- Comment on Found: 280 Android apps that use OCR to steal cryptocurrency credentials 5 months ago:
Huge distrust in both the company and the man himself even after leaving the company. But I must say the world got a little more dull and gray when he died.
- Comment on Windows NT vs. Unix: A design comparison 5 months ago:
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
Behind the scenes, here’s what those labels correspond to:
USB 5Gbps: USB 3.0 and 3.1 Gen 1 USB 10Gbps: USB 3.1 Gen 2, 3.2 Gen 2×1, and 3.2 Gen 1×2 USB 20Gbps: USB 3.2 Gen 2×2 USB 40Gbps: USB4’s initial version as currently shipping
That’s cool. But even though it finally adds simplicity, it’s still yet another renaming of the same things.
Here’s a snippet from an article from 2019:
The upcoming 20 Gb/s USB 3.2 connection, which offers twice the speeds of the previous iteration, will be known as ‘USB 3.2 Gen 2x2’. Its predecessor, ‘USB 3.1’ will be rebranded to ‘USB 3.2 Gen 2’, while ‘USB 3.0’, which ran at 5 Gb/s speeds, will be termed ‘USB 3.2 Gen 1’.
Reading that I want to shoot myself, and even the latest change, which probably is a good one, drives me slightly mad due to the history of renaming everything so many times.
- Comment on My Job Is to Train Tesla's Cars to Drive Themselves 5 months ago:
Also this actively undermines quality in what they do, a requirement to make changes, may make people make changes that aren’t needed, and even possibly changes that can be detrimental to the function.
Indeed, but not only that. Having employees that have as their only task to spend that much time on such a mind numbing task is pretty much in itself a guarantee for poor quality work. Such work should be divided up among people who do other things as well, so that they can break the video watching up in smaller pieces to be able to remain focused and do a better job.
- Comment on Some basic info about USB 5 months ago:
The dear people at the USB Forum should be rewarded with the Nobel prize in namology for their clear, superior and non-confusing naming scheme and naming process that even the nerdiest of nerds can’t follow.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
They don’t pay equally to everyone. They benefit large artists more than smaller ones. If you only listen to your totally unknown friend’s music on Spotify, most of your money will still go to popular artists you don’t listen to, and your friend will get nothing because they’re below the threshold of getting a payment. It’s basically theft. Now if some of those popular artists are Spotify themselves behind the scenes, guess where your money is being funneled.
- Comment on Man Arrested for Creating Fake Bands With AI, Then Making $10 Million by Listening to Their Songs With Bots 5 months ago:
Of course it would have been possible. It would have been possible even like 100 years ago because we had the same alphabet and newspapers and headlines were a thing.
- Comment on Looking for advice on PC build for programming 5 months ago:
Replacing peripherals that often is nuts. Buy proper gear instead of wasting your money. My speakers are 20 years old and still look and sound like new, my proper office chair finally needs replacing or repairing but I got it used 24 years ago (do yourself a favor and never buy a “gaming chair”, buy a proper ergonomic office chair meant to sit in 8+ hrs/day). Monitor is 12 years old and works great for anything that doesn’t require >60Hz. Buy quality keyb+mouse and replace them when they break if you can’t repair them.
And depending on what you do, your computer could last longer than you think. I’m still running a first gen Threadripper from 2017 and it still handles everything I’m throwing at it without hesitation, granted I’m not throwing very heavy things at it these days.
- Comment on Mushroom learns to crawl after being given robot body 5 months ago:
No cap.
- Comment on YouTube to restrict teenagers’ exposure to videos about weight and fitness 5 months ago:
I can’t hear you! Don’t clap your hands while you’re talking!
- Comment on No screens before age of two, Swedish health authority tells parents 5 months ago:
All time with tech as a child should be limited
Akshually a house is also technology, and so are wheels and toys. You want to limit children’s time with those? Hm??
- Comment on Jesus could have been an antique meme à la Chuck Norris that got waaaay out of hand 5 months ago:
I say he is the messiah! I should know, I’ve followed a few!
- Comment on Pantries 5 months ago:
I’m Ron Burgundy?
- Comment on "REM sleep is the next AI" 5 months ago:
In the interest of fairness every citizen should have their own mandatory public dream channel on DreamTube.
