Rooster Teeth was a shell of itself for a long time, but those first few seasons of Red vs Blue were a fundamental part of my damn teenage years.
Rooster Teeth Shut Down By Warner Bros. Discovery
Submitted 11 months ago by to
Comments 11 months ago 11 months ago
They shifted over the years. From RvB, to Achievement Hunter, Rage Quit, and Let’s Play, to RWBY, to podcasts. It seems like the current move is just cutting out the non-pod stuff since that’s what is successful right now. 11 months ago
I’m more shocked learning that Rooster Teeth was owned by one of these companies to begin with. 11 months ago
$$$ 11 months ago
They sold out 11 months ago
Damn, I remember watching RvB when it was still just cropped gameplay footage with the reticle visible on the screen. I have the Blu-ray box set of seasons 1-10 and the Chorus Trilogy. After Monty died everything kinda started going downhill. Final nail in the coffin I guess. 11 months ago
RvB was like '00s at it’s best.
“It would be ironic if we were made of iron.”
Hard cut to the next scene. 11 months ago
Back when it was actual machinina, it was pretty funny. Once it became an actual production, I lost interest. 11 months ago
I was surprised they were still cranking out episodes. I watched one last year out of boredom. It wasn’t even funny. It was just like… CGI doing CGI stuff. 11 months ago
Kinda saw the writing on the wall the past few years, but damn. That’s a big part of my childhood right there 11 months ago
Thank you. That is EXACTLY what I was thinking. I stopped watching or subscribingg to anything other than Funhaus and now I am not vibing with the new set. Culture begets culture until you change it for the better. 11 months ago
I’ll never understand why they decided to call themselves Warner Bros Discovery. Would be like disney renaming themselves to “disney History Channel” 11 months ago
This is the same company that had cinemax, HBO, HBO go, HBO now, HBO Max, and Max. Naming isn’t exactly their strong suit. 11 months ago
And at least the last rename isn’t like international in some places we still have HBO Max naming. 11 months ago
Also back when it was just cable there were like 10 different HBO channels, with slight name variations. 11 months ago
Also isn’t who the head of discovery was now the head of the merged company? He probably wants to keep that name but can’t get rid of Warner Bros because of brand recognition 11 months ago
I stopped watching anything made by their network around the time they started shilling fake boner pills and sweeping scandals under the rug. I never saw RvB but I came in as a fan for a while of Let’s Play and Funhaus, before they acquired it. I even contributed to First for a little while.
They had a lot of momentum in those days, but I think they tried to grow beyond their ability. Most of the new programming they developed was inferior to the lightning-in-a-bottle stuff they were initially built on. They tried to expand their business while hamstrung by their own internal limitations. They did suffer from some bad luck, but really, they mostly self-destructed in slow motion.
It’s hard enough to build an internet company based on algorithms and originating on someone else’s platform. They tried to navigate independently as long as they could, but really, when fans aren’t responding exponentially to your investment, you can either sell out or die right away. Props for twenty years of capitalizing on early internet fame. But to me, this is an overdue death. Basing your brand around being a dick was bound to have a shelf life. 11 months ago
I haven’t actively followed their stuff much at all, especially in the last many years, but this one hurts me. Red VS Blue was such a big part of my childhood into my teenage years, with the first ten seasons having gotten more rewatches by me than any other show out there.
Starting to feel those Blood Gulch Blues. Might marathon the whole series, myself. 11 months ago
The final season was expected out later this year. I wonder if they’ll still finish it. I assume so since they mentioned finishing obligations. 11 months ago
Were the seasons past 10 any worth watching? I’d heard some mixed views on the latter seasons, and season 10 ends SO strongly with such a good sense of closure to it, it was genuinely confusing to me when I heard they dropped an 11th season. 11 months ago
Starting and ending with RvB, it’s like pottery it rhymes 11 months ago
Wow TIL achievement hunter was shut down last year. I guess it was all down hill… 11 months ago
Didn’t teo of them try to fuck kids or something? 11 months ago
No one tried to fuck kids.
Kovic pranced around naked in the office on cam with a girl he was actively cheating on his wife with.
and Ryan manipulated emotionally vulnerable people into sex. One of which was 17, but iirc she admitted about lying about her age, So while Ryan was a predator, he wasnt a child predator iirc.
These two were just the tips of the iceberg. Roosterteeth has been problematic since damn near the start.
One of their early advertisers was “Alpha Brain”, some sugar pill that was supposed to make you think better to game better. Pure pseudoscience junk.
