- Comment on Chance 3 months ago:
Why is it close 😭
wyd over there??
- Comment on Linus Torvalds reckons AI is ‘90% marketing and 10% reality’ 4 months ago:
How’s he wrong?
Did you actually listen to what he said or are you just reading the headline and making it fit another narrative to respond to?
Because he also said he thinks it’s going to change the world, he just hates the marketing BS that’s overhyping it.
Probably because, as anyone who’s actually used AI knows, it has some core weaknesses. But the marketers are happy to
gloss over thatlie and just say that it will be able to do nearly anything. - Comment on It's because of Gerald's Game, isn't it? 4 months ago:
Stephen King has written a lot of books, and a lot of shops promote those books far more than others.
This is just a nice way to give other authors a bit of promotion, I think even Stephen King himself wouldn’t be opposed to this.
- Comment on A TikTok alternative called Loops is coming for the fediverse | Users own their content, and Loops doesn’t sell or provide videos to third-party advertisers or train AI on them. It will be open source 4 months ago:
Can’t see this doing well, who’s gonna want to host it and pay the bandwidth and storage costs?
I know people would be willing to do that for a YT alternative, but I don’t think there’s many people who want to shell out so some kid can post their cringe dance video.
- Comment on Danny DeVito is an absolute unit. 4 months ago:
It’s somehow also shaped like Devito 🤔
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
Yes, but not confident 😞
- Comment on The Atoms Family 4 months ago:
Looking at her and then looking at him
- Comment on Game Freak suffers massive data leak 4 months ago:
- Comment on The ability to be spontaneous in life is directly proportion to the size of your bank account 4 months ago:
It’s annoying when people get pedantic about spelling on the internet, but at least you weren’t a massive, insufferable arsehole about it.
- Comment on Tough Shit 4 months ago:
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve had moments of pure despair as I feel like one’s gonna tear me in half.
A real porcelain shatterer.
- Comment on Former Disco Elysium devs are working on a spiritual successor at new studio Longdue, though Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov aren't involved 4 months ago:
I did try to make a point of saying it’s not a knock on the game… I really like DE.
My whole point is that the story and art are everything to the game, so if you take those away from the studio then there’s not much of note left.
I’m not saying it should’ve been a battle royale instead 😂
- Comment on Former Disco Elysium devs are working on a spiritual successor at new studio Longdue, though Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov aren't involved 4 months ago:
I know DE is dead, but I have questions about anything this studio could put out.
It’s not meant as a knock on the game, but what did DE even have besides the universe, writing and art design?
The rest of the game was fairly basic and just supplemented the story and art. Voice acting was the only other thing that really stood out to me.
- Comment on Former Disco Elysium devs are working on a spiritual successor at new studio Longdue, though Robert Kurvitz and Aleksander Rostov aren't involved 4 months ago:
Disco Elysium’s lead writer and designer Robert Kurvitz and art director Aleksander Rostov are not involved.
They seem like major people to lose considering those were the strongest areas of the game…
Hopefully there’s still enough talent on the team to make something great, but I wouldn’t go in with high expectations at this point.
- Comment on Thousands of Linux systems infected by stealthy malware since 2021 4 months ago:
Not quite the monitoring I’m talking about though.
Basically, it seems like this would be a nightmare for a home user to detect, but a company is probably gonna pick up on this quite quickly with snmp monitoring (unless it somehow does something to that).
- Comment on Thousands of Linux systems infected by stealthy malware since 2021 4 months ago:
Sure, but it’s still fairly detectable when it’s on a server at least, as long as you have monitoring. Just a bitch to pinpoint and fix.
- Comment on Thousands of Linux systems infected by stealthy malware since 2021 4 months ago:
Sounds like it should at least be noticeable if you monitor resource usage?
- Comment on Britain’s prehistoric attitude to drugs isn’t working. Why not learn from Texas? | Simon Jenkins 5 months ago:
Mate, they’re people too. They generally don’t care on a personal level, and as you say they prioritise everything else.
Nobody cares about people smoking weed except pearl clutchers.
- Comment on Britain’s prehistoric attitude to drugs isn’t working. Why not learn from Texas? | Simon Jenkins 5 months ago:
The fact that houses stink of weed and police walk straight past. There’s a notorious smoking spot around where I live, they don’t bother with it.
