- Comment on Current World situation has me like 3 days ago:
Your magic number is “64517”
- Comment on Common Ground 6 days ago:
People are complicated and can carry multiple, nuanced beliefs. There are people out there that support LGBTQ+ rights, think that drag is fun, and believe that people of color get treated unfairly systemically without also wanting to take up arms in a violent revolution against the established systems in America because social progress is still happening, albeit slowly.
Every social media platform(Yes, even the independent ones) tends to remove all nuance and push every issue as binary, and sometimes worse than that, it will bundle issues together. There are people here that will argue in all seriousness that if you voted for the candidate that would’ve pushed forward progressive policies, that you also support the genocide in Gaza.
- Comment on Common Ground 6 days ago:
You ever wonder how the right seems to move in lockstep while the left constantly debates between themselves about the details?
It’s shit like this that fosters that attitude. If some people on the right can look at something like this and then really examine their positions then thats a win.
The goal with something like this isn’t to get someone to 180 on their beliefs, they know that the government is untrustworthy. It’s to have them really look at what they’re supporting, and if they truly want those changes, after learning what it might cost them.
- Comment on Why do people see me as far older than 19 when I type the way I do sometimes?/Why do people think full stops are rude? 1 week ago:
Kind of. There is one punctuation tell that you can typically use to tell if someone is older, and thats if they use ellipsis to separate thoughts rather than line breaks in informal settings.
Back in the day when you were writing on paper, space was a limited resource, so people that are more used to that will separate ideas with a ‘…’ rather than starting a new paragraph because you can fit more text into a smaller footprint.
Come the turn of the millennium, digital writing became the norm and people that grew up surrounded by computers tend to use line breaks instead because space is not limited in the same way anymore.
- Comment on Do most people still use computers, or do people only use a smartphone as their main/only device? 1 week ago:
My experience has been that most people only use a computer at work and use their phone or a smart TV for everything else. Although, they usually also own a laptop for when a computer is required
- Comment on The world might be a whe different place if Ask Jeeves won the search engine wars 1 week ago:
“I prefer jovial” would’ve become the goto rainbow capitalist phrase
- Comment on Has America Reached Its Tipping Point with Ignorance? 1 week ago:
I think it’s a bit more hopeful than that(America is still fucked short term, but humanity might be better off long term). Throughout history, people have been misinformed idiots that don’t think critically. It’s just that prior to about 2008, people didn’t really have access to the deluge of information that is social media and we’re still trying to figure that out.
The reason misinformation on social media works so well is that people want to learn things, and if someone tells them a believable enough lie, they’ll take that as fact doing only minimal checks(eg: my friend whom I trust shared this article saying that it’s the Mexican’s fault I see so many homeless people, so it must be true).
Stuff like this has happened throughout history. People published absolutely insane things in books and presented them as fact for hundreds of years, and it set back things like science and medicine for equivalently long, as people didn’t fact check things then either.
The fact that people are already hammering on about trying to fact check social media means that people are educated enough now to start, and we as a species just need another small push in that direction
- Comment on China’s Salt Typhoon Spies Are Still Hacking Telecoms—Now by Exploiting Cisco Routers 2 weeks ago:
Against this specifically?
- Don’t ever expose your firewall/router management access to the Internet.
- Install firmware updates asap.
- Don’t be a an attractive target for nation-state hackers.
Additionally, ensure that you are following best practices for your own data by enabling MFA wherever you can and dont re-use passwords for any service.
- Comment on Best Buy Store 3 weeks ago:
Man, it just keeps getting worse.
The first sign is a reasonable expectation, the second sign removes a little agency but is still decent customer service, the third sign reads like a parody of overbearing corporate attitude, and the fourth is just abusive
- Comment on PSN Is Still Down After 14 Hours And No One Knows Why 3 weeks ago:
Sure, but if it were free it’s a “you get what you pay for” situation. People are a lot more forgiving when they aren’t personally losing money.
