- Comment on Is it mold - the diagram 3 months ago:
Oh yep just googled vinegar mother. It looks exactly the same to what I had.
- Comment on Is it mold - the diagram 3 months ago:
Can a pellicile stick to the bottom of a bottle? I got something white and snotty at the bottom of my mead once. It was in a bottle that wasn’t sterilised just rinsed with washing up liquid and forgot about for a year.
- Comment on Oh fuck no 3 months ago:
But. Isn’t it gen Z and older A’s censoring shit?
- Comment on Star Citizen Expose Paints a Fairly Bleak Picture: 'There's No Actual Focus on Getting the Game Done' 4 months ago:
The game is exactly the same as it was the first time I played it except now the lift always shows up.
- Comment on This shitpost is preventing shutdown 6 months ago:
I hate that. Why would I want it to open 2 blank emails that only have my signatue in it? Just put it in drafts, I will empty those out in 6 months time. Same for word. I don’t need to look at the guide from yesterday I didn’t even edit I want a blank document please.
- Comment on To distinguish between the word woman and women, we change the A to an E, but only change the pronunciation on the O. 6 months ago:
Except for stadium I don’t prnounce any of those words like that.
- Comment on Someday soon (if it hasn't already happened) a book will be published that was written and edited entirely on a phone/table with a touch keyboard. 6 months ago:
I wonder how they do formating. Could see it being faster if you are a scan and peck typer and only writing notes though.
- Comment on Young people these days only use the word "slut" in dirty talk, such that calling someone a slut in polite company is now unacceptable. The sluts stole the word for themselves. Great job, sluts! 7 months ago:
It’s also wrong people still call women sluts as an insult and the same people are still okay saying that to others.
- Comment on Pigs in a blanket for the lazy 7 months ago:
I posit that a sandwich is just a really badly made wellington.
- Comment on Eat it 7 months ago:
So. What do I do if I start floating over controlled airspace? I can’t make it go any other way.
- Comment on US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk' 8 months ago:
Not to give too much away. I’ve had to remove consumer and enterprise versions before.
How enterprise is supposed to go is you get the deletion key. Uninstall restart the machine and it should be gone. Except that didn’t always happen. So you would do it again which sometimes worked or McAfee says the deltion key is now wrong, probably because it didn’t verify the uninstall. So you had to delete certain files in it’s installation folder run regular windows uninstall that hopefully finally kills it. I think at some point a downloaded uninstaller was used but I don’t really remember.
Consumer was an “easier” uninstall mostly cus we had a script. Try windows uninstall normally or if that doesn’t work get the McAfee uninstaller online, run in command line with options (most of the time it was required and not doing so was an extra unessicsry step). You also had to check other places to make sure you got everything (it was a while ago I forgot what and where) because McAfee still sometimes just keeps running in the background doing nothing (hopefully) but hogging reasources.
Was a while ago so for all I know McAfee got it’s shit together, but I would be surprised if they did.
- Comment on US bans Kaspersky antivirus software due to 'national security risk' 8 months ago:
McAfee should also be banned. That thing is near impossible to remove.
- Comment on Country music 9 months ago:
But Germans have litterally every kind of salad.
- Comment on Mmmm Chicker Nugger 9 months ago:
Bean burgers are really good too, usually not expensive either.
- Comment on FCC explicitly prohibits fast lanes, closing possible net neutrality loophole 9 months ago:
They do.
Do you think Netflix connects to the internet for free?
- Comment on Thames Water nationalisation plan could move bulk of £15bn debt to state 10 months ago:
Hold the fucking phone! The plan is to renationalise fix it then sell it again? That’s a joke right? That’s just a bailout with extra steps!
What is to stop Thames Water from going down the exact same road again when the private bullshit is reversed exactly?
- Comment on Kombucha I made in 2021 10 months ago:
You can just loosen the cap so pressure can escape. Makes a good enough airlock.
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
Okay. But it’s a car. Full of batteries.
- Comment on This was the first result on Google 11 months ago:
So. The answer is yes you can. If the car is an EV with V2L. Which I am guessing is what that uncle was talking about in the post.
- Comment on Disturbingly accurate 11 months ago:
The beard is there to hide the jawline. The baldness is because bald.
- Comment on Elon Tusk 11 months ago:
I never see it brought up but. We were told not to constantly! Unless you were rich you weren’t supposed to have kids and now they are shocked people listened to them. It’s been said for at least 100 years
- Comment on English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense 1 year ago:
Is there a rule to find the gender in German or do you just have to remember it for each word?
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Why would I care how clear the scammer sounds on the landline?
- Comment on Tipping culture npcs 1 year ago:
So bribes then. You are happy bribing people.
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
I don’t. I usually think they are bots though until they say something too complex for a bot and feel bad I didn’t say hi.
- Comment on Deep 1 year ago:
Left guy is on his way to win the chess championship. He needs his rest.
- Comment on Why does this even exist? 1 year ago:
That’s because you haven’t had the perfect british dish ever created! Chicken tikka masala, the most british dish you could ever find. Beloved by all. Very British. Definitely not from, influenced, or inspired by any other country or its diaspora. Nope…
Whats wrong with the English breakfast? You definitely didn’t have one you’d be full until dinner time otherwise.
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
Where do you live?
- Comment on CEOs say generative AI will result in job cuts in 2024 1 year ago:
Or Henry Ford. Heck choose anyone in the Industrial revolution. Thats when this started truly kicking off.
- Comment on Now that it is getting legalized everywhere, Cannabis should fall under the jurisdiction of the ATF rather than the DEA. 1 year ago:
Waaait if I am a US resident and go accross a state line im not allowed to buy a 30 pack of beer? Crossing a country border doesn’t even prevent that.