- Comment on When You Block the Internet on Your Phone, Something Astonishing Happens Mentally 1 week ago:
How did you even do that, assuming you didn’t prevent your usage of computers and smartphones altogether? Just sheer willpower?
- Comment on If we can do it why can't they do it 1 week ago:
It looks like Buni, which doesn’t contain captions.
- Comment on Hate speech on X surged for at least 8 months after Elon Musk takeover – new research. 2 weeks ago:
Tbh that is an overall miniscule number and I’d say it’s not representative (based on my own occasional visits to that shithole through It’s a question what they even counted as hate speech. Openly calling for the death of some minority probably counted, but did all those “just noticing things” barely-concealed dogwhistles count?
Wait, maybe I should read the article before replying to you…
The study measured overt hate speech, the meaning of which was clear to anyone who saw it – speech attacking identity groups or using toxic language. It did not measure covert types of hate speech, such as coded language used by some extremist groups to spread hate but plausibly deny doing so.
- Comment on Thomson Reuters Wins First Major AI Copyright Case in the US 2 weeks ago:
Today, the court found (among other things), that a few thousand of the summaries that Ross’s AI produced are way too similar to Westlaw’s summaries for it to be a coincidence.
This is probably just inevitable when your dataset is not large enough. I would be interested in seeing the LLM’s output and the original texts; I do remember the early ChatGPT producing some borderline copies of sentences that you could find online (with one or two words changed).
- Comment on Tech's Dumbest Mistake: Why Firing Programmers for AI Will Destroy Everything 2 weeks ago:
But people still complain about CGI in film, likely for the same reason it was criticised in the past that you mention - it looks like ass, if done cheaply (today) or with early underdeveloped tech (back in the past). Similarly so, the vast majority of AI-generated images look lazy, generic (duh) and basically give me the “ick”.
Yeah, maybe they’ll get better in the future. But does that mean that we can’t complain about their ugliness (or whatever other issue we have with them) now?
- Comment on this year has been pretty fun so far 3 weeks ago:
And you know what? Good for them.
- Comment on 'Meta Torrented over 81 TB of Data Through Anna's Archive, Despite Few Seeders' * TorrentFreak 3 weeks ago:
It’s not Meta vs us, but opensource vs Google and Openai.
I never said it’s Meta vs us. It’s Meta vs (in this particular case) the book publishing industry. You can’t reduce the whole situation to open source vs closed source, there’s other “axes” at play here as well.
They are being sued for copyright infringement when it’s clearly highly transformative
They downloaded the entire Libgen and more. Going by the traditional explanations of piracy, that’s like stealing several hundred bookstores worth of books all at once, and then claiming it’s alright because your own writing is not plagiarised from any of the books you’ve stolen. (Piracy is not the same as actual stealing of course, but countless people have been being legally bullied and ruined with that logic.) Meta also got its data from Internet Archive; unless they only obtained their materials that are public domain or under a similar license, they’ve obtained a lot of material that IA has been sentenced for allowing unlimited access to back in 2020 (if you’ve followed the Hachette v. Internet Archive case). The brainfucking conclusion of your and Facebook’s case is that using illegal services is perfectly legal as long as you sufficiently transform the results of the illegal activity.
The rules are fine as is
Actually they’re not. Copyright law is insanely restrictive, and I don’t think you’ve dealt much with media if you think it’s fine (but I don’t wish to delve into this further as it’s beyond the scope of discussion).
Meta isn’t the one trying to change them
Of course they’re not trying to change them, that’s the point, they will get away with breaking them while being perfectly fine with other actors not being able to do so.
- Comment on 'Meta Torrented over 81 TB of Data Through Anna's Archive, Despite Few Seeders' * TorrentFreak 3 weeks ago:
It’s not Meta vs us, but opensource vs Google and Openai.
I never said it’s Meta vs us. It’s Meta vs (in this particular case) the book publishing industry. You can’t reduce all of modern tech and AI economy to open source vs closed source.
They are being sued for copyright infringement when it’s clearly highly transformative
They downloaded the entire Libgen and more. Going by the traditional explanations of piracy, that’s like stealing several hundred bookstores worth of books all at once, and then claiming it’s alright because your own writing is not plagiarised from any of the books you’ve stolen. (Piracy is not the same as actual stealing of course, but countless people have been being legally bullied and ruined with that logic.) The brainfucking conclusion of Facebook’s
The rules are fine as is
Actually they’re not. Copyright law is insane
- Comment on 'Meta Torrented over 81 TB of Data Through Anna's Archive, Despite Few Seeders' * TorrentFreak 3 weeks ago:
If the existence of open source LLMs hinges on the benevolence of one of the few most cancerous tech companies in the world, maybe they’re not really worth it?
This isn’t about “heroes” and “villains”. Facebook has been and has stayed the “villain”, they’ve done something colossally illegal that any mere mortal would be sued to death for (by an another “villainous” instance, the media system that has made piracy a necessity in the first place), and they’re hoping to get away with it simply on technicalities and by having more money for better lawyers. Rules are rules, if you don’t like them maybe Facebook should try to change them (and not just for themselves, but for the rest of us too)?
