- Comment on LegalEagle Suing PayPal's Honey 1 month ago:
Took a bit to make Gemini understand who I was talking about but this was it’s first result
Sharp wit, keenest eye, Tech truths told with soothing voice, Brownlee’s insights reign.
- Comment on Magnus Carlsen: Chess champion quits FIDE tournament after being told to change jeans 2 months ago:
The NBA requires players to suit up when arriving at a game. Some MLB teams require pretty strict dress codes (famously the Yankees and facial hair).
Organized sports can be weird to say the least.
- Comment on how did you master splits (for flexibility)? 3 months ago:
Started getting into martial arts a few years ago (late in life). Stretch and train almost every day, I’m nowhere near close to being able to do a split. At some point, it definitely takes more than just practice.
I’m not saying it isn’t possible, I’ve seen guys older than me do it, but age, sex and past experience and training definitely play large factors. My wife doesn’t stretch at all, hasn’t exercised on a regular basis since she was in highschool (she was in cheer) and she could get a LOT closer to a full split than I can.
- Comment on Phonebooks 5 months ago:
It was more than just the phone books. Back before smart phones, if you needed to look up a phone number you’d call information (411) and they’d look it up for you. For instance, if you were stuck on the side of the road and needed a tow truck.
Information would be able to look up businesses close to where you were using the NPA/NXX of the phone number you were calling from (the first six digits of the number including the area code) and then give you a couple options in alphabetical order.
I had a client who had a phone number in every exchange in NYC and had a name like “AAA Towing” so no matter where in NYC you called information for a tow truck from, they’d usually be the first option given to you.
- Comment on Kotaku being Kotaku 5 months ago:
There are two main reasons why those numbers are skewed and incorrect.
- Mojang/Microsoft can’t legally keep tallies of players under the age of 13 due to COPA regulations, so that demo is underrepresented
- Those numbers include Java metrics which contrary to popular belief, are absolutely dwarfed by Bedrock players.
Bedrock players are Mojang/Microsoft’s target demo. They spend more money (with both realms and the marketplace) and purchase more merchandise.
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
That’s not how it would work for us. We’d receive a report from the MPAA/RIAA that showed the torrent they were downloading, the IP address involved, if they were seeding or leeching and an affidavit saying that all the information was correct to the best of their knowledge.
The letter we sent basically was a notification that we received that letter (with a copy) and that if we received two more for the same IP (three in total) we would have to release their information to the reporting body and that they could be open to legal action. It also included some information on how to secure their network and check for viruses in case that was the cause.
In my 15 years working there, we never once released information about a client. Because this was business accounts, most clients had multiple IPs (at least a /29) and would cycle what IPs they showed up as on the public Internet to keep them from getting multiple notices on the same IP. The music venue I mentioned had an entire /24.
- Comment on ISP to Supreme Court: We shouldn’t have to disconnect users accused of piracy 6 months ago:
I had to process these requests at a company I used to work for. They do send “proof” (proof in quotes because you have to believe in good faith they didn’t just make it up, which I have to believe they didn’t).
We never shut anyone off though. We worked with business exclusively and only ever sent “scary” letters. Though we had one client that was a major music venue (a very known venue that’s pretty famous) who would get these letters all the time. The irony was too much for me. I ended up calling them personally most of the time because it was too funny.
- Comment on Smart sous vide cooker to start charging $2/month for 10-year-old companion app 6 months ago:
People who made accounts before they start charging will be grandfathered in for free.
- Comment on Chat is this real 6 months ago:
The problem is just going to court and saying “we have nothing to do with it” is both expensive and can end up with them going to trial. If they believe they have nothing to do with the incident, this is their easiest route.
Not trying to defend a big corp like Disney (they have plenty of money and can easily cover it), but I was just involved in a suite brought against me and in the end even though it would have been an “easy win” for us, it still would have cost us more money to fight it out in court than it was to just settle. And that’s assuming the trial went our way which is never a guarantee.
- Comment on Moms, I you were struggling with your child in public and a man offered to help, would you let him and why? 7 months ago:
A lot of what you hear is overblown. I’m usually the one to take my kids to activities (karate, gymnastics, birthday parties, etc). I’m very much an extrovert so I’m usually the type to talk to the other parents, play with the kids, etc.
