- Comment on just three women have died and 50783 babies have been saved by Texas' abortion law. A damn good trade if you ask me. 3 months ago:
Of course he doesn’t, he just follows the talking points. Gotta have those unwanted babies to grow up and fill those unwanted jobs what with the mass deportation and all. It was never about caring for children or they would support programs that actually help children, like education, TANF, food stamps, free school lunches, Medicare, all the things that help these children survive. They don’t even bother questioning why their politicians get hung up on abortion but neglect the other things. /rant
- Comment on X adds Twitch to its advertising boycott lawsuit 3 months ago:
How likely is that chunk to be thrown out for being obviously ridiculous?
- Comment on brown recluse 2024 3 months ago:
As if Louisiana would go blue for a presidential election.
- Comment on You have 8 seconds. 3 months ago:
I smile casually then turn slightly away from them before sitting down crossed legs facing away, trying to focus on my romantic web comics.
- Comment on Proud globohomo 4 months ago:
What really gets me is the self censoring outside of that platform, I refuse “unaliving” is simply too many syllables to ever make sense to me in normal conversation.
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Parasite Eve, hell even a remake of the first would be welcome
- Comment on What are some game series you would like to see revived? And if possible, which entry should the new game follow from? 6 months ago:
Right, I was severely disappointed in the 2014 revival, didn’t feel the same at all
- Comment on Elon Musk wants to implant millions of people with Neuralink brain chips 6 months ago:
We can dream
- Comment on Your TV set has become a digital billboard. And it’s only getting worse. 6 months ago:
Huh? Watching TV on his Xbox live? It definitely didn’t look like that
- Comment on There are lots of different ways to make cum and they all taste pretty bad 6 months ago:
Right, was thinking the same, just make some icing. Literally powdered sugar and water, mix til you get the consistency you’re going tor.
- Comment on What were your (now retro, but not at the time) gaming wow moments 6 months ago:
I came here to say the same thing, first game I played with full voice acting. I was blown away, and the graphics compared to everything else to that point we’re outstanding. Nothing has topped FFX.
- Comment on Ah sweet! 6 months ago:
What are the chances this doesn’t result in a rise of (traditional) cannibalism? High profile cannibalism case where they tasted a sample of a celebrity and went for the real deal.
- Comment on Minecraft. Family guy, even. 6 months ago:
His charity work while mostly good is purposely misleading, makes kids believe all his money for those videos is coming from YouTube/sponsors when I’d wager the majority of it is coming from his branded merch and those that sign up and pay for the chance to be in his videos. Like playing the lottery with extra steps. Could be worse sure, but his base largely doesn’t understand how it works.
- Comment on Reddit CEO teases AI search features and paid subreddits 6 months ago:
Right, the few good posters left aren’t worth the flood of the others. Remember the first bit of Facebook, when you had to have an invite or a college email? Wasn’t so bad, then they opened the flood gate and continued making poor decisions and today it’s a wonder that anyone uses it, but if you sign on you’ll see not much but political memes being shared making laughably false claims.
- Comment on US Court Rules Google a Monopoly in 'Biggest Antitrust Case of the 21st Century'. 6 months ago:
Throw in a 4 wheeler and you’ve got a deal
- Comment on US slows plans to retire coal plants because of AI power usage 7 months ago:
Wait, is that a hackers reference?!?
- Comment on Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices 7 months ago:
That’s actually really neat!
- Comment on Researchers discover battery-free technology which harvests power from radio and Wi-Fi signals for low-powered devices 7 months ago:
I just want it for my TV remote if the form factor is small enough
- Comment on Universal basic income is 'straight out of the Karl Marx playbook,' financial guru Dave Ramsey says 7 months ago:
Right, like if I’m remembering terms correctly, avalanche is the way to go, highest interest first. Dave Ramsey is awful though, doesn’t take much to figure that out.
- Comment on Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016? 7 months ago:
That’s fair, if anything I’ve been far too optimistic in this timeline. Pessimism would’ve served me better throughout the past decade at least.
- Comment on Would America be as divided if Trump lost to Hillary in 2016? 7 months ago:
Would the hush money have ever been a thing (I don’t know the timeline of when it happened, but if after the 2016 election then it likely never would’ve happened.) I doubt there would’ve been a coup attempt in 2016, while people were interested, he was still very much an unknown to most. He didn’t have the fanatical following he’s known for now. While boring, I expect when would’ve faded into the background.
- Comment on Womens fashion guide 9 months ago:
It’s ok grandpa, we have a special place for you. We call it Congress.
- Comment on Stack Overflow bans users en masse for rebelling against OpenAI partnership — users banned for deleting answers to prevent them being used to train ChatGPT 9 months ago:
So that’s the answer
- Comment on Capitalists hate competition, especially when it comes to wages 9 months ago:
Don’t even bother with those, they should be trying to sell themselves to you as a great place to work
- Comment on ChatGPT shows better moral judgment than a college undergrad 9 months ago:
They aren’t even “very good” I thought I would use it to generate a short story that used a few specific words. I used about half of the requested words, when asked, it said this is embarrassing and tried again, I eventually gave up retrying, it never got all of the words, and when asked which words it omitted it would get that wrong too. It feels like the quality has gone downhill from when they were first introduced.
- Comment on party poopers 9 months ago:
Right, imagine putting up those kinda numbers in any sort of workplace, OSHA would be shutting it down.
- Comment on Fact checked 9 months ago:
The key word being “IF” implying they are unsure and are not the direct source of the picture.
- Comment on FCC restores net neutrality rules that ban blocking and throttling in 3-2 vote 10 months ago:
You can throw them
- Comment on life pro tip!! 10 months ago:
Also the rest of your life
- Comment on What happens when two people with hyphenated last names get married? Do they hyphenate all four names and in what order? 11 months ago:
I always assumed they would recall the frustrations of growing up with a hyphenated name and not pass that on to another child.