- Comment on Microsoft Bing is trying to spoof Google UI when people search 1 month ago:
Yeah tbh, it’s just two shady companies trying to out-cheat each other.
- Comment on Do rhymes make sense to deaf people? 1 month ago:
- Comment on >:( rejected vibes 2 months ago:
John Cage - 4’33’’ megamix
- Comment on Google must sell Chrome to end search monopoly, justice department argues in court filing 3 months ago:
I’m worrying that whatever gets sold (Chrome or Android) might end up in the hands of someone even more scummy than Google.
- Comment on Habits of Insects 3 months ago:
Isnt the dog the first thing people think of when seeing “doge”?
It used to be so, but in recent several years Doge has lived and pretty much been defined in public consciousness by the cryptocurrency, which Musk has openly endorsed/memed.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
And that’s more or less what I was aiming for, so we’re back at square one. What you wrote is in line with my first comment:
it is a weak compliment for AI, and more of a criticism of the current web search engines
The point is that there isn’t something that makes AI inherently superior to ordinary search engines. (Personally I haven’t found AI to be superior at all, but that’s a different topic.) The difference in quality is mainly a consequence of some corporate fuckery to wring out more money from the investors and/or advertisers and/or users at the given moment. AI is good (according to you) just because search engines suck.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
AI LLMs simply are better at surfacing it
Ok, but how exactly? Is there some magical emergent property of LLMs that guides them to filter out the garbage from the quality content?
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
If you don’t feel like discussing this and won’t do anything more than deliberately miss the point, you don’t have to reply to me at all.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 3 months ago:
they’re a great use in surfacing information that is discussed and available, but might be buried with no SEO behind it to surface it
This is what I’ve seen many people claim. But it is a weak compliment for AI, and more of a criticism of the current web search engines. Why is that information unavailable to search engines, but is available to LLMs? If someone has put in the work to find and feed the quality content to LLMs, why couldn’t that same effort have been invested in Google Search?
- Comment on there's now more ads in "legit" sites (YouTube, amazon) than in piracy sites 4 months ago:
It has custom user-made themes that are dark mode, so it probably has *dozens *of dark modes.
- Comment on i need it, soz 5 months ago:
I mean all of that is true, but, speaking as someone from Croatia - we don’t follow safety standards and regulations here anyway even with native workers, the quality of the bridge would definitely not be any better had Croats built it, and I doubt there even is the adequate workforce and know-how within Croatia that would be needed for such a massive and complex job. I would unironically expect the deadlines to be breached by several years. We also aren’t a rich country by European standards, so the price was probably a crucial factor.
In case you’re worrying about general Chinese influence on Croatian politics, that’s not really a problem, our govt is strongly pro-EU (for better and for worse), as well as much of the population.
- Comment on i need it, soz 5 months ago:
What the hell is “sus” about that?
- Comment on Whale 5 months ago:
- Comment on Whale 5 months ago:
Hmm, “1200-600 CE”?
Looks like it should be 1200-1600 CE (or AD).
- Comment on Maybe It Should Be Illegal To Instantly Delete A Website's Archives - Aftermath 5 months ago:
, it’s a salty article
Actually the author himself is somewhat harmed by this situation. I would be salty too. When I wish to write my CV, I can say: my text have been published at X and Y. Especially nice if it’s an important and well known publication. Now a part of his CV is literally erased, he can’t access his own texts anymore (not even on Internet Archive). That’s… utterly ridiculous. It’s a common practice to send the author a copy (or multiple) of the text he has published, he has every right to own a copy of them. Now the copy that was intended to be available to everyone is not available even to him. Something of the sort really has happened to me too when a website I published an article on a site, which recently underwent a redesign and now the text just isn’t available anymore. Admittedly it’s still on IA, but it’s an awkward situation.
- Comment on New York Times 1924, Hitler leaves prison 5 months ago:
It’s visually convincing (looks like a proper old-timey newspaper article, even has a misspelling/adapted name that nobody would use today), and OP even included the context with the source and date above the pic. I’ve seen the pic before, and if it were fake, nobody would manage/bother to add the original date it was published in.
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
Absolutely the correct position, nothing dirty about it. At this point, for better and for worse, the Internet is a basic necessity. Imagine having your water turned off because you threw water balloons at your neighbour.
- Comment on Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor 7 months ago:
No, there is no default option, just a dropdown that offers docx, pdf, rtf, txt, odf…
- Comment on Proton launches privacy-focused Google Docs alternative: Docs in Proton Drive is an open-source, end-to-end encrypted collaborative document editor 7 months ago:
Yes, Google Docs exports to ODF.
- Comment on Stay Mad 8 months ago:
At this point I doubt tankies should be much of a concern. What are they, 1-2% of the potential Dem voter base? I’m worrying more about the indecisive ones who have seen the performances in the debate.
- Comment on Every song has that one comment 10 months ago:
Tbh if there’s a musician that deserves this sort of comments, Eno is definitely one of the best candidates.