- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
Apk literally stands for Android package. I’m making an analogy. 🤦
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
Is that not custom hardware? I really don’t see any issue with how they built this thing. The issue is what they built.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
Depends on which part is altered. Lots of Linux distros are just curated collections of software, drivers, and configuration. You can easily achieve your OS goals without touching the code of the base distro at all. If they didn’t need to modify the base code then there’s nothing to distribute back. That would be like distributing your personal OS power user config settings. If you’re not touching source there’s nothing to contribute.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
The hardware seems very custom to me. The problem is that the device everyone carries is a massive superset of their custom hardware making it completely wasteful.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
I didn’t know how much work they put into customizing it, but being derived from Android does not mean it isn’t custom. Ubuntu is derived from Debian, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t a custom OS. The fact that you can run the apk on other Android devices isn’t a gotcha. You can run Ubuntu .deb files on other Debian distros too. An OS is more of a curated collection of tools, you should not be going out of your way to make applications for a derivative os incompatible with other OSes derived from the same base distro.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
Isn’t Lemmy supposed to be tech savvy? What do people think the vast majority of Linux OSs are? They’re derivatives of a base distribution. Often they’re even derivatives of a derivative.
Did people think a startup was going to build an entire OS from scratch? What would even be the benefit of that? Deriving Android is the right choice here. This R1 is dumb, but this is not why.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
What, you aren’t excited about a future where everything is cloud computing spyware that sends all your activity to an AI to be analyzed and picked apart by strangers?
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
It’s just marketing to be like “look at how capable our AI is with just one button”. I mean if you want to be charitable it’s an interesting design exercise, but wasteful and frivolous when everyone is already carrying devices that are far more capable supersets of this.
- Comment on Rabbit R1 AI box revealed to just be an Android app 9 months ago:
Ubuntu is just a bunch of apps running in Debian! Did you know you can take Ubuntu app .deb files and run them on Debian?
Look. The R1 is stupid, but this isn’t the reason why.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
The cloud buzzword was the dumbest thing ever. The cloud is an infrastructure technique for deploying server resources. It has zero end user impact. It made certain features easier to deploy and develop for software companies, but there is nothing fundamentally different in the experience the cloud provides vs a traditional server. Outside of the industry, the term means fucking nothing to users and the way it was used was just synonymous with the Internet in general. If your file is hosted on the cloud or a centralized server makes no difference to the end user and there would be no way to tell how it was hosted in a UI.
- Comment on YouTube Tests Showing Ads When You Pause a Video, Calls it ''Pause Ads'' 10 months ago:
So they’ll stop injecting ads in the middle of videos at the worst possible times right?
So they’ll stop injecting ads… Right?
- Comment on Progress! 10 months ago:
The technology required to do any of this would allow for so much stuff, and their first idea is how to use it to imprison people? What the actual fuck?
- Comment on And you're telling me that code interviews don't work... 10 months ago:
I’d be perfectly happy for a candidate to do the second answer
- Comment on Former Blizzard president wants to be able to leave a "tip" after completing $70 games: "I wish I could give these folks another $10 or $20" 10 months ago:
No, he wants to put the responsibility of paying his employees onto the consumer. That’s why restaurants want tipping, so they can pay their employees less and push the cost onto the customers.
- Comment on [deleted] 10 months ago:
I downloaded it out of curiosity because I had no idea what it could be like and it’s the shittiest most confusing content I’ve ever seen. Seems like it’s just low effort ai assisted submissions from random people realizing half assed ideas they barely care about. I honestly have no clue who the target audience is or why anyone would bother making the app or adding this shit content to it.
- Comment on Why do Americans measure everything in cups? 10 months ago:
Because it’s often easier to measure things by volume, and most cooking dishes do not need precise measurements. It sucks for baking dishes, but for anything that doesn’t need to be precise I find it way more convenient to grab a volume measurement than a scale
- Comment on Somebody managed to coax the Gab AI chatbot to reveal its prompt 10 months ago:
It’s almost as if the highest quality text to train AI on isn’t conservative bullshit.
- Comment on He's got a point 10 months ago:
Exactly. Saying it’s a problem when playing video games doesn’t mean that it isn’t a problem anywhere else. For office jobs specifically, there is already plenty of awareness being spread and most offices give out onboarding material that gives tips on stretches you can do and on how to have a more ergonomic setup.
- Comment on He's got a point 10 months ago:
To be fair, lots of companies specifically point out ergonomics and give out onboarding materials with suggestions on exercises to do and office setup best practices.
Awareness is important, and most office jobs already raise awareness about it. I think the only time I’ve seen it in video games were those take a break reminders I’ve seen in some Nintendo games.
- Comment on I used to be with it, then they changed what "it" is 10 months ago:
Remember pog? It’s back!
- Comment on Hooooooooooooooooooot 10 months ago:
Is it that they’re inefficient or harder to maintain?
- Comment on A mere 57 mega polluters 80 per cent of the world's greenhouse gas emissions, new analysis shows 10 months ago:
The biggest impact we can make is to consume less. You can take shorter showers your whole life and have next to no impact, but if you consume less it adds to to way more
- Comment on Court Bans Use of 'AI-Enhanced' Video Evidence Because That's Not How AI Works 10 months ago:
It’s incredibly obvious when you call the current generation of AI by its full name, generative AI. It’s creating data, that’s what it’s generating.
- Comment on FCC to vote to restore net neutrality rules, reversing Trump 10 months ago:
It’s kinda infuriating that Democrats spend years working tirelessly to undo Republican bullshit, and when they finally do, people are like “but why didn’t you do it sooner?”. Do these people have zero life expense l experience where it’s fucking hard to change institutions?
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
You’re not kidding. The comments are so much worse than I was expecting.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
If a subject is a scientific passion of yours, you don’t dismiss good questions, you welcome them.
- Comment on degree in bamf 11 months ago:
You start by asking questions. If you’re wrong you’ll find out, if you’re right you’ll expose something.
- Comment on Mystical land pirates (with pizza) 11 months ago:
I rotate delivery apps so they constantly send me coupons. The coupon doesn’t actually save any money over the restaurant cost but basically cancels out the delivery fee.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Sorry I misworded it. I meant to say any industry that must be a monopoly/trust, so things that are based on scarce or shared resources. Housing, telecom, energy, etc.
- Comment on Experimental Video Game Made Purely With AI Failed Because Tech Was 'Unable to Replace Talent' 11 months ago:
I am a developer and that’s exactly how I see it too. I think AI will be able to write PRs for simple stories but it will need a human to review those stories to give approval or feedback for it to fix it, or manually intervene to tweak the output.