It’s all about the situation and your demeanor. I’m usually the first to stop a kid from walking out of a place, running into the street, etc. I’ve never had a response other than thank you. Most parents appreciate the help.
Sometimes you might find parents that are a bit colder, but that’s the exception, not the norm. As long as it doesn’t seem like you’re trying to lore the kids into your van with candy, you’re probably fine.
- Comment on LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells 7 months ago:
You just said HAOS and Frigate, and “set it and forget it” in the same statement. As a long time user of both I call shenanigans.
I also think you overestimate the ability of the average person. My mom barely knows how to work her Ring doorbell camera.
- Comment on LAPD warns residents after spike in burglaries using Wi-Fi jammers that disable security cameras, smart doorbells 7 months ago:
Amcrest’s app does, and you could do it yourself with something like Home Assistant.
- Comment on An angry admin shares the CrowdStrike outage experience 7 months ago:
Just need the user to mash F12 during boot and select the recovery environment, possibly input WiFi credentials if not wired
In theory that sounds great, now just do it 1000+ times while your phone is ringing off the hook and you’re working with some of the most tech illiterate people in your org.
- Comment on PSA: GoDaddy gated their own API. DDNS users warned 7 months ago:
GoDaddy has always been pretty shitty.
- Comment on PSA: GoDaddy gated their own API. DDNS users warned 7 months ago:
I moved about half my domains (I have about roughly 30) to Cloudflare and then stopped as I started hitting caveats. For instance they considered some of my domains “premium” and wouldn’t take them. I was having problems using them with some hosted website providers, etc
I let the rest of my domains transfer to SquareSpace and it’s been mostly painless (besides Google Domains completely fucking up my email but that’s wasn’t SquareSpaces fault). I’ll probably run out the registration on all of them and make a decision on where I’m moving my domains next year. Probably won’t be Cloudflare though.
That said, Cloudflare definitely seems cheaper than SquareSpace.
- Comment on Restaurant in NYC offshores cashier job to Philippines so they can pay below minimum wage ($3/hr in Philippines) 7 months ago:
Don’t tell him just in case.
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
Wait, are we not supposed to tie $100 bills to our mortars?
- Comment on Does anyone else feel like fireworks are a complete waste of money and a ridiculous amount of unnecessary Pollution? 7 months ago:
My uncle came back from Vietnam with really bad PTSD (among other problems like alcoholism). Every fourth he would spend the whole day/night in the basement with the curtains drawn (to block out the flashes) and headphones on with the sound turned all the way up (to block out the sounds).
He would also take my cousins to buy fireworks every year.
I don’t mean to minimize your struggle, I just thought the juxtaposition was interesting.
I hope you could work through your struggles. I’m happy to say he was able to. He was able to quit drinking and minimize the effects of his PTSD. By the end of his life he was out there watching us shoot off the fireworks.
- Comment on Is there any real physical proof that Jesus christ ever existed? 8 months ago:
The tl;dr of that article isn’t even “no”. It provides both sides of the accounts and references academics that argue both ways.
I read it to make the same argument you did, but ended up considering it a surprisingly well written article.
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago: was it! I’m going back over 20 years to the late 90’s early 2000’s. I can’t comment on the state of ecstasy today, I haven’t rolled in over 20 years.
- Comment on I miss console ads being this weird 8 months ago:
Worse than that, that one website dance something that would test pills found that a huge percentage of the “ecstasy” people took didn’t contain MDMA. A surprising amount didn’t even contain illegal drugs. Just over the counter speed.
- Comment on If one conjoined twin commits a murder without the consent of their twin, will both have to go to prison or nobody? 9 months ago:
But this is a different situation. Would you tell an amputee to break a leg? Or ask a blind person if they “see what I’m saying”. I’m sure you could see how calling a single conjoined twin a “half” could be offensive.
Colloquials like that are a great way to make communication more colorful and informal, but sometimes you need to be a bit more sensitive with what you say.
- Comment on A literal depiction of how capitalism invades all aspects of life 9 months ago:
It’s not, that’s what it’s going to look like after the restoration is completed.