- Comment on If we want to have any power vs. watching helplessly while people in charge fuck everything up, we should focus on democratic workplaces. Not just unions, workers should own and control the business 1 day ago:
Workers owning the business < people who care owning the business
That can take the form of workers, but equally founders or just people with an interest in what the business does. Equally though hard to get a founder who doesn’t care about what the business does, but many workers genuinely just want a paycheck and to go home (myself included).
The problem is, stock markets and the existence of easily tradable shares, options etc. actively encourage people who not only don’t care about the business, but would be willing to mess it up for short term gain.
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
⅔ may be overestimating, but yes, they’re native to all of the Middle East and Africa, and most of Europe (outside of Scandinavia) and mainland Asia (outside of Japan & deserts, Siberia etc.)
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
Most places is a stretch… They’re invasive in around ⅓ of Earth’s land area and where less than ¼ of people live
- Comment on Meow 3 days ago:
That article seems very new-world-centric
Europe, Mainland Asia & Africa all have native small cats and so the birds and small mammals have evolved to deal with them, the issue is that in Australia & the Americas they haven’t and so that’s where all the risk of species actually being wiped out is - in the old world the cats largely just replace the larger predators that humans have killed off in the ecosystem
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 1 week ago:
That’s what I’m saying
It’s better to not even half-way seed a torrent with low availability than it is to seed one that everyone else is seeding, regardless of how high your ratio goes - it’s a point on how pointless it really is to waste your resources seeding something like that
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 1 week ago:
Seeding shouldn’t be done on ratios - being the only one seeding 10 seasons of a tv show and getting it to 0.4:1 is way more helpful than seeding the same movie as everyone else and getting to 20:1
- Comment on HP ditches 15-minute wait time policy due to 'feedback' 1 week ago:
It was all about “Encouraging more digital adoption by nudging customers to go online to self-solve,” and “taking decisive short-term action to generate warranty cost efficiencies.”
If you wanted customers to go online to self-solve, you’d write proper manuals, provide well-documented and granular error codes and allow people to run diagnostics on their own devices… By not providing either it’s clear the warranty cost efficiencies they’re talking about are people giving up on trying to resolve their issue and just buying a new one
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
Theoretically, I guess… But my argument came when introducing the laws of physics into the world of the infinite hotel, but there comes a point where the movement is small enough that the electron orbits are unaffected when the nuclei move therefore there’s functionally no movement.
You’re not a criminal who goes around breaking the laws of physics like the rest of those “mathematician” types are you?
- Comment on Infinite Hotel Paradox 1 week ago:
Thing is, the message has to be passed along either by an intercom or by the person moving to the next room passing it on… Either way or travels at fastest at the speed of light, so you’ll have people in the corridors moving to the next room for an infinite amount of time purely from the time it takes to propagate.
Given you’re therefore committing to (at least on average) at least being without a room for the rest of time, why not just tell the chap in the first room to keep walking until he finds an available room? In terms of overall inconvenience (overall time spent without a room per person), it’s the same as the original as both are infinite, but for the average person it goes from the time to walk from one room to the next to 0
- Comment on I did my best… 2 weeks ago:
Wheres the part that starts off as a perfect half bagel at one side but is barely atoms thick by the time you get to the other?
- Comment on AI chatbots unable to accurately summarise news, BBC finds 2 weeks ago:
I’ve found Gemini overwhelmingly terrible at pretty much everything, it responds more like a 7b model running on a home pc or a model from two years ago than a medium commercial model in how it completely ignores what you ask it and just latches on to keywords… It’s almost like they’ve played with their tokenisation or trained it exclusively for providing tech support where it links you to an irrelevant article or something
- Comment on AI chatbots unable to accurately summarise news, BBC finds 2 weeks ago:
The issue for RPGs is that they have such “small” context windows, and a big point of RPGs is that anything could be important, investigated, or just come up later
Although, similar to how deepseek uses two stages (“how would you solve this problem”, then “solve this problem following this train of thought”), you could have an input of recent conversations and a private/unseen “notebook” which is modified/appended to based on recent events, but that would need a whole new model to be done properly which likely wouldn’t be profitable short term, although I imagine the same infrastructure could be used for any LLM usage where fine details over a long period are more important than specific wording, including factual things
- Comment on Google Calendar removes Pride Month and Black History Month 2 weeks ago:
Or avoid a decrease in profit, which is why you get so many posturing bandwagons which slow down once enough people have forgotten that it won’t affect profits anymore, eg all the statements and policy, name, logo etc changes due to BLM in mid-late 2020
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
By good morals I mean it came up about the time that people were moving from tribes where they knew everyone personally to settlements where it was impossible to… it sounds weird now but “don’t steal from strangers”, “don’t kill strangers”, “share your harvest with strangers in need” etc. were actually pretty novel ideas which needed to be taught and helped a bunch with ensuring people could co-exist with more people than they had relationships with
