
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 5 days ago:
I have a Pixel. It is literally made by one of the largest advertising companies in the world.
- Comment on Why can't we go back to small phones? 5 days ago:
Bigger screens mean bigger and more obtrusive ads.
I’m convinced this is 90% of the reason right here.
- Comment on Current World situation has me like 1 week ago:
Bring back the days when you assumed the internet was dangerous waters unless specified safe instead of the other way around.
- Comment on Rate my breakfast 2 weeks ago:
protein, fiber, carbohydrates, and a staple grain - feels like an exceptional and healthy choice to me
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
There is validity to this argument, certainly, but we are not talking about a social moral defined solely by legality, we are discussing a case where legality was defined within the confines of social expectation.
Legality is not inherently morality, but it can be an indicator of social morals.
There will be times when they are at odds, but I have yet to hear a compelling case in this situation.
So I ask, why social harm is being caused by defining adulthood at 18? And let’s be clear, I am looking for actual harm here, not potential for harm; going through a dangerous intersection is not the same thing as experiencing a car accident.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
I think you’re making serious assumptions and assuming a binary where none exists.
First off, nobody, here or in mainstream popular culture, is holding Leo’s relationships as model behavior. Leo may perhaps have “role model” status, but all avenues to which that moniker can be affixed apply to his body of work, talent, work ethic, etc; there is just nobody in mainstream culture referring to him as a role model in terms of romantic entanglements, at least not seriously.
So with that in mind, let’s discuss the binary here. Things aren’t either good or bad, they just simply aren’t. A entire gulf of experience in neutrality lays between the enviable and damned. So as I see it, the question here, at least the one posed by my comment, isn’t “are Leo’s relationships enviable role model behavior?,” because I don’t think that was ever in question, but rather “are Leo’s relationships damnedable?”, and to that the answer is a clear and resounding no, for me at least.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
There are a million valid reasons to value and date a person, and their looks, even potentially the youthfulness of those looks, is one the same as any other. We don’t live in the world of perfect reason devoid of animalism that you’re pretending; sexual attraction is and is always going to be a part of the equation. While we should continue making strides to ensure women are valued for their contributions to society and have more equitable positions and opportunities, I do not believe that means sterilizing or desexifying society nor artificially pretending the inherently inequitable nature of human attractiveness is somehow something that can be forced into equity through social pressure. Life is just simply more nuanced than that.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
No, it doesn’t. I address this with “I personally believe it is a reasonable one, designed conservative enough so that one can safely assume anyone on the other side of the line has had the chance to develop and grow free of unnecessary outside influence to rightly be deemed an adult after,” where I clearly state that I think 18 is a reasonable age. You’re welcome to disagree with and argue with my points but I am not going to allow you to insult my character for the sake of attempting to win your argument.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
For most of humanity “childhood” wasn’t even a concept in the way we think of it today. Our ability to give the people in society this society is truly one of the greatest achievements of modernity. But it’s still a somewhat arbitrary line in the sand we drew, yes. I personally believe it is a reasonable one, designed conservative enough so that one can safely assume anyone on the other side of the line has had the chance to develop and grow free of unnecessary outside influence to rightly be deemed an adult after.
If society wants to redefine the terms of where that line is drawn, that is fine, as we as members of society can do so.
But for the time being we drew the line at 18. It seemed fucked as hell to say “this is the line, this is what’s appropriate” and then demonize a man for staying within those lines. It’s fucked to say “here’s the line” when you actually mean “actually the real line is way over there and by being this close you’ve actually broken the rules.”
Dude is staying inside the lines, and interacting with those we have deemed full legal adults imbued with the right and power of autonomy. To the best of my understanding there have been no claims of coercion, abuse, or anything of that nature. So I’m sorry, but trying to convince me that dude is doing something wrong by adhering to the rules as laid for him just isn’t going to vibe with me.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
What shit? Allowing adults to make autonomous choices rather than infantilizing and pre-ascribing victim status to them?
Again, y’all can’t pretend we’re talking about children, we are talking about full legal adults with rights to autonomy.
If there is coercion or abuse, absolutely demonize and mobilize against that. But until there is, all you have is suspicion and suggestions that infantilize the real adult women in the scenario.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
Adulthood is the difference.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
Do you? Because that sounds like an assumption to me.