- Comment on New Cyberpunk Netflix animation confirmed as 2077 tops 30 million sales 2 months ago:
The problem with Solarpunk as a fiction genre is that it’s much harder to write than any of the other --punks. Solarpunk has a positive bent to it in comparison to the usual cynical tone that the others have. This makes drama and friction appear to be much less of a problem for the characters in the world.
There is a way to do it, but it’s harder because you can’t use the same story template that the others use.
- Comment on You know what would be cool? If all those (job name) simulator games could all be joined. 3 months ago:
Ive played in a few of these. It’s an absolute blast once you get your settings dialed in and balanced to everyone else. If they’re not, then the player in the smallest game tends to have a lot of downtime.
The only downside is that the participants need to be familiar enough with their chosen game to do a randomizer which means roping in casual players is difficult.
Also, there are a massive number of unsupported games that you can play like this that are not part of the main website. multiworld.news/apworlds.html
- Comment on The Vatican randomly dropped their new anime mascot and it is polarizing the internet 3 months ago:
Isnt this basically what the Catholic Church did in Dogma when they introduced Buddy Christ? Like down to the motivations and everything?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
Honestly, AI is super useful if what you need doesn’t require much creativity. For example, if I want to know how to setup an eDiscovery case in Exchange Online then I can probably trust Copilot to tell me the correct answer.
If I need to write a block of code to check for XSS or CSRF, then no, AI is not going to be trustworthy.
- Comment on I won’t be reading the replies 4 months ago:
Casting this would be a challenge. With no costs and no suspend keyword, you’d be basically required to cascade into it
- Comment on Nobel Prize 2024 4 months ago:
To be fair, the protein folding thing is legitimately impressive and an actual good use for the technology that isnt just harvesting people’s creativity for profit.
- Comment on Suggestions 4 months ago:
- Comment on PC gaming fan Steven Spielberg says he "can't do controllers," prefers keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
It depends on the game.
Trying to play a platformer using a keyboard is miserable. On the flip-side, trying to play an RTS with a controller sounds like one of the worst experiences imaginable.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
That is still an option, but there is a tradeoff. There is a button in the software to enable on-board memory mode.
You lose all your key assignment controls and fine-tuned DPI settings, but it stores on the device. If you want to have those features available, the mouse needs some software on the PC to talk to for more fine-grained control.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Me either. I have a G502 and I have the G Hub app to control the features(DPI, button assignments, RGB), but I’ve never needed an account to use it.
- Comment on Firebrick thermal energy storage could reach 170 GW in the U.S. by 2050 5 months ago:
I am not a material scientist, but I would wonder if molten metals would radiate too much heat to the environment causing an efficiency loss
- Comment on Alcohol from peppers? 5 months ago:
I think youd get much better flavors doing an infusion rather than a ferment.
- Comment on Russian Embassy, UK 5 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 5 months ago:
The funds come from the state’s tax-funded Economic Equity Investment Program, a program that aims to build economic equity for disadvantaged people, which allocated a $692,775 grant to Hacienda.
So, like, the cost of a single home in Portland?
There are bigger issues to worry about.
- Comment on Words truly matter 6 months ago:
Those treated with kindness are better for eating.
- Comment on 6 months ago:
My friends and I do a bi-weekly anime night where everyone chooses a series and we watch an episode of each; kind of like a curated Toonami block. One of my friends chose the original Urusei Yatsura.
We’re currently on episode 152, with many more remaining.
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
Sometimes people do the right thing for the wrong reasons.
- Comment on Carebear countdown 6 months ago:
I mean, WW2 Japan did eventually surrender.
- Comment on Researchers develop 3D printed filter for ‘forever chemicals’ in water 6 months ago:
Unless you have indium oxide filament, it wont do any good. This is more of a scientific proof of concept, rather than an engineered drop-in solution.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
20 grand for a full 100 point boost to your IQ seems like a pretty good deal.
Like, for the price of a new car I can be smarter than Einstein and realize I probably wasted that 20 grand.