- Comment on Microsoft is being investigated by the FTC over antitrust concerns 2 months ago:
For now…
- Comment on Good News! 3 months ago:
In the search bar.
- Comment on What good thing just happened in your life? 3 months ago:
I left a company after getting laid off and surprisingly found a job before the 60-day warn notice expired.
Second day, the new company announced layoffs. Luckily, I wasn’t part of it, but that has been a wild ride.
- Comment on Video of Eric Schmidt blaming remote work for Google’s woes mysteriously vanishes 6 months ago:
They have nap pods, full restaurants, and snack bars, and “fun” office spaces so you don’t want to leave the office.
Someone I knew worked there and wouldn’t actually buy groceries. He just at at the office for all his meals. He didn’t own a car. Rode his bike down or used public transportation.
It saved hime like several hundred per month.
They know this and will tey to use it as a way to suck you in and keep you in the office longer.
- Comment on I know Mormons can't have alcohol, but couldn't they just dip their tongue in a glass of beer and not move it? 6 months ago:
How long should they let it soak?
- Comment on Patreon will have to use Apple's in-app purchase system or be removed from the App Store 6 months ago:
I thought Apple lost this war already?
- Comment on 2.9 billion hit in one of the largest data breaches ever — full names, addresses and SSNs exposed 6 months ago:
I did previously and had to wait until a weekday to talk to someone. It was a huge pain. Fuck those agencies.
- Comment on Why won't companies release old games or at least make very old ones free? 6 months ago:
They want you to buy their new games.
- Comment on Google Chrome warns uBlock Origin may soon be disabled 6 months ago:
Google Chrome is about to be disabled? Got it.
- Comment on Intel was once a Silicon Valley leader. How did it fall so far? 6 months ago:
Poor practices. They focused on shorr term gains over quality.
- Comment on Server Monitoring software recommendations 7 months ago:
I like it because I use it for MELT in general. Prometheus generally does metrics and if you want to include logs, traces and events, it becomes more cumbersome. With the Otel collector, I can just update my collector configuration to point to the various services.
I’m not saying OP can’t use what you suggested, just stating what I would use.
- Comment on Server Monitoring software recommendations 7 months ago:
I would use OpenTelemetry, Prometheus, and Grafana…
- Comment on Onlyfans creators will eventually market meat of themselves 7 months ago:
I feel like that will become illegal pretty quickly.
- Comment on why isn't anyone calling for Trump to drop out. 7 months ago:
They are always projecting, covering, and making you look away. Most of us are saying trumpet should drop out, but his cult followers are being told what to believe by their “news” stations. Really, both should have dropped out before 2016, but here we are, with two geriatrics hoping for the best.
- Comment on Study: 83% of Americans will have to work into their 70s in order to afford to retire 8 months ago:
When did this change?
- Comment on The Secret IRS Files: Trove of Never-Before-Seen Records Reveal How the Wealthiest Avoid Income Tax 8 months ago:
Cashing dividens or taking personal loans ahould come at a higher cost for people worth billions. Me cashing a $45 dividens check is much different than Buffet cashing a $250m check.
- Comment on anyone had a homebrew club have a faction split? 9 months ago:
100% this. Don’t limit your group for one dude. Life is too short for one brewery.
- Comment on No one has predicted the end of the world in a while. 9 months ago:
The religious groups still do, just less loudly.
- Comment on Windows 11 will reportedly display a watermark if your PC does not support AI requirements. 10 months ago:
They have been for a while now.
- Comment on Why I ditched Gmail for Proton Mail 10 months ago:
Doing the lords work
- Comment on Italian herbs and spices 10 months ago:
Sounds microwaved. Molten center with icy parts.
- Comment on Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion 11 months ago:
Some companies are under the impression that you have to constantly move up or out.
- Comment on Dell tells remote workers that they won’t be eligible for promotion 11 months ago:
Same with my company. One is in New York, some luve in southern California, some in the bay area, a few in the northwest. We’re all within 20 miles of an office vut 100% of the meetings would be one or two of us in an office video conferencing with others who are also video conferencing… Like, what’s the point of that? Oh, right, control.
- Comment on Reddit IPO Filings Reveal the Company’s Hopes—and Fears 11 months ago:
He’s quite delusional.
- Comment on Owners of a domain, which domain registrar did you choose and why? 11 months ago:
Cloudflare and Namecheap. I would use Cloudflare because of cost
- Comment on What games do you replay regularly/annually ? 11 months ago:
Zelda, various mario games, wordfued.
- Comment on SpaceX is reportedly building a $1.8 billion network of spy satellites for US intelligence 11 months ago:
Seems like after his satellite shenanigans in Ukraine, the US would be more… cautious.
- Comment on Hunger 11 months ago:
It’s just foreplay.
- Comment on Bernie Sanders unveils 32-hour workweek bill 11 months ago:
Eventually, the quality of service drops to a point where they lose enough customers to revert some of their changes.
Or they close their business and blame it on theft.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
Thank you.