- Comment on Justin Trudeau resigns as Canadian prime minister - live updates 1 month ago:
To my knowledge there have been people here on Lemmy stating that it would be best if he stepped down. Oh gentle Canadian neighbors:
Whaaat is happening up there, my dudes?
- Comment on They weren't wrong in the first post though 1 month ago:
Since this post is going to be around for a couple days anyone with more knowledge than myself wanna chime in on the actual best VPNs your average individual could look into accessing?
- Comment on flouride 3 months ago:
I managed to catch myself good old Periodontal Disease. This freaked me out. My anxiety and ADHD shook hands and many of you can imagine what happened.
A couple days and who knows how many hours later I emerged like a butterfly from my self-imposed isolation with new knowledge. In short, yes, the amount of fluoride in water processed in various districts across the U.S. is tiny. The amount used does vary. Some studies have concluded that excess fluoride can have an effect on brain activity. However, they have been inconclusive in drawing actual parallels between any form of neurological functioning - though I can’t remember if I’ve read that particular study.
Anyway, remember who is yelling about this. As with many issues brought up like this it’s more about standing on a hill and shouting rather than any real significant problem. A platform to be seen and heard.
Btw, I completely halted my Periodontal and even reversed some of the lesser effects it had. Sometimes that adhd rabbit hole comes in handy.
- Comment on In the US, is this actually the moment past the point of no return? 3 months ago:
It should be noted that through all this people fought for those rights. So don’t fall asleep, dear America, because organizing even within small communities will make a difference.
- Comment on Calcrelatable 3 months ago:
Unless it’s Dark Souls 2 wherein you mash a couple buttons after being knocked down or rolling and manage to queue up your binoculars perfectly. This, in turn, allows you to get a really splendid look at your enemy’s grimacing face as he shoves a rather vicious and often seriously pointy metal object up your ass. All the while you’re frantically trying to roll away and accidentally toss back a flask. This manages to save you from an untimely demise until you notice that you backed up a little too much and that dude waiting to ambush took one last drag from his cigarette, flicked it away, and proceeded to club your head like he was Babe Ruth after a particularly hearty breakfast.
Then on the way back to your souls some asshole named “Forsworn” gets in your way. God only knows what his problem is.
- Comment on The grand prize 4 months ago:
Unless there is some clause talking about time to receive or “only the participant”, then I would sell this thing at a fraction of the price and frolic into the sunset. Let someone else deal with the logistics, I just made an easy Mil.
- Comment on My ship threw my bags out the window and left me 4 months ago:
It would have been fine. Just tie it into the story. Shiny electronics, fancy modules, buggy code and lowballed software coding.
“Captain, the system seems to be experiencing… I’m sorry, Captain, your luggage was just ejected into the upper atmosphere…”
QUEST: System Shocked
Find the bug in the system. Bring your flyswatter. A BIG flyswatter.
Serious graphics and a fun game design set in a universe that feels serious with an underlining of sillyness.
- Comment on Bethesda Believes Starfield Now Has "Its Own Fanbase" 4 months ago:
The most infuriating thing about Starfield is its potential. Another year to flesh out the system with a few interesting spots and work out the NPC quirks and that alone would bump it up from high C tier to B. Fundamentally the game just could have been amazing and that is perhaps the biggest reason why I’m, at least, so disappointed by Bethesda. Lots of honestly rather little issues that culminate into a mediocre experience that can and does often get boring quickly.
- Comment on Nintendo Targets YouTube Accounts Showing Emulated Games 5 months ago:
Sounds like someone got promoted to a high position. If I’m right it’s the typical “New Manager Must Make Waves To Prove They Belong” level of stupid unique to corporate.
- Comment on every damn morning 5 months ago:
ADHD would like a word.
Just watch me insert caffeine straight into my veins and also take a nap within 10 minutes.
- Comment on 👣👣👣 5 months ago:
I’m fine with internal preselected individuals getting positions and promotions. What is universally disliked is us also getting interviews only to find out later they were a waste of time for this exact reason.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
That is shit, but also just a little funny.
Then again I love Dark Souls so this may just be the ptsd talking.
