- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 15 hours ago:
That’s understandable, i wouldn’t knock anyone from boycotting for tencent reasons
- Comment on 23 hours ago:
About 15 years ago with I was about 17-18 I hooked my megadrive up to a projector. Had to create my own cable for it because i didn’t have an AV cable. Used a large paper clip for the prongs to stick them into the right holes in the AV port. Only needed two of them.
I would then project Sonic on the side of my house in the late evening and played whilst laying on a sun lounger. Can imagine that looked weird to any passerby’s.
- Comment on A funny thing in Iran is how they repackage old PlayStation consoles 1 day ago:
PS1 3d is my favourite early 3d. I think it’s so charming. Some absolute bangers on the ps1 too
- Comment on What is the best looking retro console or PC? 1 day ago:
PlayStation is one of my favourites but it also comes down to that shade of grey being my absolute favourite shade of grey. And the OG pre-dualshock/analog potentially being my favourite shape of controller too. I have a modded Bluetooth one but sadly there’s not too many modern games (outside of fighters) that don’t need both the dpad and analog.
I also love the Gameboy color’s shape. As an adult it’s great for one handed gaming for rpgs.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 day ago:
That’s hilarious haha, that has to be the best autocorrect from my swipe typing I’ve seen yet. I’ll have to figure out what was meant to actually go there now (I’ll stick it in an edit at the end though cause that is too funny to remove)
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 day ago:
Alan wake 2 had massive critical acclaim what you on about and they’re now in a financial situation to publish they’re own games because of it.
And their store definitely runs better than steam and gog. Gog is the worst hanging most of the time with it often losing its penis place when going back to the previous page, and the latter is often the same on steam. Even big picture mode struggles with the steam store some times.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 day ago:
We would have never gotten the likes of Alan wake 2 if not for epics money though, which also paved the way for remedy to become more independent for future releases. I’d rather have an exclusive then nothing at all.
It’s also arguable whether or not square would’ve ported kingdom hearts to pc if not for epic paying for it as well. Which in turn allowed them to put it on steam later because the game had already been made to work for pc.
Other than how they’ve handled rocket league and harmonix, epic have done nothing but good for the pc space in my opinion. Even if a launcher is shitty, a launcher is just a launcher and at least their store runs better than gog or steams.
- Comment on Steam Deck Gaming News #2 1 day ago:
What did they do to the gaming community? Make you not use just one platform, giving that platform a de-facto monopoly?
- Comment on The future of the internet is likely smaller communities, with a focus on curated experiences 5 days ago:
So the past of the internet?
- Comment on Kindle Is Making It Harder to Switch to Rival eReader Brands. 1 week ago:
Shhh he’s a pirate, he has no concept of how much media costs.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 2 weeks ago:
Think you’ve hit it on the nail on the head. It feels less like a chore because of the way they all connect with one another.
Although even before fast travel I still did a lot of manual travelling to get everything done. At least until I realised that fast travel was very likely to get better later in the game, which it of course did.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 2 weeks ago:
It’s a massive improvement too. The changes they made to materia make it more fun too.
- Comment on Thoughts on Final Fantasy VII Remake 2 weeks ago:
I loved the combat system, so I enjoyed every fight in game (except flying monsters in the first game if you didn’t have barret around). I think it’s my favourite hybrid combat system that allows both tactical and reactionary attacks and shines the mist when you’re juggling between characters to get the ATB gauges up on everyone as quickly as possible so you have more toys to play with constantly.
The Yuffie DLC (Intermission) then expands upon the traversal mechanics and team based combat mechanics which were a whole lot of fun. A lot of this carried over to Rebirth as well but expanded up again. Still ended up with Yuffie being one of the most fun to play though because she was originally designed to play mostly solo from her DLC, but having a character that is more fun to play isn’t a bad thing obviously.
