- Comment on What one Finnish church learned from creating a service almost entirely with AI. 17 hours ago:
Big “y tho” response from me
- Comment on Countries across the world use more land for golf courses than wind or solar energy 1 week ago:
This topic is one of the things that brings up how people are emotional first, and sometimes only.
Like, I’ll point out all the problems with golf, and all the better things we could use the space and resources for, and the pro-golf person will respond with “but i like it” as if that means a fucking damn thing.
The fact that some people “like” golf is not enough to justify the poor use and allocation of resources.
(Yes, I realize I’m holding onto a years old argument I had with a peer and that’s not especially healthy. But I feel like this argument comes up all the time. I’ll be like “We can’t keep building for cars-first. It’s bad for the environment, bad for the neighborhoods, bad for the economy, bad for the people in the cars” and they’ll just go “But I like my car” as if that refutes anything at all)
- Comment on I love the future. 1 week ago:
This guy should be, at the very least, removed from office. I don’t care if it’s handcuffs or a body bag.
Fuck. I just want to thanos snap away all the republicans. The absolute worst people.
- Comment on place yer bets 2 weeks ago:
Everyone saying “they can evacuate” clearly doesn’t remember how bad the covid response was.
There will be anti-space conspiracy theorists. The ownership class would demand people continue working until the last possible minute (and beyond). It would be politicized, because some people are unbelievably stupid, cruel, and selfish, and enough people are so stupid they’ll buy in.
Now, if we could make the meteor fall on a location occupied solely by the people who don’t believe in science…
- Comment on Amazon boss Jeff Bezos could face prison over knife sales to children 2 weeks ago:
I don’t think we should be posting such pornographic fictions in this community.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
You’re an idiot that’s not engaging with my points. I hope you die alone, removed from everything you’ve ever loved.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
I’m not going to do legal research or write a whole thesis for you.
Maybe start here for cases where freedom of speech is not absolute: …wikipedia.org/…/Shouting_fire_in_a_crowded_theat…
You can also consider that the NYT is not legally or morally obligated to publish every letter they receive. Are your first amendment rights being violated when they opt not to print your letter? No.
I don’t want to discuss with you. I don’t think you’re acting in good faith.
I mean really “sometimes laws are incorrect” -> “fascists say that” is like satire.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
There are numerous cases showing that free speech is not absolute.
Law is also not necessarily correct.
And that doesn’t address that we’re talking about a private platform.
You’re still wrong, and you’re still wrong in a way that supports the absolute worst of humanity.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
Paradox of tolerance comes to mind. If you just put up with people who want to do bad things, they’ll probably do bad things!
And it was considered before. There was a Holocaust. It was decided, via violence and other means, that naziism is not okay.
Also, Twitter is a private platform and is largely free to decide what goes on its platform.
You’re approaching fractally wrong, here.
- Comment on Why was there a pro-Hitler, Holocaust-denying ad on X? 3 weeks ago:
Better question: what are people going to do in response?
Probably nothing. Disappointing.
- Comment on Colombian president says cocaine 'no worse than whisky' 4 weeks ago:
Yeah. I think DUI and other laws are generally good ideas. I don’t care that much if someone wants to do coke, but I really don’t want drunk drivers or people nodding off on heroin operating heavy machinery.
There also should be a lot more social programs to help people quit when they want to. And probably more honest education about how yes, even you can get addicted.
- Comment on In US, teleworkers don't want to turn back 1 month ago:
Return to office mandates are some combination of management failure, class warfare, and maybe some real estate valuation nonsense. There’s no good reason for it.
I’d really like people to unionize so they can say “no” as a unified group.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
I don’t disagree with anything here, really. As we both said, some responsibility remains on the user.
I do think Match is aggravating the situation. Men aren’t getting traction so they search for why. They find right wing MRA stuff saying that it’s women’s fault blah blah blah, but really part of why they’re not getting hits is because Match is hiding them unless you pay (and even then maybe).
Part of why may also be they’re creeps or bad at dating. It is not wholly the apps’ fault. But I do think they’re making it harder for people to connect, and that can be the top of the funnel for far right ideas.
And I do think a lot of people are on the apps when they aren’t really ready. People of all genders. But that’s a separate topic, probably.
Anyway. Good talk. Amusingly , I’m heading out to meet someone from a dating app. Here’s hoping they don’t think I’m a creep!
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
There was a meme the other day about how Aragorn from lotr is the kind of male role model men need. Kind, shows his emotions, strong without being cruel.
- Comment on What's the deal with male loneliness? 2 months ago:
I was thinking the other day there’s probably a pretty straight line between Match group owning so many dating apps, men’s unhappiness, and violence.
Like the apps create the illusion that you can meet someone and be happy, but their primary goal is to make money. They don’t try very hard to introduce you to good matches. They also haven’t solved the experience from the woman’s point of view. So men feel like they’re just shouting into the void, that people don’t like them, etc etc. Some of those people likely go on to become incels or do violence.
This isn’t to say that violent men are not culpable. They are. They retain agency. But Match group (that’s tinder, okcupid, hinge, match, plenty of fish, and more) is making the problem worse.
