- Comment on PSA: Libraries 6 months ago:
Overdrive and Libby are the same company, just a heads up.
- Comment on Den Fujita's (the founder of McDonald's Japan) prediction for the year 2971 is a shitpost in itself. 10 months ago:
I googled and apparently the ganguro style has died out which makes me feel old.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
Lol! We didn’t have a billiards room but we did have a wet bar that literally was never used and for the first 10 or so years of my life I was afraid to go near.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
You got some right! All 60s-70s houses. Mine was split level. Decidedly middle class. However, it was smack in the Midwest and basically all the houses are about as different as houses built in that era can be. Now, the subdivision that popped up in the field next to my neighborhood in the 00s were cookie cutter 3-4 of the same houses (but sometimes the floor plans/elevations were mirrored to make it seem different haha).
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
Wasn’t on any sort of grid pattern either. The roads just kinda meandered around willy nilly and would sometimes loop back on itself with random “bridge” connecting roads which I know isn’t extremely uncommon but definitely added to the difficulty of navigation.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
”Because I had to use complex mathematics to derive your house number among all of the unnumbered houses on your street."
Wouldn’t even be able to do that in the neighborhood I grew up in. They numbered the houses in the order they were built/the lots were purchased and that wasn’t often next to each other lol. So 64, 67, 88, 90 are next to each other for instance.
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
I wonder if you were thinking of chop suey, which has one of its origin stories being from San Francisco?
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
It was actually Texas.
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Kinda like “chai tea” is often said in English too!
- Comment on They lied to us 11 months ago:
Also Turkey (the bird) has to be the most hilariously named bird. Different languages attribute the bird to a different location.
But English, Turkish, Hindi, and French aren’t the only languages with geographical confusion over the origin of this gobbling bird. Irish and Welsh call it after Turkey, but that’s probably just borrowing via English. Armenian, Hebrew, Italian, Polish, and Russian also refer to it as some sort of Indian bird, while Dutch, Indonesian, Icelandic, and Lithuanian get slightly more specific with their inaccurate Indian geographical references and call it a bird of Calicut. Khmer and Scottish Gaelic, on the other hand, call it a French chicken, Malay calls it a Dutch chicken, and various dialects of Arabic refer to it as a Roman, Greek, or Ethiopian chicken. The most sensible of the geographically confused names are the languages that name it after Peru, including Croatian, Hawaiian, and Portuguese. I mean, at least Peru is on the right continental landmass, even if it’s home to the Incas while it was the Aztecs who domesticated the turkey.
- Comment on Rooster Teeth Shut Down By Warner Bros. Discovery 11 months ago:
I haven’t watched their videos in a long time but I actually listen to a few of their podcasts… damn how wild. One of their podcasts posted on IG they’d try to keep going.
- Comment on Get the ketchup. 1 year ago:
Yes. They also had a Hidden Valley Ranch flavor and an unbranded pickles flavor and pizza. The Mac n Cheese and Pizza ones were ok. I didn’t try the others I got tired of the gimmick and have better ways to use my calories.
- Comment on Spotify just changed TOS, giving them unprecedented rights to create "derivative works" from audiobooks 1 year ago:
When discussions like this happen I think it’s good to actually suggest alternatives!
I don’t listen to audiobooks, but a lot of people I know use libro.fm
Also your local library probably partners with Hoopla and/or Libby which allows you to borrow audiobooks straight to your PC/phone!
- Comment on Right on time 1 year ago:
Took me a bit longer than I expect to find it but here it is:
“Wanna know the first thing I’m gonna do in the springti—“
- Comment on Amazon Prime Video drops Dolby Vision and Atmos unless you pay extra 1 year ago:
Prime is how I watched Women Talking and The Lighthouse. I was even going to crack and finally pay to rent The Lighthouse then I saw it was finally free on Prime. They definitely have some niche films.
- Comment on Sooooo milk first 1 year ago:
This photo has been floating around for a few years.
- Comment on Culkin 1 year ago:
On top of that she’s a very pale person and would suffer sun aging much easier as well.
- Comment on Kool-Aid 1 year ago:
Awe hell yeah I can get down with Ify!!! What a good new host choice!
- Comment on Kool-Aid 1 year ago:
Wait Mike left Dropout? Who is going to host the show now???
- Comment on And how's there a car in a mall? Life's important questions 1 year ago:
I mean it was an actual thing too though!
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
They make it basically impossible to know about unless you are told. 😩
- Comment on TikTok Is Destroying Itself From the Inside Out 1 year ago:
I know it doesn’t fix the fact the ruined main feed, but if you click on “Instagram” on the top left then select “Following” from the drop-down that appears, you will get a chronological feed of only the people you follow—no ads no suggested posts. Only reels if they were posted by someone you follow.
- Comment on Lovely 1 year ago:
Many thanks! I did watch the first season but that was a long time ago and I didn’t finish it. I will bump rewatching/finishing up my list. I do love a good sports anime. :)
- Comment on Lovely 1 year ago:
Source anime please?
- Comment on text don't call 1 year ago:
Same. It makes blocking the numbers pointless.
- Comment on Why Everyone Should Still Use an RSS Reader in 2024 1 year ago:
Overcast lets you import from RSS
- Comment on Ketchup alignment 1 year ago:
Yes my favorite ketchups only have the original sugars from the vegetables used. And usually have some richer spices and more prominent vinegar.
- Comment on Surely there is no way that this could... backfire 1 year ago:
Do you know what the hell it was used for?? Did they like…pin old school Map Quest instructions to it?
- Comment on Surely there is no way that this could... backfire 1 year ago:
I’ve seen the occasional post where the front plate burned/branded people’s hands during deployment if they were holding the steering wheel.
Also an article about people getting injured from the bezazzling!
- Comment on Anyone else notice the fediverse is quite close knit? 1 year ago:
Yeah, it’s funny to see this be heralded as a good/wholesome thing when I know back on Reddit it was maligned as “power users”.