- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
It’d a meme bro, chill.
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Sorry. Would it help if I diversify my account and make it look like they come from unique sources?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
Is there a limit on creativity now?
- Comment on [deleted] 9 months ago:
I mean my posts were topical, relevant, and halirous. I spent about 10 seconds of hard work putting them together and they were really just repraising the hits. Where did I go wrong?
- Comment on Fossils 9 months ago:
Omg the pedentry needs to stop. Specific to what ever fossil is being refer too.
- Comment on We may clown on him a lot but it's genuinely quite dystopian how much power Elon Musk has. 9 months ago:
The part about his battle with brain worms was truly inspiring.
- Comment on What if as I get older, like a Mandela effect, everyone's understanding of what the average life span is increases? 9 months ago:
- Comment on What if as I get older, like a Mandela effect, everyone's understanding of what the average life span is increases? 9 months ago:
Sorry, it’s very difficult to explain. I don’t think many people will get it in retrospect. I apologize.
- Submitted 9 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 7 comments
- Comment on xkcd #2933: Elementary Physics Paths 9 months ago:
Might be idea gas law.
- Comment on A literal depiction of how capitalism invades all aspects of life 9 months ago:
Hmm let’s go see some interesting architecture… oh shoot I forgot i need to buy stuff I don’t need. Thanks samsung.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Who dude, just answer the question. If answering or asking doesn’t appeal to you just move on.
I thoroughly enjoy all the answers I’ve received and the discussion around it. Sorry I don’t live up to your “no stupid questions” question standard.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
So how do reconcile the top answer knowing what you know? Money is needed to enhance the exchange of goods and services but also is used a tool for controlling prople.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
So money is used to control people?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
This is the crux of it. Currency is essential because it allows people to exchange goods and services in a timely manner. What it is used for today is not essential to individuals.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Even if I were "putting pressure on myself your inclination that I’m the one who has deemed money the mist essential thus providing you with your sought out evidence. Now kind sir, I say good day.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
People… deem money… you kddn me?
- Comment on What a clown 9 months ago:
Would watch. Get to work.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Extropolating, want, or greed, is what gives money its value?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
It’s a hard question to ask. I’d rather pin down why it’s essential then ask why it’s deemed the only thing that is essential.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Just money?
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
No, I need this salt for lima beans.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
To pay for more goods and services that extract value.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Food, people make food in excess.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
Time, agree, time is what is essential to everyone here on this planet.
- Comment on Why is currency so essential? 9 months ago:
I being obtuse, for sure, but why does your land lord need you to provide him goods and services?
- Submitted 9 months ago to nostupidquestions@lemmy.world | 99 comments
- Comment on Streaming is cable now | Seventeen years after Netflix and Hulu kicked off a streaming revolution, it’s looking more like cable than ever. 9 months ago:
Few good series 🧐?
I probably couldn’t list all the absolute master pieces I’ve watched since I’ve started watching stream season. This is some serious rose tinted glasses for the cable Era.
I like reruns of Stargate and law and order as much as the next guy bit cable was absolute shit when it came to compelling series.
I hope it’s just the literal flood of content we get hit with ever some odd months that is warping your perception. You know, rather than the 4 month long weekly episode drops we use to have to suffer through so they could jack up prices on what ever ad they wanted to run in prime time.
That’s not even mentioning the vast graveyards of pilots for series that where DOA based solely on air time.