- Comment on ENHANCE 2 weeks ago:
I got corrective eye surgery cause glasses were an annoyance on everyday life. Can’t see from some peripherals, weight on your nose and ears, annoying when you lay down, cuddle etc. They bump about, and fall off if you’re active (such as parkour and flipping). Also forgetting or relying on them to see was always irritating, they fog up, smudge, etc. Just generally a hassle I did not want to deal with any longer. They also break, are expensive, and potentially need multiple pairs if sensitive to sunlight, have different prescriptions, or need safety glasses.
I’m sure they’re fine for most people but they suuuuuucked in my case.
- Comment on Farewell MatPat Its been an honor with you O7 1 month ago:
This video is pretty old, he stopped being the face of the channel a while ago now. He still exists in the background, but I honestly dropped off watching the videos since. The new people are fine, just not the same vibe.
- Comment on Is it worth it?? 3 months ago:
A lot of new tech is not as efficient or equally so at the get go. Learning how to properly implement and utilize it is part of the process.
Right now we are just throwing raw computing power in ML format at it. As soon as it catches and shows a little promise in an area we can focus and refine. Sometimes you need to use the shotgun to see the rabbits ya know?
- Comment on Trying to Help 3 months ago:
Perhaps he is the chosen one to decipher the old Eldrich scripts to the masses. Incomprehensible knowledge becomes casual teachings through this man
- Comment on Monster 3 months ago:
This is actually hilarious
- Comment on Caption this. 3 months ago:
Shaving assistant Pro+
Place your head onto the gripper and see the top of your head! Never miss a spot, always look fresh, have the shine the sun envys!
- Comment on mycology 3 months ago:
That gets a stamp of approval
- Comment on Caption this. 4 months ago:
When I see you and your bullshit
- Comment on Caption this. 4 months ago:
This tree took a parasitic approach as opposed to traditional pollination.
- Comment on Horrors We've Unleashed 4 months ago:
As long as they can still get blood from other creatures too, I’m okay with it. If not, than that could have wild implications to the food chain assuming it leads to massive population degradation.
- Comment on Caption this. 4 months ago:
I am become Linux, user of arch
- Comment on Facts 4 months ago:
Scrolling too long at work 🤷♀️ I don’t regularly check when a post was made, just if its’s new to me
- Comment on Facts 4 months ago:
I think That is supposed to be the male and facing the ceiling, where Crazy is supposed to be the woman on top of That. Cowgirl style. This would explain the torso region overlay and also why That is fucking Crazy, not vice versa
- Comment on True story. 4 months ago:
- Comment on It's like a more challenging version of the trolley problem 4 months ago:
- Comment on Ironing 4 months ago:
As a millennial I still iron some clothes, especially for occasions I wanna look nice! I even got a Lil ironing board for it :3
- Comment on Looks like paradise 4 months ago:
Actually this meme seems like a great spot to ask the lemmings: what structure, plant, or barrier could one use that’s good for a property boundary that would give good privacy/noise reduction?
There is some length to it so bear that in mind when it comes to costs. Call it 2 acres of length to cover
- Comment on Did you know 4 months ago:
16 feels smooth, then smooth and suddenly pointy when I think about licking those numbers
- Comment on It's been a week 5 months ago:
As the other commenter said, it would probably be for post-workout. Chocolate milk has fats, proteins, sugar, and a variety of micro nutrients. As far as I’m aware sugar is actually pretty important in liquid recovery drinks because it encourages the cells to absorb the sugar which allows other things to also join the fray. Fats and proteins also have numerous positive affects on muscle gain which I think is broadly known to some degree. IIRC this is the reason Gatorade and like drinks have the amount of sugar they do (plus palatability).
This is not a statement of fact and should be verified by primary sources*
- Comment on Eureka 5 months ago:
It looks correct to me, the inside view doesn’t even clear the window, the outside view shows that the wall is maybe ~1’ past the window frame which we don’t even see on the inside shot. Unless I’m missing something?
- Comment on Le Grand B 5 months ago:
I don’t see a gauge control sticker. How do we know it meets GD&T standards?
This makes it a Banana for scale (for reference) lmao
This is bad humor based off of my industry
- Comment on The struggle 5 months ago:
Create gov science centers for each major branch of science, provide funding. Allow them to delegate within their narrower and narrower fields with loose requirements such as x-y% is salary a-b% is resources, and maybe something like each new study can get no less than $z and no More than $r.
I’m not saying this is perfect but spending more money towards it in general and allowing some branch delegation of funding would hopefully at least resolve the grant writing part and ensure salary. Though I’m not sure how one would ensure that they are being productive and not doing frivolous things on purpose. Perhaps q amount of hours a year must go to a gov decided research project and the rest is up to the researcher.
Maybe funding for a project is aquired through hours contributed to projects the gov deems with a standard for high social benefit? I.E. You help with the research on this new hydro electric tech (regardless of outcome because we feel it’s an important study topic) and we pay ($p per hour spent on hydro tech) towards a study of your choice.
- Comment on Is Lemmy Dead ☠️ 5 months ago:
I’ve been thinking about tryna help out by posting memes, but all the ones I have are gonna be reposts, albeit from reddit, potentially years ago now. If ppl are interested I know for sure I at least got over 1k saved on my computer
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Oh absolutely, legs, arms, and head are still full of messy stuff though.
- Comment on The mark 5 months ago:
Mine has a double triangle, I am the triforce
- Comment on AskReddit 5 months ago:
Though I’d suspect you do want it in the deep freezer for some period of time, it makes the whole “blood and innards” thing much less of an issue to deal with I’d think. At least for chopping and/or bagging
- Comment on "Hey Google, Turn my balls off" 5 months ago:
1: Nobody would notice regardless
2: That’ll happen even without you
3: :'(
- Comment on Post a prompt, have an art from this insane russian 5 months ago:
How about a potato giving managerial instructions to a newt
- Comment on Small Talk 5 months ago:
I actually became friends with one of my best friends through making puns on his name for several days until he heard a bunch of new ones. Its been 7 years and I was a groomsmen at his wedding last year. Wild to imagine this is how I make friends. My other best friend I made by picking them up as a hitchhiker.
These are probably exceptions to the rule though.
- Comment on Venom vs Poison 5 months ago:
In the way that language is commonly used, yes. People have been using it wrong for so long “jealous” has effectively become synonymous with “envious”. Even if I dislike and disagree with it being used this way.
If someone is eating a donut and you say “I’m so jealous [of having the donut]” I’m fairly confident most everyone would understand you mean envious by definition but are using the word jealous to convey that meaning.