Story wise, without spoiling too much, I love how, much like a lot of the mechanics, tries to expand upon old elements rather than outright replace them. And the story being some kind of pseudo-sequel where meta-textuality enhances the experience it ensures that these games are not replacements of the original. Which makes me laud it up in the highest regards. If they had just tried to replicate everything I think it would’ve felt even weirder it trying to be a wholesale replacement of the original like a lot of standard remakes try to be (think resi and silent hill). I don’t know how others can replicate what square is doing though since a lot of it is rooted in it’s story and doesn’t deviate far from the elements introduced in the original and the compilation games. Resi could not have replicated this intertextuality between versions of the game. You could argue silent hill could due to its story elements but they just focused on making it an enhanced version of the original.
I think I’m staying to ramble too much now so I’ll end it. I think the fact I can ramble about these games and gush about them so much does how much I love them. Other than astro bot rebirth was one of the most refreshing breaths in gaming for me, despite me more often than not despising both large open worlds and ubi style towers. Yet I felt compelled to almost 100% the game just due to the amount of fun I was having that I could not get anywhere else.
- Comment on Elon musk is probably lashing out because he is actually the world's greatest gamer but can't defend himself because it would mean admitting he does nothing but game all day 3 weeks ago:
Muskrats are cute. Elon musk is not
- Comment on Nintendo patent explains Switch 2 Joy-Cons’ “mouse operation” mode 3 weeks ago:
V2 switch was LCD just like V1 with no physically obvious changes. Only the OLED model was OLED
- Comment on Nintendo patent explains Switch 2 Joy-Cons’ “mouse operation” mode 3 weeks ago:
You must’ve only played 1 wii game because pretty much every game used that speaker
- Comment on cool yourself off 3 weeks ago:
Spray it on your chocolate starfish
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 3 weeks ago:
Oh nice, welcome to the club! If you ever have any questions about any quirks, fire away.
I think your first port of call is you haven’t adjust is getting a better launcher. I find vertical scrolling ones work best for such a small screen. I got Niagara for mine, but there might be other alternatives out there.
- Comment on Let's Encrypt Ending Support for Expiration Notification Emails 3 weeks ago:
Much easier to read
- Comment on Let's Encrypt Ending Support for Expiration Notification Emails 3 weeks ago:
The syntax colouring, really doesn’t help though. Standard font looks better for text blocks than a code block.
- Comment on 200 UK Companies Permanently Move To 4-Day Work Week Without Loss Of Pay 4 weeks ago:
Not usually. I once worked standard hours across 4 days. And even though it’s the same amount and the standard work day is longer. Gaining a full day to do whatever is so much better. The work day is usually only increased by 1-2 hours with one of them days being slightly shorter than the others too. Less time commuting (if you’re in office) is a benefit too. I wish my current company could go 4 days, but it’s unlikely to happen due to our clients.
- Comment on UK low- to middle-income families far poorer than OECD counterparts – study 1 month ago:
Oh so it’s a group of countries
- Comment on UK low- to middle-income families far poorer than OECD counterparts – study 1 month ago:
What does OECD stand for?
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 1 month ago:
It’s more comfy in the pants despite the thickness.
Think about how much a thin but big phone sticks out when placed on a cylinder. This has less surface area that’s touching your leg so you barely feel it.
Doom scrolling can still happen on this phone like but it does make certain stuff just make me want to wait till I’m at a computer to do it instead, like shopping and whatnot. So I find that a plus, somewhat.
- Comment on It's just the begin Jerry. 1 month ago:
Is this referencing anything specific, I’ve not heard any crazy news for this year yet
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
Yeah but that scam may have been going around the area elsewhere and had caused a spike of searches in your area so the add companies programmatically fill in what they see as an area with potential leads with ads.
- Comment on I still don’t think companies serve you ads based on spying through your microphone 1 month ago:
What made you bring up the Philippines in the first place? Even if you have not been served ads before then, or the other guy. Someone either of you have interacted with could’ve done who brought up the Philippines to you or them.
And because there’s an ongoing campaign in your area, eventually you’ll get one of them ads too.
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 1 month ago:
Unihertz Jelly Star. I wanted a modern phone smaller than my pixel 3. Seemed to be the only viable option at the time. It’s crazy how big phones are now, even the compact ones are bigger than what I class as a big phone
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 1 month ago:
It’s more that my phone is quite literally tiny. 3" screen, 480x854
- Comment on DOOM® CAPTCHA 1 month ago:
Near impossible on my tiny phone haha