I’ve walked past police officers while I smell like weed, if they were to stop everyone like that they’d have their hands full.
As long as you don’t do it directly in front of them and they’re not looking for a reason to arrest you, they’re not gonna bother.
- Comment on Britain’s prehistoric attitude to drugs isn’t working. Why not learn from Texas? | Simon Jenkins 5 months ago:
It just surprises me how there seems to be almost no discussion about legalising weed in the UK. It’s really not talked about that much (besides medical use), and I don’t see much push for it either.
I think the government/police are generally happy to ignore it, and smokers are therefore happy to just get on with it.
Would be nice and convenient if I could just buy it from a store though :/
- Comment on Nap game 5 months ago:
For me, it will always be four hours and I will somehow wake up with the driest mouth on the planet.
- Comment on Ghost Of Yotei announced as a samurai sequel to Ghost Of Tsushima 5 months ago:
I thought you were joking for a second 😆
That’s a big role for her.
- Comment on Regular Road 5 months ago:
- Comment on please help me with some arguments for my wife 5 months ago:
It’s an email account, not social media so I think this is a ridiculous take. It’s inherently private and only shared with people you explicitly send it to, such as family.
For all you know they may not turn out to keep being your daughter forever. It’s kind of a gross overstepping of parental boundaries
Such a shoehorned, irrelevant point that won’t apply to 99% of the population. This sounds like a you problem that you’re projecting onto others, and it’s honestly rude to say that it’s a gross overstepping of parental boundaries.
- Comment on How Apple's Hearing Aid and Hearing Test will work on AirPods Pro 5 months ago:
About ten years too late for me, tinnitus go ^eeeeeeeeeee^
- Comment on We Got You 5 months ago:
who tf putting a key up there?
- Comment on Term-time holiday fine rise won't stop us, say parents 5 months ago:
Fair enough imo, what’s a kid going to remember, 10 days of school where they spent most their time pissing about, or a family holiday.
I don’t know the ins and outs, but I think there should be a threshold of like 10 days a year where it’s okay, as long as the kid has good attendance besides that and it’s not around exam time.
It’s punching down from the government as it’s a working class issue. Middle class can afford the peak holiday rates, poorer families can’t.
- Comment on Remedy partner with Annapurna to co-finance Control 2 and explore Control and Alan Wake TV and film adaptations 5 months ago:
I love Remedy, I literally made a comment yesterday about how they’re the only game series that I’m really invested in story wise.
That being said, I don’t know if I want a TV show or movie…
I love the games and the way the story is told and interacted with, a show/movie feels like it would be a step back.
I’m playing Quantum Break at the moment and the whole “TV show” side of it doesn’t really add anything for me.
- Comment on Amazon cloud boss echoes NVIDIA CEO on coding being dead in the water: "If you go forward 24 months from now, it's possible that most developers are not coding" 6 months ago:
LLMs have already reached the end of the line 🤔
I don’t believe that. At least from an implementation perspective we’re extremely early on, and I don’t see why the tech itself can’t be improved either.
Maybe it’s current iteration has hit a wall, but I don’t think anyone can really say what the future holds for it.
- Comment on Procreate takes a stand against generative AI, vows to never incorporate the tech into its products | TechCrunch 6 months ago:
Ironically, I think AI may prove to be most useful in video games.
Not to outright replace writers, but so they instead focus on feeding backstory to AI so it essentially becomes the characters they’ve created.
I just think it’s going to be inevitable and the only possible option for a game where the player truly chooses the story.
I just can’t be interested in multiple choice games where you know that your choice doesn’t matter. If a character dies from option a, then option b, c, and d kill them as well.
Realising that as a kid instantly ruined telltale games for me, but I think AI used in the right way could solve that problem, to at least some degree.
- Comment on Government should “urgently” legalise e-scooters says shared transport charity - says serious safety incidents are rare 6 months ago:
It’s ridiculous.
There’s one road near me and I usually count over 5 vehicles parked in the cycle lane when I go past.
idk how that can happen, I genuinely think the parking officers just ignore it these days.
They’d rather walk around the car parks checking vehicles than deal with actually troublesome parking.