- Comment on Are modern Final Fantasy games bad? 52 minutes ago:
For the record, I was also immensely disappointed in XV. However I loved XVI. The ability cool downs in particular felt very ATB-like to me and I loved the customization. The story is very good and one of my favorites from storytelling perspective (in other words, HOW the story is told).
I also really liked the combat and exploration of XII. And the Zodiac version makes it even better.
I thought XIII had some of the best moments in the series.
XIII-2 perfected the gameplay from XIII and made storytelling and exploration “fun”
XIII: LR is very experimental and has some of my favorite action-based combat in the series.
World of Final Fantasy is a lot of fun if you want turn based monster capturing.
Stranger of Paradise is a blast. My only issue with it is that you can’t really overpower by leveling up. I hit a hard wall with a boss and the only way through is “get good”.
I didn’t get much into Type-O but I keep meaning to.
Theatrhythm exists. I love it, but it’s also it’s own thing entirely.
- Comment on PlayStation VR2 is getting a price cut ($550 --> $400) 3 days ago:
No Man’s Sky was my favorite experience on the original PSVR and I know it runs on the PSVR2 as well.
- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 4 days ago:
I’ve got Hydro Thunder still. I literally played it like a couple weeks ago. When I was a kid I would use the GameShark to unlock all of the boats and tracks.
I don’t know that I ever made it past the first mission of the second city in Driver 2. I remember getting into that baseball field in free-roam though. Cops and Robbers was a hell of a multiplayer game too.
Worms Armageddon was way more difficult than it had any right being. I remember their challenges being nearly impossible. Like shoot a rocket through a pinhole using the wind.
- Comment on Lemmy’s essential 25 PS1 games 4 days ago:
So many RPGs. A few of my favorites.
Final Fantasy VIII - It may be the best looking game on the PS1, and my personal favorite. Unique leveling.
Arc the Lad III - The whole collection is worth it. But the third game had a streamlined polish that is rarely appreciated over the second game of the series.
Parasite Eve - Unique gameplay and weapon upgrading (GUNS). Very adult oriented.
Jade Cocoon - Monster capturing and MERGING. This creates completely new monsters with new stats and appearances. Infinite possibilities.
Honorable mentions: I played these a bit, but never enough to give a full endorsement. But still they are popular picks.
Azure Dreams - Rogue-Lite grid movement monster capture dungeon exploring.
Legend of Dragoon - Timing emphasized attacks. Bad translations.
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
Yeah, I guess he’s really transphobic and every time someone reaches out to talk about Earthworm Jim, he gets really weird and political.
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
Isn’t the creator/owner problematic?
- Comment on Games franchises that need metroidvania spinoffs? 2 weeks ago:
My first thoughts were Final Fantasy because you have all the enemies you need. And they’ve already branched out into monster catching and Souls-like. So might as well.
My second thought was X-men because the Genesis games were already kinda built for that.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
Wandering around in Morrowind before I really knew what I was doing, being happy just to find a few coins in a tree stump or a crappy dagger.
Other games have given more extreme emotions. But no other game has instilled such a joyous sense of wonder.
- Comment on What's the greatest joy you have gotten from a video game? 1 month ago:
I met my wife playing Rock Band. It was definitely a top gaming moment. But I didn’t realize at the time what it would lead to eventually.
- Comment on How many games do you manage to play at the same time? 1 month ago:
Secondary games are also my main. Rogue Legacy 1 & 2, Loco Roco, old Final Fantasy games, Spyro.
I need to have the energy and time to dig into a main game, and I usually do not have that after a long day when everyone else goes to sleep.
- Comment on Infamous vs Prototype | 15 Years Later 1 month ago:
I love the inFamous games. inFamous 2 in particular is in my top 5. I’m trying to remember some of the choices, but some of them are execute the mass murderer or not in one (or multiple) cases. But also, they have a variation of the trolley problem which I thought was a nice touch. The ultimate decision in 2 is pretty extreme, but it’s also the culmination of two games worth of selfish vs selfless decisions.
The biggest morality question though is whether to use area of effect vs precision damage.
Having said that, I think it’s interesting how these two games are so similar on a surface level. But in my experience, most people heavily prefer one or the other. I remember my friend and I were each obsessed with one of the two franchises when they came out, but neither of us were interested in the other.
Side note: inFamous 2 had a standalone DLC which just used the map from 2 with an entirely new powerset, and it was awesome. But it was a lot shorter than a full game. However, I remember losing interest in Bioshock 2 because it felt like I was just replaying the first game.
- Comment on what was the last game you played in 2024? 1 month ago:
Technically ∞ Loop on my phone. But the last real game I was playing was Jade Cocoon.
