- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 1 week ago:
Self-awareness & anxiety, two common traits of humans.
- Comment on We get more month per day in February than any other time of the year. 1 week ago:
And the rent remains the same!
- Comment on Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water. 1 week ago:
It’s still not warm enough for population over a tipping point, you are just more aware of the boiling apparatus. I believe humanity will jump once it gets warm enough, much like a frog does, even in a slowly boiling pot of water. I trust humanity, after all we’ve survived so far, our ancestors overcoming much much worse. Can you imagine living in feudalism? Or sword fighting in medieval times? Or when we had to hunt?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
‘Supposed to’ - yeah, we all wish. ‘Reality’ is that you are who you are. If you don’t recognize this primal instinct in yourself, you’ll never understand it in others. To understand the world, all you need is a mirror, and you need to look really deep in it.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
The rise of nationalism / individualism world-wide is due to powerful propaganda targeting this exact instinctive behavior of man that tells him that he is superior to his neighbor with the different religion, county of birth, skin color. There’s a reason propaganda relies on rage, anger, & fear because those emotions evoke your animal instincts, bypassing all rational thinking.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
We still possess our primal instincts, we still have flight flight response involuntarily to something new or unknown, we still fall in the us vs them trap, we cheer for our team, our country, our religion, and shit on the other team, other county, other religion. It takes wisdom to rise above labels, but it’s definitely not instinctive.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 week ago:
When you reframe the whole world as a jungle with 8 billion animals, your mantra translates to - don’t get hunted, but it’s okay to hunt because that is survival. Primitive instincts.
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 3 months ago:
Man can be free only when and if he’s able to rise above his insecurities
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
Yep, ASD. We are intelligent. We are perfectionists. We take our sweet time to learn about the world around us. Once we’ve learnt about something, we are quite sure of it, & hence we’re strongly opinioniated on things we know. Stupidity, and not being able to see things correctly may even ‘trigger’ us, & hence we can come across as arrogant. We can see the forest for the trees, but we lose our minds because the rest of the world only sees the trees for the trees.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
You sound like someone on the ASD spectrum - honest, principled, not confirming to social norms, overthinking. You had to mask to survive, yes, so obviously there is a facade, but that don’t make you a thief. You are thoughtful & intelligent, & capable of using logic to steer the conversation, but that don’t make you manipulative. You are honest man with morals, how can you not be kind? Why don’t you consider yourself a nice person?