I’ve had this a lot.
I guess it might be because in the delivery person’s app this option could be very similar to the one they meant to select:
Handed to Receptionist
Handed to Resident
Submitted 1 year ago by robocall@lemmy.world to [deleted]
I’ve had this a lot.
I guess it might be because in the delivery person’s app this option could be very similar to the one they meant to select:
Handed to Receptionist
Handed to Resident
And everyone knows that resident doesn’t necessarily mean a resident of your house either
Handed to random person standing near sidewalk.
Scruffy guy with shopping cart filled with odds and ends: huh? Yeah imma resident.
Handed doesn’t have to mean “give” either
Mine just says
Handed to Retard
Yea, the word isn’t really used these days, and if it’s used, it’s frowned upon. Has a very bad ableist ring to it
I personally would prefer it not be used around here in general. I don’t delete it overall, but I will occasionally depending on its usage. I have known too many good people with intellectual disabilities who were abused by bullies calling them that word.
There aren’t options for “I was running late so couldn’t be bothered”, “can’t find it in my pigsty of a van” or “looked valuable so I stole it”
Do people not say hi to customer service reps?
Yea I agree with that wholeheartedly, but the point of it is about people sending someone a hi and nothing else, not ignoring basic manners.
Most of the time its a bot so why bother
Because that bot will remember your politeness and take pity on you when the robot uprising comes.
Because sometimes it’s not a bot and on actual human with a shitty, shitty job. And those two keystrokes may actually mean the difference between them feeling shitty or not as shitty.
I do, even if it’s a bot, because maybe it’s not. I have worked on 2nd+ line tech support, and I’d often see 1st line getting mistreated by customers. I could never do 1st line.
I don’t. I usually think they are bots though until they say something too complex for a bot and feel bad I didn’t say hi.
Just remember what ol’ Amos Burton does when the earth quakes, the poison arrows fall from the sky, and the pillars of Heaven shake. Yeah, Amos Burton just looks that big old storm right in the eye and says, “lol.”
If reception means to receive, then anyone who is given the package (receives it) is by default a receptionist. Therefore, if the delivery person hands the package to anyone, they’ve handed it to a receptionist. /s
But “ist” in this context says that this person does this receiving regularly, likely as a hobby or profession. In which case, OOP would likely know if there was a receptionist that would have taken the package.
So, I’d probably go with receptioner which is more open to uses in situations where the person acted as receptioner this time, but not necessarily as part of a thing they do regularly.
You make a good case!
delivery drivers lie all the time. when I was still in a row house, I watched the amazon guy from my window take the same package from door to door, put it down, take a picture, then pick it right back up and take it to the next stop where he did the same thing.
The ups guy that delivers to my work has been marking every package as signed for by a person who quit 5 years ago… Sometimes on stuff he didn’t even leave at our building…
This kind of shortcut taking is why Uber now has the customer give the driver a code at handoff so the driver can’t just mark it delivered. (This is only when you opt for “deliver directly to me”)
Well, at least the sense of humor is present on both sides.
Most companies would do their CS agents a lot of good by allowing them to be themselves a bit more. The amount of times you can hear the inner turmoil as an agent knows they’re saying something wrong, but that’s what’s on the script is painful, and you waste about 30 mins just breaking through “the company code”
I had to call the electricity company to resolve a fucking clusterfuck of their making the other day (long story short my electricity meter is faulty), and after 3-4 calls I got to someone who said “jesus christ” after I explained my situation and how they’d made it worse trying to resolve it…
She didn’t fix it, it’s still not fully fixed after a further 4 days including 29 hours without power, but gee did I feel like I was speaking to a fellow human who was trying to help in that conversation above all others I had with them
I used to have lots of interesting and fun conversations with customers when I was at AWS.
“Lol, you broke bitch.”
I treat customer service reps with patience, friendliness, and a little bit of awkward humor. Had to activate a phone awhile back and was struggling. Had an issue with one of the steps just not working. It was due to their poorly worded online guide. Customer rep confirmed that this issue does happen, etc etc. Told her “It’s okay. Small issue, we’ll figure it out. You’re not the one responsible, though I really appreciate your help.”
Rep, "Oh no you’ve been really patient and kind! I am happy to help "
And she did help. Probably more than she needed to since she wasn’t in the service department at all. I had been transferred to Sales without realizing. So huge props to her on that one.
I try to do this as well. It usually ends up being resolved quickly, as building rapport with the person on the line often leads to them feeling more invested in helping.
I’m sure it’s a breath of fresh air to have a break from being on the other end of passive aggressiveness, screaming, and other forms of behavior that come from grown adults having tantrums over spilt milk.
Lol! Classic Abigail!
Haha, okay
Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world 1 year ago
She may not have a receptionist, but does she have a cat? Image
Stalinwolf@lemmy.ca 1 year ago
I encourage my daughter (4) to run and peek through the small window beside the front door whenever the driver is out there taking photo. She always looks like a goblin.
Viking_Hippie@lemmy.world 1 year ago
That’s some Major League parenting 😄✊️
VicentAdultman@lemmy.world 1 year ago
Nice 🙂
smeenz@lemmy.nz 1 year ago
I mean… the cat is obviously in charge of that house.
WhiskyTangoFoxtrot@lemmy.world 1 year ago
That’s her lawyer.
Good_morning@lemmynsfw.com 1 year ago
You ought to see his retainer