- Comment on It's infinitely worse to be the oldest you'll ever be than the youngest you'll ever be. 1 day ago:
Colonel Sandurz: Everything that happens now, is happening now.
Dark Helmet: What happened to then?
Colonel Sandurz: We passed then.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now. We’re at now now.
Dark Helmet: Go back to then.
Colonel Sandurz: When?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: Now?
Dark Helmet: Now.
Colonel Sandurz: I can’t.
Dark Helmet: Why?
Colonel Sandurz: We missed it.
Dark Helmet: When?
Colonel Sandurz: Just now.
Dark Helmet: When will then be now?
Colonel Sandurz: Soon.
- Comment on Can you eat soap for acid reflux? 3 weeks ago:
- Comment on Going to court can be depressing 3 weeks ago:
Joshua Dean had a memory keen
He was strong and he ran every day
But his lungs turned to goo And he had a stroke too
At 46, he was sent on his way
Oh, and Swampy Barnett loved his mama
And he took a lot of pride in his work
He found 300 reasons why a plane couldn’t fly
And now he’s over his head in the dirt
You can know a lot
You can know a little
But whatever you know
Just don’t blow the whistle
- Comment on The more you know! 3 weeks ago:
++???++ Out of Cheese Error. Redo From Start.
- Comment on Our brains remembers at random cringe and awful things we did in the past to prevent us of doing them again. 3 weeks ago:
I’ve found a lot of success in working through things logically when the painful memories return.
What does this memory teach me?
Have I learned all I can from this memory?
If it has taught me everything it can, I can set this memory aside, as there is no purpose in dwelling on it.
I am a better person because of the lessons learned, thank you memory, you have served me well. You may rest
This puts me in a position of acknowledging my imperfections without suffering long term regret. I can’t change the past, and if I’ve learned from it, then I need to live in the Now, not the Then
- Comment on Plane carrying 64 collides with helicopter, crashes in Washington 4 weeks ago:
I wonder if this will wind up being similar to the Überlingen midair collision. An overworked ATC worker making a simple mistake with no other fail-safes in place
- Comment on Plane carrying 64 collides with helicopter, crashes in Washington 4 weeks ago:
That’s a pretty good guess. I now believe this 100%. Everything i said before was bullshit
TCAS warnings are inhibited below 1000AGL. This collision occurred between 200 and 300’ AGL.
I did not know that was the collision altitude, nor did I know TCAS was inhibited below 1000’.
See, i told you i know next to nothing about this. But that’s the advantage of spouting off. The quickest way to get the right info is to say something incorrect first.
It’s called Ohm’s Law
- Comment on Plane carrying 64 collides with helicopter, crashes in Washington 4 weeks ago:
I know nothing about military aircraft, and next to nothing about civilian aircraft, beyond what I’ve learned from Mayday! episodes and write-ups by Admiral Cloudberg. So I’m forming some strong and unjustified opinions with no actual information
I’d guess the military helicopter didn’t have a TCAS transmitter on, and ATC made some small but vital error, like vectoring the helicopter at a set altitude through the approach path of the landing airplane
I suppose we’ll learn more later, but i suspect the civilian aircraft followed direction correctly, did everything right, and still crashed due to ATC and Helicopter pilot error
- Comment on UnitedHealth updates data breach impact to 190 million people, nearly doubling previous estimate 5 weeks ago:
CEOs come and go and one just went
The ingredients you got bake the cake that you get
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
Right on Jim Ryan’s desk
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
It’s simple.
If the money gained by selling user data is greater than sales lost to piracy because of the required account, it’s a win for the company. They probably figure those countries that can’t create a PSN account are lost sales anyway, so screw em, right?
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
NGL it’s the only name that readily comes to mind. I’m not deep into cracked games, since my tastes are for smaller games like We Happy Few and Outer Wilds. Steam launcher works fine for those, I’m just opposed to a launcher and account from every publisher. Rockstar, EA, Sony, and others can kiss my shiney metal ass. If I have to create an account, I’m not interested
- Comment on The Last Of Us Part II will require a PSN account to play on PC, making it unplayable in over 100 countries 1 month ago:
This seems like a problem some FitGirl could solve 🤔
- Comment on When I never get invited to any social gathering during high school [Day 35] 1 month ago:
It’s like prison, except you’re more likely to get shot
- Comment on [deleted] 1 month ago:
Kindness is free, try it
- Comment on The best option 1 month ago:
Be the change you want to see in the world
- Comment on The best option 1 month ago:
If I had life-saving treatment denied, and was still physically capable, I’d likely be inspired to overcome adversity and leave the world a little better than I found it
- Comment on It took 68 years for the world to reach 1 terawatt of solar PV capacity. It took just two years to double it | RenewEconomy 3 months ago:
Every two and a half years solar energy efficiency will double
It’s called Ohm’s Law
- Comment on I'll share a troubling fact with you if you share one with me 4 months ago:
‘Was there anything else on the dinner menu?’
