- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 20 hours ago:
What is agency
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 2 days ago:
If your choices are a function of prior events and an emergent property of complex but deterministic processes where does agency come in? We are a complex deterministic process that simulates our own self to both predict a much more complex unconscious self and write rules to influence it going forward.
We call this process being conscious even when its writing just so stories after the fact.
- Comment on Sergey Brin says AGI is within reach if Googlers work 60-hour weeks 2 days ago:
Your choice of words is an analytical failure it says that the the will somehow sitting on top of all those processes rather than being a function of them.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
Ad hominem isn’t when you insult people AND make an argument its when you insult people INSTEAD of making an argument.
User initially believes that this is only a Linux issue because its almost entirely discussed on forums frequented by technical people who often use Linux whereas forums full of Windows gamers are equally effected but ignorant of the topic.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
It’s a much higher risk than average because games are often abandoned within one year of release and still run as long as 10-15 years later and connects to the internet and other randos on the internet. See the Call of Duty games that allow you to take over the computer of anyone who connects to your online match. It greatly degrades the security of its users.
Technically lots of things people call “malware” don’t actually do any of those things. For instance they may hijack your default search engine, pop up ads, or otherwise monetize your computer at your expense. The category that was invented by ass coverers is “possibly unwanted program” but outside of those who worry about being sued by scumbags people colloquially refer to both what you call malware AND PUPs as "malware the root of which is “bad” after all. Language being descriptive not prescriptive I think this broader definition of malware is fine.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
Do you remember when Sony released cds that when inserted into Windows computer auto ran an installer that installed a rootkit that made it impossible for Windows to see any processes or files that started with a certain sequence of characters instantly turning any malware that named its files or processes similarly powerful rootkit. Oh and it installed a cd driver that made it impossible to copy their music.
Suggested removal was a full reinstall of windows.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
If they change the deal they should have to offer refunds. This makes it an expensive choice after the fact.
- Comment on Steam games will now need to fully disclose kernel-level anti-cheat on store pages 3 months ago:
No its common for anti-cheat on Windows to have full root permission to your entire system Windows users are just on average less intelligent, less concerned about privacy, and, more ignorant about technology. This doesn’t mean using Windows makes you stupid its just the OS of choice for the stupid and ignorant.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
But Russians ARE responsible for the actions of their government.
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
Have you noticed exactly how many Russians are bigots who support the mass murder of their neighbors?
- Comment on If Biden wanted to could he have people kill Trump since he is in office and SCOTUS said it was ok? 4 months ago:
If you start with the answer you want to get and “find” the construct the law thereafter you can find anything. You can even find one thing one day, another the next, and yet another the day after. The supreme court is a Republican tool which has little legitimacy.
They would find for their side wherein they reasonable feel it won’t harm them or the future or trespass beyond their own personal opinions not on what the law says but what they think it ought to be.
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
At present most drivers do know better than most driving AIs
- Comment on Men Harassed A Woman In A Driverless Waymo, Trapping Her In Traffic 4 months ago:
You guys are talking past one another. It’s extremely common at a population level insofar as its happening literally many times per day at the population level. It is not extremely likely at the individual level because the vehicle miles driven per carjacking is massive with most people never getting car jacked.
- Comment on How do I avoid enshitification of my keyboard and mouse 5 months ago:
Maybe if you hate things because people recommend them instead of what they are good or bad for then you are ignorant
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
It sounds like ANY state of any variety anywhere in the world any time in modern history could have ended famines and you are somehow ascribing the benefits of modern farming to communism.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Mao was responsible for the deaths of 30-50M in famine. Estimates of Stalins score from famine, execution, forced relocation, labor camps is more difficult to ascertain. Estimates range from 3 -20M. Whether you disagree with this estimate it is incredibly likely that the prior poster was referencing the 33M–70M who died in intolerable conditions not the nazis.
The fact that you justify the state getting in the systemic murder business for any cause is a fundamental difference between our understanding of what can ever be morally acceptable.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
America didn’t go from legally sanctioning a behavior to murdering the people today who were behaving lawfully yesterday even if they were immoral fucks. If you don’t understand that then you don’t understand how normal societies run.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Your portrayal of them just being made into regular peasants seems to me viewing the whole affair with more than rose colored glasses.
All kulaks were assigned to one of three categories:[4]
Those to be shot or imprisoned as decided by the local secret political police. Those to be sent to Siberia, the North, the Urals, or Kazakhstan, after confiscation of their property. Those to be evicted from their houses and used in labour colonies within their own districts.By most people’s reckoning in most of planet earth they stole the lawfully earned property of kulaks and either murdered them or otherwise destroyed their lives. Treating them worse than most developed nations treat burglars and thieves.
If someone shot your grandpa and your uncle, send half your people to Siberia to die out there, and sent the other half to prison locally of course you would flee with whatever you could carry and of course you would at that point be an enemy of the regime that destroyed your life.
So if the original commenter’s great grandparents were kulaks who “suffered at the hands of the soviet union,” they deserved it.
I don’t understand your justification for what is ultimately pretty horrific treatment foisted on people ultimately just participating lawfully in society up until that point.