- Comment on PlayStation Plus Classic Catalogue For November 2024 | Retro Gaming News 24/7 3 months ago:
I’d feel much better about it if they hadn’t increased their already expensive prices.
- Comment on Whatever happened to racing games 3 months ago:
It’s weird that games nailed run racing games back in the PS2/Xbox era. Between Burnout, Midnight Club, Need for Speed, all of them peaked. Then couldn’t repeat formula. Then on the PS3 they had Motorstorm. But really there hasn’t been a lot of fun racing games since.
- Comment on Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp Complete - Welcome to Your New Home, Campers 3 months ago:
I used to play the crap out of this game. I got a ridiculous amount of stuff without paying a dime too. I had to stop playing because it took too much of my time.
- Comment on Video game libraries lose legal appeal to emulate physical game collections online 3 months ago:
Yes, I meant obtaining a copy and emulating it. If you can’t show damages (it’s not costing them sales) then it shouldn’t be punishable.
- Comment on Video game libraries lose legal appeal to emulate physical game collections online 3 months ago:
That’s what I’ve been saying for awhile. If it’s not readily available after a certain amount of time, for a certain amount of time, emulation should be 100% legal. Sell it to me or fuck off.
- Comment on Screenshots of what I'm playing, day 1: progressing through Sonic 2 4 months ago:
I have that one on the PS2. I don’t know that there is a better Sonic collection.
- Comment on Marvel's Midnight Suns is criminally underrated 4 months ago:
I thought it was fine. I don’t know about underrated though. I don’t think it’s nearly as good as Xcom.
- Comment on Expedition 33 Dev Confirms $50 Price Is Correct, '30+ Hours of Main Game' 4 months ago:
I’m kind of in a different boat with this. I’m paying for quality, not quantity. Especially since I don’t have as much free time as I did 20 years ago.
So if I can play through a phenomenal story within a couple months over a 20 hour game (which usually takes me 30 hours) at the height of the hype when people are still talking about it, I love it. Give me efficient storytelling.
In fact, if it’s something longer, it kind makes me rethink it whether I want to pay full price. Why rush?
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
I STRONGLY disagree. 5 was a letdown with some bright spots. Infinite is offensively bad with no redeeming value.
Even if you remove Infinite, 5’s combat is better than 4’s in every single way. I would split second worst between those two depending on what aspects you’re comparing.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
As far as I know, they gave up on assassinations too. To be honest, by the time I finished the game, the missing features were at the bottom of the list of problems I had with it.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
It did not release with co-op. I think they had to figure out how to make it work with the open world map and zip lining. When I had finished it, it still didn’t have it. When they added it, they also announced that they had stopped trying to make local co-op work.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
I’ve said before, Infinite feels like the DLC to a Halo 6 game that was never released.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
This is my biggest complaint. Halo 6 was set up to be an amazing game. Then Infinite ended up with zero story. The most interesting stuff in Infinite were the little flashback sequences that bridge 5 to Infinite.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
I have a lot of problems with it. Between the “story” and the copy-paste map. I would rather the game didn’t exist, because at least then they could make a follow up to 5’s end.
I really don’t want to spoil your fun if you’re enjoying it though. A lot of the gameplay elements are fun to play around with.
- Comment on After 11 years, Xbox One emulators are finally coming to PC - but they're not actually using emulation at all 4 months ago:
Halo 5 had a lot of problems. Bit it’s a damned masterpiece compared to Infinite.
Halo 5 had great gunplay, Warzone Firefight was a blast, the Guardians were a great stand-in for the Halo rings, Cortana was an intimidating enemy by the end of the game, the lootboxes were actually better than the armor cores and marketplace from Infinite.
There are A LOT of negatives in there too. But a lot of positives. Infinite is just a shitshow from the beginning.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 4 months ago:
I don’t think it even makes sense financially. There’s not really a first part for people to get excited about compared to Midgar in 7. 9 is more of a full package game.
- Comment on Final Fantasy 9 Remake May Not Happen as a Single Title 4 months ago:
I think it made sense for 7. Midgar was the most interesting set piece and a ton of stuff happens there. But it’s only like 10% of the game.
Then you collect side characters like infinity stones and to through a bunch of their individual stories.
Then the actual story happens.
Also, 7 is popular enough to support the split up.
This doesn’t make sense for 9. Also, isn’t it supposed to be a 1 for 1 remake?
- Comment on Super Game Boy Plus: Ultimate Super Game Boy Upgrade with Enhanced Features 5 months ago:
17 U.S. Code § 1201 - Circumvention of copyright protection systems
Well that’s interesting. It does say the law won’t override fair use. But I assume it blocks it regardless.