- Comment on transformations 1 week ago:
I’m a carrier for USPS, I have a guy on my route who often orders Volkswagen parts from all over Europe. One day he got a replacement subframe for one of his VW’s from Estonia and it arrived at our office pretty beat up. When he needed to sign for it he saw the condition and I told him that’s how we received it. The shipper sent it by just sticking the subframe in a box, no padding, no supports, just a cardboard box for a trip around the world. He obviously was upset and had another one sent as a replacement after filing a claim.
The replacement was packaged exactly the same, and luckily only slightly bent on arrival. The old one is still sitting in our office in limbo.
If you’re gonna ship something overseas or across town package that shit properly
- Comment on What's up, selfhosters? - Sunday thread 2 weeks ago:
The absolute bliss
Same with me when I was in Brazil, it was chugging along just fine back in New England
- Comment on Jeep Introduces Pop-Up Ads That Appear Every Time You Stop 3 weeks ago:
I don’t recommend anyone buy a Jeep, not because of the ads but because they’re built like shit. Quality has been in free fall for decades while prices have skyrocketed. Death wobble issues (Wranglers), motor reliability out the window, rust, more rust, just not worth it.
I owned a 94 Cherokee and I loved it, and even though that 4.0L straight 6 had problems at least it would still run with bad piston rings, mysterious battery drain and holes in my radiator. The new ones just can’t compete.
- Comment on Handful of users claim new Nvidia GPUs are melting power cables again 3 weeks ago:
Yeah my 3090 K|ngP|n pulls over 500w easily, but that’s over 3 8 pin PCIe cables, all dedicated. Power delivery was something I took seriously when getting that card installed, as well as cooling. Made sure my 1300w PSU had plenty of dedicated PCIe ports.
- Comment on Freed At Last From Patents, Does Anyone Still Care About MP3? 3 weeks ago:
Exactly, sometimes you just wanna jam to some mp3’s out of an iPod like the good ol days. It’s about the ✨vibes✨
- Comment on What is everyone using as a HTPC? 3 weeks ago:
Ryzen 1200/GTX 960 small build running Linux Mint. There’s a UHD blu-ray drive in it as well with the custom firmware to rip disks. Media is stored on my NAS that handles Plex and transcoding. The parts were mostly old extras I had lying around, just needed the case, blu-ray drive and boot SSD. Oh and the like $20 wireless Logitech keyboard/track pad combo for control.
- Comment on It's laundry day! 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Try to remember... 3 weeks ago:
Brother I can’t remember why I walked into the other room, let alone something that happened 180,000 years ago 🙄
- Comment on pew pew 3 months ago:
- Comment on Post your setup. no matter how uggo 3 months ago:
Mines nothing special, i5 10400 with 16GB of RAM and a 1050ti for video encoding. System runs TrueNAS Scale for Plex and Immich and has 44TB of drives running through a Dell H310 PERC SAS card. I desperately need more storage but I’ve been lacking the funds for new drives, I’d also need a 5.25" drive bay converter to hold the 2 additional drives I need in this case since all the bays are full, and another SAS card since this one’s used up.
I’d like to move to Jellyfin but from what I’ve read it doesn’t do as well for streaming from outside the network compared to Plex and half the users of my server are outside my network. So it works for now.
Also have a Raspberry Pi 5 running PiHole
Also a buddy 3D printed a fan mount for the H310 to make sure it doesnt overheat when doing file transfers and I slapped a Noctua on it
- Comment on LG TVs start showing ads on screensavers 5 months ago:
The board members chant collectively while convulsing and foaming at the mouth
- Comment on Fallout London - I just can't anymore 5 months ago:
Yeah I tried getting it running on my Steam Deck and when the launcher kept telling me it couldn’t find Fallout 4 I just uninstalled them both. Not worth the storage space and hassle.
