- Comment on why do transphobes mention pedophiles/compare them to pedophiles when most trans people (as do most people) hate pedophiles? 1 week ago:
It’s just to alienate and villainize the people they don’t like. Image someone as criminal and disgusting and other people will grow the same feeling. It’s what, Trump does too, with immigrants and trans people. Hitler did the same with jews. Spreading hate 101.
- Comment on Something like Sonarr but for Youtube? 1 week ago:
4k-videodownloader does this. Only paid version, but it’s a one time payment of 5 dollars or something like that.
- Comment on Is Tesla’s sales slump down to Elon Musk? 2 weeks ago:
Or light them on fire in front of a Trump building. But be smarter than a green baret: Get out first.
- Comment on Speedometer, or Siegometer? 2 weeks ago:
Going 110 hails you a cab.
- Comment on I don't exactly remember it that way 2 weeks ago:
I’m 37 now. It’s kinda accurate when I was a teen.
- Comment on What do I do for my sister/her friend? 2 weeks ago:
Wow, wtf. That’s not narcicism, a narcicist doesn’t acknowledge it. That’s rly fucked up. Wtf is wrong with that person. Get them some mental help. That’s seriously fucked up.
- Comment on What do I do for my sister/her friend? 2 weeks ago:
So, all I have is your bias story to go on, (sorry but there’s no objectivity to pull from a one sided story) but if you’re right, it sounds like this “friend” has something resembling a narcicistic personality disorder or something like it. If that’s true, it’s something to worry about. People with a condition like this tend to lure you in with kindness, force you to do stuff for them with the so called “kindness” as leverage, but at the same time destroying you by feeding negativity to you and the people around you about you, to maintain control over you by playing with you insecurities. And with “you”, I mean your sister in this case. Your sister will just be a pawn in their game to get status, attention, control, which will result in your sister getting hurt a lot and them moving on onto another victim.
But there’s a chance this is all wrong, again, I’m basing it only on your story. I don’t know if you are seeing everything which is happening clearly. Cases like this are always very difficult.
Maybe you can advice your sister not to get too dependent and attached on this “friend” and to be careful. And be there for her when it goes south. Don’t judge her, she’s a victim. Be supportive. Other than that, I doubt there’s anything you can do. It’s something which will have to play out as long as your sister isn’t ready to take her distance. It will be a hard life lesson, but a valuable one. Prep her with your insight, let her make the choice.
That’s my advice.
- Comment on The Cybertruck Appears to Be More Deadly Than the Infamous Ford Pinto, According to a New Analysis 2 weeks ago:
No. Shit. Sherlock.
- Comment on Why was Hitler so mean and hateful toward one group or another? I find it hard to believe he woke up one day and said you and you suck but these people over here are good. Taking it so far as killing? 3 weeks ago:
Worked the same for Hitler as it does for Elon en Trump. The love for hate, the need to blame, the hunger for power.
- Comment on Autoplay videos are cancer to me 3 weeks ago:
Not just to you, to everyone. I don’t even click on tiktok, Instagram, YouTube shorts or any other aids platforms links.
- Comment on ****** 3 weeks ago:
I need a pass code to log into my pc and my phone. I have biometrics enabled to unlock my password manager after that.
- Comment on ****** 3 weeks ago:
You type in passwords? Better use a password manager with random generated passwords, plus 2FA. Only copy-paste passwords and make it extremily hard to brute-force one, or have one stolen which can be used on other platforms because you use the same all over. Only unique long gibberish hidden behind a biometric lock, double protected with 2 factor Auth.
- Comment on Nothing a whole lotta *COPE* can't fix 3 weeks ago:
Just get some mental healthcare… Oh wait, also too expensive.
- Comment on Maybe it's just hitting the side of the bowl. The outside of the bowl. 3 weeks ago:
And make sure not to hit the water so no one can hear you. Pee like a ninja
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
Thanks to Elon, inspecting governmental bodies, regulations and regulators will be dissolved, so probably the cybertruck will be an amazing camp fire, better known as a dumbster fire, due to spontaneous combustion like Chinese cars in China. Then to blame it on trans people or something.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
You act like they won’t be replaced or disbanded by Musk if they won’t do what he wants. He has enough money to buy anyone and anything. And he shows he isn’t scared in doing so.
- Comment on Tesla pulls out all the stops as Cybertruck sales grind to a halt 3 weeks ago:
If you do not revolt against the government, you will receive a free cybertruck as a replacement for your house, which will be too expensive to live in.
Each immigrant willing to leave voluntarily will receive a free cybertruck.
The US military, firefighters, EMT’s and police force will get new vehicles! They will all start to use cybertrucks.
- Comment on Delicious 1 month ago:
I’ve seen halloumi cheese in Greece, and it doesn’t look like this at all. This looks like a factory produced piece of plastic. They make great cheese in Greece, nothing like this piece of chernobyl cake.
- Comment on Apple to pay $95m to settle claims Siri listened to users’ private conversations 1 month ago:
Why would anyone settle for that? I smell corruuuuuption! Where’s Luigi when you need him
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 1 month ago:
I know Jordan Peterson has a lot of followers. He says it’s the women’s fault men are lonely. He says men are their victim, pictures women as evil while men should be on top. This creates an even bigger isolation and creates sex offenders.
In Japan and South Korea there are many men who are isolated because of videogames and it’s online culture. They have a relationship with a Nintendo character of AI on their phone (no joke).
Because a lot of lonely men are in the internet, it’s not a representation of the real world. Doesn’t change the fact there are many non the less.
Just because there are many different cultures access able for anyone through the internet, it’s easier to isolate yourself in such a culture. Whether it’s on reddit, 4chan, through games, forums or sm groups. But it keeps you off the streets, away from real socializing, learning to behave, how to talk to a girl, find a hobby which isn’t on your computer, meet real friends.
- Comment on Delicious 1 month ago:
What’s that in the bottom right image? Is that supposed to be cheese? It looks like anything but cheese. I know the “cheese” used on burgers is a mispronounciation for plastic waste but the grilled cheese sandwich looks like it has bleached cardboard or something.
- Comment on This is the life I dream of from my cubicle 1 month ago:
Ti’s but a scratch
- Comment on Go into debt if you have to 1 month ago:
Damn, I’m in my late 30s, too late *sadface
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
1200 BCE
- Comment on Has the USA turned into an oligarchy? 1 month ago:
The land of the free enslaved it’s inhabitants.
- Comment on Just trying my best to make you turds smile 1 month ago:
Angry upvote
- Comment on Happy New Year! Thought I'd share my new year's resolution to the people here 1 month ago:
The higher the quality, the more fake CGI and special effects look. All the insane contrast, colors, details, it’s all so extremity fake and unreal. Plus, when you’re used to 4k and see something in 1080p, it looks shit. If you’re used to 1080p, it looks great.
- Comment on bird flu 1 month ago:
But sadly there’s no vaccine for stupidity. The US desperately needs it.
- Comment on Help, what have I found 2 months ago:
That was the first movie. And not Hitler himself.
- Comment on Help, what have I found 2 months ago:
The staircase to the center of the earth, where zombie Hitler lives with a pet T-Rex named Blondie (see Iron Sky 2)