- Comment on Leo knew it was a joke and laughed because it was just a joke 2 weeks ago:
Hot take, but with so many actual sexual assailants and literal pedophiles in the world, I will just never be able to give two shits about what Leo does or does not do with other legal consenting adults, sorry.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
Why is there steak at the steakhouse??
- Comment on Yes that is definitely what I was going for, thank you 3 weeks ago:
God I can only imagine!
- Comment on Yes that is definitely what I was going for, thank you 3 weeks ago:
What’s 100x more annoying is when you type a real word but they decide you must have meant something else. That shit makes me bonkers
- Comment on Why is Pokémon Emerald so grindy? 3 weeks ago:
I suspect you know this already, but the slow walk and slow crawl moments are actually discreet loading screens. The alternative would be always having normal fast movement but then facing black transition loading screens.
Not that I’m stoked to defend FF7R, which I think is a bad bastardization of one of the greatest games of all time, but the slow loading transitions are arguably one of the things FF7R actually does right.
- Comment on Why is Pokémon Emerald so grindy? 3 weeks ago:
I feel grinding is kind of the point of Pokemon games, tbh. Without needing to grind, how long would it take to just steamroll through the story, a few hours at most? Even as is with the difficultly assuming grinding, people are still speed running gen 3 in under 2 hours
- Comment on English is a strange language. 4 weeks ago:
This seems to apply to a number of speech impediments, as “rhotacism” is the term for people with difficulty saying R sounds and apparently “stutter” is a particularly difficult word for people with stutters.
- Comment on Reminder: Three Days Left to Vote for the 2024 Lemmy Anime Awards 2 months ago:
Well I watched a ton of anime but only two of the series mentioned in that voting, so I guess we’ll see if my 5s on one show and 0s on everything else throw a wrench in the works 🤷 (which to be clear, is not my intention)
- Comment on Patient gamers, what are your favorite OSTs? 3 months ago:
A lot of great choices already: Persona 5, Hades, Katamari Damacy.
A kind of odd left-field one I’d like to add specifically for great music in-game, is Guacamelee 2. I don’t know that it’s the kind of music I’m likely to put on just to listen to randomly, but as far as in-game atmospheric music goes I think it’s both tremendous and refreshingly unique amongst the landscape of video game music.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
Sure, whatever. The point is I think the key to Lemmy, at least during this community-building stage, is narrowing in on the right level of specificity of niches which can be supported here. Maybe “NFL” is too niche, so we try “sports.” But then maybe “sports” is too broad so “US sports” is the solution. The point is negotiating the level of specificity to find the more zeroed-in on option that can still receive enough engagement to be viable.
- Comment on Stop whining. Do it yourself. 4 months ago:
Like another user said, if Lemmy doesn’t have the numbers to support the niche communities you want, maybe you need to move one level up the niche.
Like maybe there isn’t enough NFL activity on Lemmy yet to keep the NFL community active… But could there be enough sports fans to keep a sports community active? Could you perhaps settle for sharing a space with NHL, MBL, and/or soccer fans in a community that sacrifices a little bit of specificity for broadness to encourage activity?
- Comment on 🧿👄🧿 y'all need to step up ur game 4 months ago:
Gotcha, thanks for clarifying.
- Comment on 🧿👄🧿 y'all need to step up ur game 4 months ago:
Vivaldi browser, desktop, 4k screen maximized, interface here, and they look the same to me.
- Comment on Can I not be an adorable junkie 4 months ago:
Honestly at this point it’s just engagement bait. Yes, the trend is awful and terrible and stupid, but also people cannot resist the temptation of calling that out as well, so now it serves double-duty of being easy comment farming (note: this applies more to places like reddit than here on Lemmy, but I’m speaking in generalities here).
It’s a kind of damned if you do, damned if you don’t thing in terms of responding to this stupid self-censorship.
- Comment on [Tom Warren] The PS5 Pro still hasn’t sold out in the US or UK. Looks like the $700 price point will mean this console will be readily available this holiday 5 months ago:
Why buy a console when for roughly the same price you could buy a PC that does everything the console does and more? Yeah $700 is an insane price for what is effectively a toy.
- Comment on Meta fined $102 million for storing passwords in plain text 5 months ago:
100%. We need more personal liability for the evils of big business, not less
- Comment on Lord, I was born a scramblin' maaaaan 5 months ago:
I didn’t assume so, but I do appreciate you saying so regardless. Cheers ✌️