A person recently said to me that they sometimes feel gaslighted around me because I so effortlesly make them question their own beliefs and feelings. As someone whose been wondering the question in the title for quite a while I didn’t like hearing that.

I’ve for a very long time been quite critical of myself. I don’t think of me as a very nice person. When I find out that someone doesn’t like being around me I don’t blame them at all. It’s not like I’m intentionally mean, abusive or anything like that. Quite the opposite; I have very strong morals. This however icludes things like not lying which means that I always speak the truth and not everyone likes hearing it. I don’t follow many of the social norms expected of me.

Despite all of this there’s several people that I have very deep relationships with and especially the elderly and for example parents of my past girlfriends all have liked me a lot. I just can’t help but wonder why they don’t see me as I see myself. I’m worried I’m hiding the true me so well that people don’t actually like me but the facade I unknowingly maintain. Then again a true psychopath probably wouldn’t be second quessing themselves in this manner.