- Comment on Stardew Valley 1.6 is Coming November 4th. 5 months ago:
You might like Chef RPG. It’s early access but it’s been fun and the developer seems very responsive.
- Comment on We lost Keanu 5 months ago:
I think I might have watched 1 or 2 episodes of this? I thought it was weird how he was talking about how known history is totally wrong and the vast majority of people don’t know the truth. If it’s the same thing anyways. DNF though lol
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
Say no more (mostly because I don’t want any more details about those shits).
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
Ok but I was curious another specific physiological reasons lol like maybe men require that much more or they don’t see cardiovascular benefits or something like that.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
Here’s my muffin recipe, but you can really omit the applesauce and use pretty much any fruit you like for flavor. Do keep the bananas though or the texture will be really wrong. It’s good with a tbsp of chia seeds added, oats added, etc. I make my own yogurt and when I make cheese out of it I replace all the liquids (except oil) with whey and they come out gloriously soft and fluffy that way. What flour is really high calorie though so I’m open to suggestions for something to replace it with if anyone has any ideas.
Long story short I’ve messed with this recipe in so many ways and it has turned out great every time except the time I didn’t have bananas and uses avocado instead. It’s very forgiving so do it your way.
Muffin recipe
2 ripe mashed bananas
1 chopped apple
Flax egg (1 tbsp ground flax, 2.5 tbsp water, mix and let set while you prepare the other ingredients)
1 tbsp olive or avocado oil
1/4 to 1/2 C oat or soy milk or cow milk or whey
1 tsp vanilla
1/4 cup unsweetened apple sauce
1 C whole wheat flour
1 C wheat bran
1tsp baking soda
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
1/3 cup chopped walnuts
1 tbsp chia seeds
You can sub oat bran for wheat bran if you can find anyone selling it.
- Preheat oven to 350 (or don’t if using a convection oven)
- Lightly spray muffin tin with avocado oil
- Add banana, oil, milk, vanilla, applesauce, flax egg into mixing bowl and stir well.
- Add dry ingredients plus chopped apple to another bowl and mix well. Don’t add walnuts at this step.
- Add dry ingredients to the wet ingredients and stir until combined. Add extra applesauce or milk if it’s a little dry.
- Add to muffin pan in 12 equal portions. Add walnuts to the top and press them in a little or they’ll fall off when the muffins are done.
- Bake 20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center of a muffin comes out clean.
- Cool for a few minutes before removing from pan.
- Comment on YSK that the recommended daily fiber intake is 25g for women and 38g for men in the USA. 95% of the country does not meet this amount. 7 months ago:
Why so much higher for men? On an average day I eat probably somewhere between 25 and 45 g depending on what I’ve meal preppes for the week and what I’ve decided on for snacks. I am a vegetarian who eats mostly whole foods. I can’t even fathom how the average American could come anywhere even close to that. It’s a LOT of beans/whole grains/vegetables/chia seeds/etc.
- Comment on [deleted] 7 months ago:
Pretty sure you don’t have to interact with that trash to get it on X. Elon is a fascist wannabe and he loves that crap, it’s intentionally being pushed across the platform.
- Comment on [deleted] 8 months ago:
Have your manual doors, peasant, but I will not debase myself in such a fashion.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
I took it as a joke because they can just change the rules whenever they want but Idk I might have misunderstood.
- Comment on Can we all agree that whatever version of predictive text we have nowadays is crap, and has been for a long time? 10 months ago:
I get so many typos now that aren’t even a word. And I seriously can’t even wirt proofreading anymore because it’s just gotten so bad I no longer even care of I sound like I had a stroke.
- Comment on is harvesting your Discord history with no ability to opt-out 10 months ago:
Search engines would have to function but yeah that would be nice.
- Comment on Reddit introduces a new ad format that looks similar to posts made by users | TechCrunch 11 months ago:
flavor of deodorant
Something isn’t right about that…
- Comment on Reddit introduces a new ad format that looks similar to posts made by users | TechCrunch 11 months ago:
Haha that’s such a great point. I love your comment almost as much as plants love Brawndo. It’s what plants crave. You can get Brawndo at every major retailer by the way and President Camacho fully endorses Brawndo.
- Comment on Why can animals eat grass that they have pooped on, but humans would get sick? 11 months ago:
My rabbits eat poop hay but not pee hay. They actually have special poops that they have to eat called cecotropes so I’m guessing their gut microbiome is more beneficial than ours. Also because they are hind gut fermenters, the bacteria necessary for the fermentation are probably different than the ones in our gut.
