- Comment on [deleted] 1 day ago:
Some people will have this on their phone and be irate when a FOSS app includes a crash report tracker.
- Comment on Pardon???? 1 day ago:
Half a decade.
- Comment on Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land 2 days ago:
What mention of religion should be removed? What is the region?
The article you posted noted that there was freedom of movement before the first Intifada. That was ended by the Oslo Accords, in which both Israel and Palestine agreed to a two-state solution.
Palestinian leadership rejected all agreements for statehood, which led to the talks falling apart. This included a deal that included 91% of the land of the pre-1967 West Bank, and a land trade agreement to compensate for that remaining 9%, and a capital in East Jerusalem. Instead, they initiated the second intifada.
- Comment on Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land 2 days ago:
Great, what would that look like? Other than buzz words, what specific policies would you like to see changed?
Presently Israel is about 20% Palestinians, who have passports, study and teach in the same universities, vote, serve in the government, serve in the highest levels of the Judiciary, have guaranteed rights to practice their religion freely, educate children in their family’s language, etc. Please let me know if you would like sources for any of this. I’m happy to provide them.
- Comment on Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land 2 days ago:
Just not engaging with foolish arguments.
Who are “the colonists?” Should we boycott Christian Palestinians who were part of the colonization of the crusades? Should we allow companies to do business with Jews in historically Jewish areas like the Old City of Jerusalem or Hebron, even though they are are on the Palestinian side of the Green Line? Do colonists include Palestinians who came to the West Bank from Jordan between 1948 and 1967? Are all Israelis colonists, regardless of whether they are Jewish, Palestinian, Druze, etc?
It seems like the comment was either a cowardly way of avoiding saying “yes, boycott the Jews,” or else it came from a place of astounding historical ignorance. Either way, it’s not worth my time to continue.
Will the reply to this be a thoughtful, informed response, or a zingy one-liner designed to dunk on an unpopular opinion?
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 2 days ago:
We’ll be fine as long as we don’t arm the zombies.
- Comment on Bawitdaba 3 days ago:
- Comment on France is about to pass the worst surveillance law in the EU. 4 days ago:
The only thing that can stop a bad guy with access to my private phone data is a good guy with access to my private phone data. /s
- Comment on Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land 4 days ago:
Would you also ask airbnb to delist homes in East Jerusalem owned by Palestinian Israelis? Or is it only Jewish Israelis that should be boycotted?
- Comment on Why do i see so many americans obsessed with the concept of "this is a thing that [Ethnicity] does" 4 days ago:
America is a nation of immigrants and mixed cultures. In the early 1900s, there was great pressure to acculturate to the “American” way of doing things. Immigrants changed their names, clothes, foods, and language to match the “mainstream.” There was a push to build a “colorblind” society.
By the 1960s-70s, younger people began to realize that “acculturation” really meant erasing cultural heritage and acquiescing to white, Anglo, male-dominated culture. So there was a movement to preserve, celebrate, and empower differences between people.
This gave rise to the Black Power movement, creation of the term “Hispanic” and the Latin American ethnicity, Women’s Lib, Gay Pride, and even the rise of pizza delivery chains (which was regarded as a somewhat exotic ethnic food at the time).
That tension continues in the USA between recognizing and celebrating cultural differences, and becoming a melting pot of many cultures becoming one.
- Comment on Seized, settled, let: how Airbnb and help Israelis make money from stolen Palestinian land 4 days ago:
If the issue is stolen land, then shouldn’t we be boycotting these platforms until they are out of non-native USA and Canada? Doesn’t that make up thousands of times more of their business?
- Comment on How can A person find out if they were hired as a DEI or fired because of it? 6 days ago:
That’s not actually how DEI works.
DEI initiatives provide training to help people in organizations make less biased decisions and be more respectful and inclusive of people from various backgrounds.
For example, instead of hiring someone from the boss’s alma mater, they might hire someone from a HBC who is equally qualified and helps bring a different perspective. Or hire a native Spanish speaker for a bilingual position instead of someone who spent a year abroad in Barcelona.
I’m happy to show studies about why it is necessary to correct hiring biases, and how organizations benefit from the efforts.
- Comment on It works for anything 6 days ago:
I get the pitcher!
- Comment on Life isn't easy if your last name is 'Null' as it still breaks database entries the world over 6 days ago:
How about XÆa-12? Asking for a friend.
- Comment on Microsoft Office support in Windows 10 ends in October too - what that really means 1 week ago:
Wow, that’s super disappointing but not incredibly surprising. The developers don’t seem as transparent as other projects I’ve interacted with.
I always install from their github, which I speculate (assume? hope?) does not include these trackers because they would be visible. Is there any way to reliably find out?
- Comment on Microsoft Office support in Windows 10 ends in October too - what that really means 1 week ago:
It’s a trade-off for sure, but they’re both free/FOSS. So it’s worth test driving both.
I used primarily open office and Libreoffice 10-15 years ago and it was dated then but competitive. Trying it this year left me feeling like it hadn’t gotten much interface work in that time.
I really wish the team would invest in a serious overhaul that’s long overdue. The back end, especially when it comes to huge files, outperforms onlyoffice by a mile. But for me, only office is faster to use because the navigation is so much easier.
- Comment on Microsoft Office support in Windows 10 ends in October too - what that really means 1 week ago:
Or OnlyOffice. It lacks a lot of features but is an easier sell in a lot of cases because of the much more modern interface.
- Comment on Speculative Evolution 1 week ago:
- Comment on Inspired by Wikitok, Papers Tok: An experiment to try to improve accessibility and discoverability of AI academic papers. 1 week ago:
That’s… Very specific.
- Comment on Just think how much deeper the ocean would be if sponges didn't live there. 1 week ago:
Also a !
- Comment on How would he have 6 limbs otherwise? 1 week ago:
Wings in invertebrates developed differently from those in vertebrates. Yes, vertebrates’ wings developed from their forelimbs (birds, bats, etc.), but invertebrates’ wings are a separate system entirely. Hence ants have 6 legs, whether they have wings or not.
- Comment on I feel my life is empty. Is there any way to stop this? 2 weeks ago:
Sounds like depression. If you have some savings, it might be worth it to see a therapist to find out.
- Comment on The Tesseract Lemmy app shows a news source ranking from MBFC 2 weeks ago:
Some of the news and politics communities added an automatic comment to new posts that linked to fact checking information, and a big portion of the community lost their minds about it. A lot of people found it biased, obtrusive, or unnecessary, and it generated a lot of conflict between the people who liked it or felt neutral. It went through many iterations based on the feedback before being removed entirely.
The entire saga was fairly disruptive and everyone is glad it’s over.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Well, then someone would just create a directory that associates each ipv6 with the name of the company using it, so you can search for the easy to remember, human readable name which automa-
Oh I see what happened here.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Don’t get me wrong - I certainly earn most of the downvotes I get. That was just a weird one that caught me off-guard. It is as you say.
- Comment on [deleted] 2 weeks ago:
It’s not federated. There is no roadmap to actual federation.
The code is open, so it’s possible that some dedicated devs may one day spin up a version that is actually federated under a different name.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Ah… I did not understand the auction link. I thought “expired” meant that the auction ended. I guess it describes the status of the domain.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Digital trust is a really complicated thing. DNS sure beats most of the alternative I can think of.
- Comment on comically loses its domain name 2 weeks ago:
Is there a way to know who bought it? Did they get it back or is it some rando or is it a known third party?
- Comment on Tumblr to join fediverse 2 weeks ago:
Can anyone eli5?
Will it federate with AP platforms?