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Stalin and Mao both killed a hell of a lot of their own people that is what they are referring to
- Comment on Is it me or is everyone in hexbear insane? 5 months ago:
Ukraine has been super militarized with anti-Russian sentiments rising since they illegally stole a part of their country in 2014 and started providing money, arms, vehicles, and soldiers to separatists premised on said separatists murdering their fellow citizens and providing a thin pretext for Russia ultimately taking more of Ukraine.
Given the profoundly destructive nature of any such conflict with Russia and the impossibility of winning or even surviving without a coalition of supporters there is zero chance of Ukraine ever starting a conflict with Russia itself.
Given the risk of nuclear war and the impossibility of pushing Ukraine to start such a conflict there was never any chance of NATO either starting such a conflict OR being able to start one by proxy.
It’s hard to argue that Russia had security concerns when the only person in a position to light this candle is themselves.
NATO was virtually entirely a mutual defense pact vs Russia in their previous incarnation as the USSR. Inducting Russia into NATO would only serve to give them veto power and influence on an org which virtually exists to defend against THEM! It makes no coherent sense nor would it somehow provide the Russians some share of “super profits” it would solely give them an opportunity to undermine NATO which is why Putin wanted it.
The material basis for stealing the Ukrainians country from them and murdering its children is that by doing so they gain access to tax payers, resources, people, strategic resources, land, fossil fuels etc. Based on what we know about their strategic planning we have every reason to believe they thought this would be an inexpensive and quick affair that would be concluded in a matter of days with minimal loss of life.
It is purely a function of avarice, stupidity, and immorality. It is no more complicated than asking why a burglar invaded a home and took the lives of people there when he just ended up leaving bloody himself. They did it because they thought it would profit them and because they thought they could get away with it.
- Comment on Why is Kamala Harris being held at such a higher standard than Trump this election? 5 months ago:
Because a huge percentages of white guys are huge stupid pieces of shit and there are a lot of us out there.
To give you an example there was a poll in the swing states that showed that guys preferred Trump 56 to 44 and women the reverse. Nationwide in the last go round white men across the entire nation showed near as big a split again 56 44. vs 51 to 47 in Biden’s favor.
It’s about bigotry.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
There is no reason to believe that LLM will disrupt anyone any time soon. As it stands now the level of workmanship is absolutely terrible and there are more things to be done than anyone has enough labor to do. Making it so skilled professionals can do more literally just makes it so more companies can produce quality of work that is not complete garbage.
Juniors produce progressively more directly usable work with reason and autonomy and are the only way you develop seniors. As it stands LLM do nothing with autonomy and do much of the work they do wrong. Even with improvements they will in near term actually be a coworker. They remain something you a skilled person actually use like a wrench. In the hands of someone who knows nothing they are worth nothing. Thinking this will replace a segment of workers of any stripe is just wrong.
- Comment on Nothing is requiring employees to be in the office five days a week 6 months ago:
People think this. However the people who actually cost 1/10th are absolute garbage. The people who you might want to hire cost 1/2 as much and work for a company that also want to get paid. By the time you get done you’ve paid 80% as much for worse work and are dealing with people in a different time zone, with a language and cultural barrier, and misaligned incentives.
Whereas your people want to get as much done as is reasonable so they can stay employed, move up, get raises, improve their cv yada yada the offshoring firm wants to bill you as much as possible without losing your business.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
By which time it will be normalized. How about we fix it now.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
The problem is there is no reason to suspect that a lucrative strategy doesn’t spread to other manufacturers and indeed segments.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
No it wouldn’t because poor people can trivially be kept out of court all kinds of ways from binding arbitration to half assed enforcement. As a rule if you want someone to NOT do something you have to tell them they can’t do it!
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
Fantastic point
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
More successful or more beneficial?
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
All of it is a reason for people to vote not to allow it. This can be accomplished federally or via initiatives in states. If a handful states comprising 30-50% of the pop wont allow it then it will be dead.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
Why is this bad in a nutshell.
A) The only way to control access to this feature is to lock down and phone home. If it doesn’t phone home then when someone figures out a way around your present security its possible for someone to sell said features forever. Such DRM could hurt repeatability by accident or more likely on purpose.
B) There is no reason to fail open so even if BMW is still chugging when they stop taking your cars phone calls and retires those servers you get no more feature.
C) The amount spent over the lifespan of a car wherein people opt to take care of their valuable asset absolutely dwarfs the cost able to be extracted up front
D) This functionality opens the door to a hacker not just turning off your features but turning off your car. This includes state sponsored attackers and people who are just generally pissed off at the geopolitical actions of your country of origin. If you are in the US that is a lot of fucking people.
E) Product segmentation on average increases the amount you can extract per user. Allowing segmentation by features turn on or off in software by the month it allows far greater segmentation with no reasonable expectation that the baseline will be lower. This means the lowest end user of a model pays the same for even less. The median user pays somewhat more and the max user pays a LOT more.
F) This means wholly paid for used cars now come with a car payment to the manufacturer.
Now there are half a hundred people on the boards of these companies and 338M of us in the US. 449M in the EU. There is no reason to allow this misfeature to continue to be a thing in our markets. If automakers don’t like those restrictions any one of them can opt to most of the most valuable markets in the world and find their fortunes exclusively in China while their competitors eat their former marketshare.