- Comment on Teens, with mixed feelings about their own phones, say their parents need to log off 11 months ago:
Tilting conservative? I was under the impression that it fell off the deep end years ago. Idk I quit using it but that was definitely the impression I had.
- Comment on Do you ever worry that you're secretly a psychopath that unknowingly manipulates people around you? 11 months ago:
I would suggest that you find a therapist who is experienced with psychopathy and see them. Although a lot of people who are psychopaths do terrible things, not everyone does and empathetic SEEMING behaviors can be learned and be beneficial. It seems like this is bothering you and getting a diagnosis and learning how to read other people’s emotions and respond appropriately might help. Even if you aren’t actually feeling it, you could put them at ease and fit in better. Radical truth is great and all but little white lies get told for a reason and that’s something it might help you to learn.
- Comment on Google is making a map of methane leaks for the whole world to see 1 year ago:
Let’s not delude ourselves. Google is totally getting something out of this. Not sure if they just want some good press for a change or if it’s something else though.
- Comment on How does employing a rapist not constitute an unsafe work environment for female employees? 1 year ago:
Except the number of people who classify veterans as murderers for what they did in combat situations is extremely low…
- Comment on The unstoppable rise of batteries is leading to a domino effect that puts half of global fossil fuel demand at risk 1 year ago:
I was going to say “Oh no?” But yours works too!
- Comment on Anti-aging pill for senior dogs is now in clinical trials 1 year ago:
Really? Our cat acts like pill pockets are frickin crack. She’s like “GIVE ME PILL POCKETS NOW!”
- Comment on Google Chrome Warning Issued For All Windows Users 1 year ago:
I love how Mozilla is warning you that you’re gonna have trouble using Chrome? It’s Forbes so I’m not bothering clicking but I can only assume that Mozilla is also warning that you’re gonna have a bad time trying to use Firefox.
- Comment on FDA says 561 deaths tied to recalled Philips sleep apnea machines 1 year ago:
Blows gas and pieces of foam into the airway. So it suffocates you when it’s supposed to stop you from suffocating basically.
- Comment on Commercials Are Streaming’s New Norm, and Creators Aren’t Happy: “It’s Almost Worse Than Broadcast” 1 year ago:
That’s all fine and good but I want to point out so everyone can watch out for this - sometimes if you have a subscription and your card expires or gets lost/stolen and replaced, companies can somehow get your new card info without you giving it to them and keep your shit active. So you can’t assume that a new card will take care of old subscriptions that you totally forgot about. You have to check your statements.
- Comment on Google Search Really Has Gotten Worse, Researchers Find 1 year ago:
Your story is obviously anecdotal but I think it pretty much aligns with what what we’ve all experienced. You search for something and get results for something else. You change your search to try to get results you asked for and get… literally the exact same results. It’s infuriating.
- Comment on YouTube is slowing down for users with ad blockers in new wave 1 year ago:
Try opening a link from Gmail in Firefox or searching Google for a specific piece of information. SSDD. Fuck Google. At this point they’re in par with the evil Amazon.
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
How is elite dangerous these days? I was playing no man’s sky which has been continually updated since release yesterday and my bf was badgering me that I could play that instead. I was trying to explain to him that I was having fun playing this and want to play this and he was insisting that elite dangerous has been updated and is so much better. Honestly it was so annoying but I wanted another opinion on how it is as a game lol
- Comment on Star Citizen Introducing a $48,000 Ship Bundle, but Only for Players Who Have Already Spent $10,000 1 year ago:
It’s one thing to drop a few bucks here and there into a game you enjoy but when you start spending 10k on a fuckin game you have a serious issue. Even if you’re ultra wealthy, do you really have nothing else you could waste that money on? I think it’s time for a serious crackdown on predatory gaming.
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
Sorry, I thought it was obvious that we’re talking about the part that varies by individual humans…
- Comment on 23andMe tells victims it's their fault that their data was breached | TechCrunch 1 year ago:
But hear me out, I have no control over my cousin or aunt or some random relative getting one of these tests and now this shitty company has a pretty good idea what a large chunk of my DNA looks like. If people from both sides of my family do it they have an even better idea what my genetic profile looks like. That’s not my fault, I never consented to it, and it doesn’t seem ok.
- Comment on How many of you actually use the headphone jack on your phone? 1 year ago:
You don’t know what you want. We tell you what you want.