- Comment on White House Faith Office 3 weeks ago:
Nah, it was originally about making sure your population had good morals, then about controlling your population more generally, then about making money, then about banning fun for some reason, then about making money again
It’s been quite the wild ride
- Comment on Fucking hell 3 weeks ago:
The Italian economy always used to be on par with UK, France, Germany, but look at it now…
- Comment on Fucking hell 3 weeks ago:
Better a muzzled monarchy than a power vacuum every time, it’s worked in the UK, Spain, (um… probably elsewhere but it worked well enough in those two places after their autocratic dictators kicked the bucket, and look where it left Russia and to an extent Italy - mafia, economy stagnating etc)
- Comment on Sainsbury’s to cut 3,000 jobs as it shuts hot food counters and cafes 5 weeks ago:
This looks to be completely political, their profits are huge and from the article it seems like the closures are largely just reshuffles, with the real job losses coming in management… I really wouldn’t be surprised if they end up refilling the positions though and just wanted to make a point that they don’t like being taxed on their huge profits
- Comment on What is the origin of aliens looking like humans? Why and when did it become the norm? 1 month ago:
I don’t think it’s a lack of creativity - our brains try to turn all sorts into faces and monsters and whatever else as it’s evolutionary beneficial to turn that shadow into a lion because there’s a small chance it could be, or that rock into a face because it could be a friend or foe, even down to looking at a mouse gripping something while eating and thinking “it’s like us”… When you consider that, of course aliens are going to look somewhat familiar as we’ve learnt to identify human traits better than nonhuman traits
- Comment on Wikipedia article blocked worldwide by Delhi high court. 4 months ago:
can’t ban pages anymore with https, and while they don’t want to be lumped in with the authoritarian states that ban all on Wikipedia, they are like them at heart
- Comment on Linus Torvalds affirms expulsion of Russian maintainers 4 months ago:
The point of sanctions is to make it harder to run a country, part of that is making the citizens angry with the government
They don’t target Russians outside of Russia, and do target non-Russians in Russia, because they’re meant to actually be somewhat effective rather than just inciting hate
- Comment on ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 months ago:
For mammals we are, sure, but there’s loads of things that’d kill humans that other animals chow down on perfectly happily, especially when it comes to microorganisms, mushrooms and the rotting things they’re often found in/around
I don’t think scavenging is right also given that, humans used to mainly pick fresh fruits and persistence hunt, both of which are very fresh food which is not overlooked or left by others
- Comment on Effort require Effort 4 months ago:
Dominance over the food chain; dominance over the environment; dominance over where other species (and their own) are even allowed to live; dominance over the genetics of other species, etc.
- Comment on Someday, when society goes fully paperless, paper cuts will be a thing of the past 5 months ago:
I doubt society will go fully paperless, there are times when you need a thing that can be crushed, folded, whatever and doesn’t run out of battery, so unless e-ink technology develops in a very specific way I don’t think every eventually will be replaced, and even without purely functional applications I think art would never ever go fully paperless for many data security (leaking art before it’s complete), economic (things are more expensive when they’re limited in supply, and making either legal or illegal copies of digital things is so much easier) and sentimental reasons (it’s just nicer to have something physical) reasons
- Comment on Infinity 5 months ago:
you can change the relative size of things with zoom
- Comment on Which Countries Have The Most Data Centers? 5 months ago:
The UK’s average energy price is high, but it’s also very variable as when it’s cloudy and calm 20% of demand needs to be imported from France/Norway so wholesale energy is very expensive, but when it’s sunny and windy wholesale energy is free or even at negative cost and 20% of generation gets exported to France/Norway, where their energy is more expensive
If you have the option to run datacentres at minimal or even negative energy cost maybe 20% of the time, then shift load elsewhere the rest of the time, then that may be a reasonable proposition
- Comment on Burning Up 5 months ago:
How is 0F 100% cold though, most places will never get that cold, so it surely makes more sense to have 0F at freezing point of water and 100F at 38C?
- Comment on How is it possible for the IT experts to recover data that was erased from a hard drive when the storage of said hard drive appears empty? 5 months ago:
Storage forensics can look into variations in charge to suggest “this used to be a 1” or “this used to be a 0”
To store more data that way, it’d have to be analog data in reality, as otherwise data loss due to charge decay would be immense so you’d need so much error checking you’d lose most of the storage savings
- Comment on Comedy shows have laugh tracks cuz they aren't that funny 5 months ago:
The reason they have to manipulate the audience is because people look for validation and so feel good when other people react to things in the same way as them. A laugh track can’t save a terrible show, but it can manipulate people into finding a mediocre show funny, but a mediocre show will make people laugh organically at least a few times anyway
- Comment on If Biden died tomorrow and Harris took over? and she won the election also. Could she work full two terms or would it count as one when Biden died? 6 months ago:
As a follow up, to get a third (and more) term would it be possible to run for vp and have a contract with someone who agrees to resign immediately after inauguration, or is there a law against that?