- Comment on What interesting things can I do with my home WiFi network? 5 months ago:
I’ve been doing the FBI Surveillance van one for years. 50 is the 5G band and I have 24 as the 2.4G band.
- Comment on Regain Control in my ass 5 months ago:
- Comment on Any non-tech-background self-hosters? 5 months ago:
I’m just an idiot that tinkers with things. I’ve got a TrueNAS Scale system up and running as network storage and Plex storage. There’s about 44TB of raw capacity in there right now, connected via a server SAS card. I just follow tutorials if I don’t know what I’m supposed to do.
- Comment on CAMPEÃO DO MUNDO 6 months ago:
This is false, I’m currently visiting Brazil and haven’t been murdered.
- Comment on why not 6 months ago:
Garlic bread? No, no, sweetie. Breaded garlic.
- Comment on Linux Mint 22 released: An attractive option for migrating away from Windows | Windows 11 system requirements block millions of PCs from upgrading, while Linux Mint continues to work on older hardware 7 months ago:
Not entirely true in my case, I’ve got an old Inspiron 530 that I have been trying to figure out what to do with. Well it ran Vista from the factory so that’s worthless now, so I figured I’d try putting Linux on it. Every single distro I tried installing just wouldn’t get past the splash screen. Mint, Ubuntu, Arch (GUI and manual installer), Pop_OS, ChimeraOS, nothing. Trying different USB media writing methods did nothing or made it not even show as a bootable device. Finally got Xunbuntu to work on it and even that took 3 attempts to install.
I’ve got a more recent HP that was originally Win 7 that did have a much higher success rate and an old Acer laptop that straight up will not boot Linux without a high amount of errors or just completely borked graphics even with multiple distros.
But I’m also an idiot so it’s probably me.
- Comment on $1 million starter home? It's the norm in 237 cities, according to Zillow 7 months ago:
Most places it’s severely defunded or mismanaged. In my town the waiting list is extremely long, housing was limited for years before the recent housing crisis and for some reason they don’t even follow the list of people they have waiting, they skip around. There’s public and section 8 housing that sits vacant for months or years even though the list of applicants is a mile long.
- Comment on Good game soundtracks? 7 months ago:
Any of Marty O’Donnell’s Halo soundtracks
- Comment on Damn it Salmo 7 months ago:
- Comment on Redbox’s disc rentals are over 7 months ago:
I was talking to one of the repair guys working on one near me and he told me they already ran Linux, so they’re one step ahead of you
- Comment on What a Hobby 8 months ago:
Nice try, NSA, I know those are your spy drones. You can’t fool me!
- Comment on I think it's extremely invasive that amazon is telling me this 9 months ago:
Jobs a job man, just because it’s a shit company to work for doesn’t mean you should shame them for it. They’re just trying to pay their bills like everyone else
- Comment on I used an original iPod in 2024, and it was pretty fun 9 months ago:
I’d love to get my hands on even a decent condition 1st gen iPod, but people want insane amounts for them now. Even my 5.5 gen was more than i wanted to pay but nearly mint.
- Comment on Xbox Console Sales Are Tanking 10 months ago:
This is exactly what happened with my mom trying to buy a Christmas gift for my nephew. She knew he had an Xbox but had no clue which version it was so she didn’t know which version of a game to get. I told her to just buy an Xbox store gift card and call it a day, much easier than trying to figure out which version of the console he had. Didn’t want her to buy him a disc if he had the Series S.
- Submitted 10 months ago to [deleted] | 4 comments
- Submitted 10 months ago to [deleted] | 3 comments
- Comment on iPod with custom shell, new screen, 512gb SSD, and a 30 day battery 10 months ago:
Nice! I keep meaning to order a clear shell for my 5.5 Gen, but have done a battery and flash swap on it. My 4th Gen and my 2nd Gen mini are also flashed and they’ve been amazing too.
- Comment on Sahara dust cloud smothers Germany, France and Switzerland 11 months ago:
Bravo, Vince