Shit wait that’ll lead to some people becoming popular DreamTubers. Oh no, Dreamfluencer will become a thing. Quick, burn that timeline to the ground!
- Comment on Firefox rolls out Total Cookie Protection by default to all desktop users worldwide | It is Firefox’s strongest privacy protection to date, confining cookies to the site where they were created 5 months ago:
Wouldn’t that be Ultimate Dookie Protection?
- Comment on Samsung TVs will get 7 years of updates, starting with 2023 models 5 months ago:
Now now, you didn’t think that through. How then would you get your data mined and be served delicious ads, hm?
- Comment on Microsoft backtracks on deprecating the 39-year-old Windows Control Panel | Microsoft has either backtracked or clarified its language to remove the note about Control Panel being deprecated 5 months ago:
Oh god, I’m picturing ads for wireless routers in the network settings.
“The keyboard settings are brought to you by Logitech! Work. Play. Communicate.” *video ad plays with no ability to pause or change volume*
- Comment on Disco Clam 5 months ago:
Yo that’s the nickname I had for a stripper I dated once. Glitter everywhere.
- Comment on Peloton announces $95 “used equipment activation fee” 6 months ago:
- Comment on The most recognizable leaf silhouette is the marijuana leaf. 6 months ago:
But this is what they’re describing.
- Comment on About 500,000 trees cut down at site of Tesla gigafactory near Berlin | The Guardian 6 months ago:
Ah I see the problem then. I wasn’t trying to equate anything. I was simply addressing the reasoning behind the statement (that non-natural forests don’t matter), taking it to the extreme to make point. I don’t know anything about the forest in question, and I wasn’t talking about it.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
What are you on about, I answered. DTP software and Native Instruments software that uses their proprietary hardware (Maschine if you need to know).
- Comment on Flohmarkt is a Fediverse Marketplace 6 months ago:
I just realized the Swedish slang for flea market would work a charm. Loppis. It even sounds like a hip app. Someone quick make it an open fedi platform before the capitalists take it!
- Comment on About 500,000 trees cut down at site of Tesla gigafactory near Berlin | The Guardian 6 months ago:
With that logic we could cut down pretty much every single forest in Sweden and tell people to stop crying about it.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Yeah don’t get me started on Adobe. But I guess I should thank them for opening my eyes to exactly how bad SaaS really is with their ransomware. Sorry, I mean Creative Cloud subscriptions. Thanks to them I’m trying to move to FOSS as much as possible, but when you’re talking about alternatives for advanced top tier commercial software, and sometimes hardware… It’s a barren landscape thus far. And I’m putting a hopeful emphasis on thus far.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
I’m in the process of getting a family member over to Linux (again. didn’t work that well last time), but still, I like to help friends and family with computers when I can and I’ve always taken pride in being the go-to guy who know how to fix the thing. Ah well.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
You’re right that it’s a common misconception that games don’t work on Linux, and that misconception needs to be addressed. But playing games occasionally is such a common thing that you can’t treat them as one homogenous group. “Everyone” plays games. But many many of them do other things as well on their computers, and many of those would consider the other thing more important than the games.
People who use the Abobe suite for example. Digital media creation in general (massive group of people btw) is subpar on Linux. Personally my biggest hurdles right now are DTP software and a specific piece of music production software+hardware combination from Native Instruments.
Not to mention that most people are not ready to deal with a Linux installation that is having issues.
- Comment on Ex-bank CEO gets 24 years after falling for crypto scam, causing bank collapse 6 months ago:
Cheap bastard! Who would deny their neighbor coming over to borrow some sugar and a couple mills?
- Comment on The unpleasantness of mosquito bites is not something useful for mosquitoes, but it *is* useful for the ones who suffer it 6 months ago:
Maybe the nighttime suckers are kinky bastards who deliberately hock a loogie in you before they leave.
- Comment on Microsoft finally officially confirms it's killing Windows Control Panel sometime soon 6 months ago:
Thank fuck I’m in the process of moving to Linux. I loathe the Settings app. Will be sad to not be able to say I know how to properly use Windows anymore, when I used to know it like the back of my hand. Not being able to give support to friends and family will feel really weird.