‘Vole-au-vents and Cream of Rat,’ said Gimlet. ‘All hygienically prepared.’
‘How do you mean, “hygienically prepared”?’ said Carrot.
‘The chef is under strict orders to wash his hands afterwards.’
The assembled dwarfs nodded. This was certainly pretty hygienic. You didn’t want people going around with ratty hands.
- Feet of Clay by Terry Pratchett
- Comment on NSW artist travels hundreds of kilometres to see his shark-banana statue come to life at Sculpture by the Sea 4 months ago:
I read this as NSFW artist.
The Internet has ruined me
- Comment on At the doctors 4 months ago:
Pteppic and Ptraci are waiting beside Ptimothy
^GNU ^^Sir ^^^Pterry
- Comment on Oxygen 5 months ago:
I would watch this episode of Black Adder
- Comment on I've always wanted to see Seattle. 5 months ago:
Funny, last night my wife and I were greeted by the shithole that is SEA, followed by a 45 minute wait for a shuttle to the car rental place. That airport is a joke.
(We’re exploring this part of the country, camping along the way and flying back home from Butte. If we were staying in Seattle we’d just use public transit/taxis)
- Comment on title 5 months ago:
Ollie went to the neighborhood dance
And he won the big door prize
It was a toilet brush, and he took it home,
And next week some of the guys
They said, "Ollie how’s that toilet brush?
“The one you won from the neighbors?”
Ollie said, "It works pretty good,
“But I prefer toilet paper”
- Comment on 17-Year-old Student Exposes Germany's 'Secret' Pirate Site Blocklist 5 months ago:
Ok so I’m an absolute novice at this stuff, but basically DNS tells your computer where on the Internet a particular website is located. Its IP address. Your router will likely default to the DNS server your ISP provides. My router, and I would guess most others, allows one to change which DNS server their computer uses. There is a list of DNS servers one can use, and among them is OpenDNS, owned by Cisco. Provided the Jem’Hadar don’t attack, I should be good.
I’m reaching the end of my knowledge here, hope that summary helped
- Comment on 17-Year-old Student Exposes Germany's 'Secret' Pirate Site Blocklist 6 months ago:
I know most of these words.
Thank you for posting this, I changed my router to point to Open DNS
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
Just stay away from nvidia on Linux and you are golden.
I’m sorry but this is the kind of condescending bullshit that pushes me away from Linux
I got a 3070TI for half off MSRP for open box in the middle of the crypto bubble, and I’m not buying another GPU until I absolutely have to.
You want more people to embrace Linux? Make it work on startup without jumping through a bunch of hoops, on the hardware we already own.
Your lived experience with Windows is yours, and I’m glad you have a system that works for you. I don’t have the time or mental energy to learn, not just a new OS, but also all of the bugs that go with it.
Look, I get it. I’m putting my apprentice in my old work van, and as I’m looking at the old heap I’m remembering all the little quirks it has that I’ve developed blind spots for. Blind spots they don’t have. Quirks that are actually problems. I know there are problems with windows that I ignore because I know how to work around them. I know the workarounds because I’ve been using Windows since 3.11. I didn’t have that experience with Linux, and neither does my wife. A woman who once nearly bricked our computer falling for an Indian call center scam.
When this rig bites the dust, I’ll probably build a Linux gaming box and just tell her to get used to the OS. For now, we’re using Windows
Also HP is shit and I’d gladly put any HP exec in the hospital if I met them
- Comment on Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements 6 months ago:
That would be me.
Tried Ubuntu 15 years ago, but couldn’t because Nvidia driver issues, and haven’t tried again
Look, dudes, I’m bootstrapping a small business while trying to manage ADHD. I can barely get two hours of admin work done in an eight hour day. I just need things to work. I’d love to walk away from Windows but I don’t have the mental bandwidth for that shit
And even if I did, my wife and I share a gaming computer/media center. There’s nothing like having her call me in the middle of a workday because my VPN is keeping her from logging into PBS so that she can watch Grantchester. Imagine the headaches if I installed a new OS.
Much like improving my physical fitness, I have the desire, but not the will
- Comment on Google dropping ublock origin represents a flawless David vs Goliath victory for its developer 6 months ago:
- Comment on I knew you wouldn't let this go. 6 months ago:
So i know this is just a joke, but I imagine the simulation limits one’s options to those present in the room. If she wants to send someone more likely to survive, like Data, there would be a roadblock:
- Not enough time to get there from the bridge
- Site to site transporter is down
- Spot ate Data’s communicator badge
- Data is commanding the saucer section in another sector
- Data is on Risa hooking up with Sela
Something limits the options to those in the room. Georgi is the most qualified, and time is short