It feels dirty to agree with an ISP on something. But even the worst corporations are on the right side of something from time to time I suppose.
Internet shutoffs should require a court order. Not some emails that are “this person did a bad 🥺🥺🥺 no proof but can you please take our word for it 🥺🥺🥺🥺” 6 months ago
They’re 100% only doing this for money, but still, nice to see them in the right for once. 6 months ago
Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons. 6 months ago
Task failed successfully. 6 months ago
Something something broken clock 6 months ago
A lot of it is the sheer bureaucracy of chasing down actual pirates and weeding them from people who just happen to be on the same IP address.
If one guy visiting an apartment block downloads a torrent from a public connection, what is ATT supposed to do? Shut down Internet to the entire building?
This is an undue burden for ISPs, even if the content isn’t living in a gray zone of legality. 6 months ago
Yeah IP owners really want to have all the benefits of ownership with none of the drawbacks. After lobbying for and receiving a blank check to be able to rent seek indefinitely, they are constantly acting to outsource any cost of detection and enforcement of “their” property. Disgusting how goddamn entitled they are. 6 months ago
… IP addresses are assigned to modems… They don’t assign IP addresses to… Cables going to buildings I guess lol but ok.
And if you’re in some fucked up place that has the entire apartment complex’s internet going to one modem, then God save your soul. 6 months ago
something something broken clock 6 months ago
Ohh for sure, they know that if they get rid of the pirates, they’d lose half their customer base and will struggle to pay the CEOs bonus. 6 months ago
I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day. 6 months ago
If you disconnect them you can charge them fees