Much later they started shilling for an online prescription mill to their young audience, and in typical roosterteeth fashion. They got really super pissed off at being called out about it, then had geoff come out and try to twist the valid criticism into an attack on his miraculously convenient Erectile Dysfunction.
They also had MASSIVE issues with bigotry behind the scenes, Which IIRC is why Micah Burton and KDin got the fuck out of dodge. (I strongly suspect that Gavin was one of the worst about this, judging from edits early videos made around him and just my pure supposition, I can totally see him being the kind of person to drop the hard R in casual conversation without warning, and think its a laugh).
Also they spent years exploiting fans for free/low cost labor. Not just at expos and events, but behind the scenes in their animation department.
and anytime there was valid criticism about anything they did, They’d spend an entire post/podcast/etc railing against their “idiot” fans for not knowing better… I think at one point, someone… maybe burnie? told all the old, diehard, complaining fans to fuck off and that the can be replaced with new fans?
Which really turned out well, considering they’ve been floundering for years before the guillotine finally came down.
This is just the shit I can remember. Theres a whole plethora more of bullshit that Roosterteeth has done. Sucks for the behind the scene not-asshole folks to be losing their jobs, but RT deserves its ignominious death. 11 months ago
Only one of the two, the other was just a sexual predator. 11 months ago
I was shocked a couple of months ago when YouTube suddenly decided to randomly throw one of their videos into my autoplay-feed. WTF? They still exist?!
But it get’s worse. It was about Geoff screaming “The haters said we will die so many times! And we made it every time! And we will make it this time, too!” Didn’t go well I guess. 11 months ago
I wonder what’s gonna happen to the Slow Mo Guys? They’re about the last roster teeth thing I watch these days. 11 months ago
I didn’t think they were affiliated with RT, except that Gavin worked for both. 11 months ago
Funhaus needs to survive this. 11 months ago
Funhaus didn’t survive Lawrence, Bruce, and eventually Adam leaving, as far as I’m concerned.
Spoole and Joel were always funny and it was sad to see them go but the nail in the coffin was Adam’s unfortunate departure, in my opinion. 11 months ago
Unfortunate, you’ve missed a great crew that found great chemistry after the pandemic. 11 months ago
Sure hope they spin off like some of their previous crew.
Bruce and Lawrence can welcome them into their world. 11 months ago
It’s a real bummer that we’ll never get the conclusion to RWBY after 9 volumes. Even if the quality has been on a steady decline since volume 3, and volume 9 itself was a fucking joke, I’d still prefer to see the story wrapped up. I was mostly just in it for Jen Taylor though, so hopefully she does something else awesome. 11 months ago
Man I’m glad I stopped watching after volume 3 then. I remember thinking that the early seasons weren’t great aside from some action sequences, and that maybe once they got the ball rolling they could do the story more justice. But it needed to get better after V3, not worse lol. 11 months ago
Isn’t RWBY that American-made Anime-shaped object? 11 months ago
I haven’t watched their videos in a long time but I actually listen to a few of their podcasts… damn how wild. One of their podcasts posted on IG they’d try to keep going. 11 months ago
Does this mean Tales From the Stinky Dragon is shutting down too? While it’s not the best DnD actual play, it’s still pretty great. And i still hold out hope that Gustavo brings back Black Box Down some day 11 months ago
Yeah they’re staying for now, i hope that ANMA and so alright stay on the air too. 11 months ago
Damn, someone really didn’t like the new episode of Camp Camp.
Also, please, RWBY my beloved be 11 months ago
I don’t know what rooster teeth is. Anyone willing to summarize? 11 months ago
Early internet sensation Red vs Blue comedy group 11 months ago
Spun off into a half dozen youtube channels/podcasts/animated shows as well.
Funny internet people who were meh to shitty buisnesses owners who sold out to WB a decade back and now are gone. 11 months ago
Content creators from the early days when that was a novelty.
Some stuff is legit animation like RWBY, they made the biggest mechinima ever in Red vs Blue, a show made by voicing over video game characters controlled by a player, they made videos showing how to get Xbox achievements called Achievement Hunter, Let’s Play with people just doing fun stuff in video games, and then later podcasts with random stuff like people chatting about current topics RT Podcast, plane crashes in Black Box Down, and Austin in ANMA.
A bunch of other stuff too. But that’s a good summary I think. 11 months ago
Image 11 months ago
Damn dude lol 11 months ago
20 years ago was prime rvb thats why