It’s like if there was a food shortage, and someone bought up all the grocery stores. Then they made all of them mazes and had half the cereal boxes empty.
- Comment on The best “I told you so”s are the ones where you never have to say “I told you so” because the other person clearly knows you told them so 2 months ago:
I’m going to guess erp doesn’t mean “erotic role play” here but maybe you had a niche job.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
Last game I finished was Veilguard. Pretty close to EoY. It wasn’t exactly what I wanted, and the difficulty falls off a cliff as a mage when you get life steal, but it wasn’t bad. The romance with Neve was entirely too… unromantic, and PG-13 though. Very disappointing. No intimacy.
Then I started CrossCode and it’s been good. Feels like a mix of old snes games (Zelda, lufia2) and MMO, without the annoying parts like other players. The puzzles also aren’t very hand holdy, which is nice. I feel like a lot of games are too aggressive with their “HEY IT LOOKS LIKE YOU CAN SLIDE THAT BRICK. HEY I BET FIRE MELTS ICE.”
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 2 months ago:
I like that they did turn based but I didn’t actually like it that much. There are too many trash fights. I think one of the developers suggested a mod to cut HP so they go faster.
I also don’t really like the “one action per turn” model (as in DND) and kind of would have preferred action points (as in divinity).
But overall I’m a big fan of Deadfire, and I’m bummed they’re not making a third one.
I think the most fun I had was with chanter. Just hang out and summon dudes that wreck shit. Slap on the heaviest armor you want and just scream at people until they’re dead.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
I was always jealous of the kids that grew up in the city. They could do stuff. Where I lived, it wasn’t really safe to travel on foot because there were no sidewalks, and everything was far away. They’d tell me about how they went ice skating , or to a board game cafe, or to the beach, and I’d be like cool i was stuck inside alone. I don’t know if you can put a price tag on this exactly, but for me this would have been priceless.
One of my former coworkers was in NJ, and he spent a lot of time driving his kid places. He missed out on social +/or work events and his kid missed out on autonomy. Also doesn’t have a clear price tag, but I think it’s valuable.
It is also possible to buy a home in the city. Some people I know bought their apartment. They seemed happy with it, but we never discussed financial details.
- Comment on Equal under the law or something 2 months ago:
I don’t know if it’s wholly unproductive. Memes like this can stoke stochastic violence, but hopefully pointed at people who deserve violence. If someone sees this and decides “Fuck it, I’m going to murder an health insurance executive” then that’s probably a net positive.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
This is probably true for a lot of places. I’ve mostly lived in the NYC area so I don’t know what the costs and expenses are elsewhere very well.
You can get a 1BR apartment in Brooklyn for $2k/mo. That’s more expensive than some of my friends that live elsewhere pay, but cars are expensive so the actual cost is offset.
Personally I think the government should be subsidizing urban living. Suburbanization was a mistake. It’s so isolating. We should have more public housing.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
It’s also a lot easier to stop and do something fun when you’re walking. Pop in a new shop, take a detour through a park, whatever. Usually when you’re driving you’re going too fast to really take in what’s around, and stopping is often a whole ordeal of finding parking.
“Death and Life of Great American Cities” talked about this. It’s old, but still an interesting read.
- Comment on How extreme car dependency is driving Americans to unhappiness 2 months ago:
As I always say in posts about this topic: Living in a walkable city is nice. I can just walk outside and get groceries. No traffic. No fuel costs. No insurance. No maintenance. No parking. I just walk down the street and get stuff. If there’s a lot of stuff I need, I bring a cart, but I almost never need to do that.
- Comment on Here's a hot take about Sekiro 2 months ago:
You don’t even need to wait for ng+. Sometimes I just start a new game and cruise through the first parts. Clear the “you should lose here” tutorial boss and go all the way to lady butterfly. Then I usually run out of steam.
It’s really satisfying to be able to do that without a level up grind
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
Crawl: Stone Soup. Classic rogue like. You can play it in the browser so it’s very fast to get going. Minotaur Berserker is a nice semi brainless flow.
- Comment on What's the game you play when nothing else sounds good? 2 months ago:
The run up to the gargoyles in ds1 is very good and sometimes that’s what I do. After that the pacing has some hiccups, but that first part is A+
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 2 months ago:
it seems weird that the state can keep trying until they get the answer they want. Why is that protection only available later?
It wouldn’t be a coin toss - the odds are heavily slanted in favor of the prosecutor. The defense has no role.
Also does this mean that those times cops didn’t get indicted, the state could have tried again?
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 2 months ago:
Right, but that doesn’t answer if they convene a grand jury for a specific alleged crime, and the grand jury says “no”, can they try again with a new jury? For the same alleged crime? That seems like an obvious flaw in that they can just keep trying until they get an indictment and can proceed. There’d be no point in the grand jury step because it eventually returns an indictment.
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 2 months ago:
You can keep convening grand juries against someone for the same event until they agree to indict? That seems dubious. And is especially damning in the context of police that don’t get indicted and never go to trial.
- Comment on Accused killer of US insurance CEO pleads not guilty to 'terrorist' murder 2 months ago:
Mad that the grand jury didn’t refuse to indict.
Hope the jury nullifies.
If he is found guilty, maybe it’ll be time for unrest.