- Comment on Steam does the opposite of forcing Arbitration on its users 5 months ago:
Good point.
What’s the alternative?
- Comment on 'Melts our frozen-solid hearts': Frostpunk 2 devs celebrate 350,000 copies sold—covering the production and marketing costs 5 months ago:
What this post doesn’t tell you, dear reader, is how Frostpunk will kick you in the dick repeatedly and you’ll learn to like it. It is a fascinating and difficult game, and not one to take lightly if you struggle separating digital game characters from real life empathy.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
And who, pray tell, are the “Pigs” in your comment?
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
And yet, us ahem “Blue Maga” are also the ones who fight for abortion rights. We want justice, not just equality. We hate wars, and dislike people who lie selfishly for gain at the expense of others. We also recognize that not everything can be fixed by anger and good intentions, that there will be setbacks and total failures. Many of us also still have hope and will fight for the rights of even those who view us somehow as their enemy. This is why you see so much less anger directed at you or even at actual MAGA supporters.
We’re angry that they’ve allowed themselves to get duped so badly. We’re angry that malicious and evil idealism has even managed to take hold. We’re angry at the generations who sat on their hands. We’re angry, just a little, at one another for never coming to agreements. While you’re busy hyperventilating, take a moment between gasps to consider your position. Why did we go to Iraq? Who continued pushing for wars? Who benefits the most? Which party fights so hard to stop Veteran care?
Be angry, just make sure to point it at the correct people.
- Comment on Do all there former Republican leaders endorsing Harris do her any good? 5 months ago:
At this point the dumbest thing we can do is assume someone else isn’t going to do the dumb thing
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
Oh yes absolutely, I agree that environmental factors play a role, and that role varies in intensity and direction. Looking at what limited historical evidence I know offhand it appears that the female form has been more consistently sought after. Of course, this could be due to the fact that my historical context are the Romans, Greek, parts of indo-asia, and a sprinkling of Japan. So a rather wide swath of places like South America and Africa aren’t really known.
I don’t have enough knowledge. It just seems from what I do know that there is some significant focus on this, or maybe just less focus on males in general.
- Comment on Do lesbians like boobs as much as straight guys? 5 months ago:
This is interesting. Bear with me, it’s 2am, I’m overtired, and this is purely for discussion. I wonder if it has some basis on how sexuality is represented in the brain in gay men vs gay women. I’m reasoning this because, well…
Lesbians: Like the boobas and butts of other women. According to reports women also tend to swing more loosely with their sexuality.
Straight Women: Even women who identify as straight can be attracted to other women sexually, just not intimately. They like to also look.
Gay Men: From my experience in life, on Reddit, and here on Lemmy, gay men tend to lack similar appreciation for women. Predictably they find other men to be all the rage. There seems to be a more stringent sexual and intimate preference.
Straight Men: Yet while straight men like the ladies, we also now know a larger population of males tend toward bisexual curiosity. We are also aware of the sexual repression still prevalent, though arguably less so than ever before.
So what am I getting to? Well, I believe that either gender has a genetic disposition towards the feminine form. On the same tree, both genders tend to enjoy the male form on the same level less. Could this be linked to some ancient survival mechanism a la reproduction? Why does it appear that the woman body is more popular with three of the four major categories and yet to gay men more often completely unremarkable?
I dunno, my brain is yelling at me to sleep. Could anyone add anything? I’m mostly curious and promise I’m not attempting to head in some unknown terrible conclusion someone is bound to try and rope it all into.
You can tell I’ve had some interesting responses from people on some subjects.
- Comment on School Monitoring Software Sacrifices Student Privacy for Unproven Promises of Safety. 5 months ago:
The first thing I did when I was issued a laptop for a job was check for monitoring software of any type. The second thing I did was become extremely suspicious when I couldn’t find any. I suppose the rule is “most likely” or “more often than not” while also being “always assume”.
- Comment on "Concord servers are now offline. Thank you to all the freegunners who have joined us in the Concord galaxy" 5 months ago:
I feel it’s rather fair to give them a pass on this one. Games with a player base and longer than a passing fart of time in the market? Sure. This was a failed product. They issued refunds. This is a situation where pushing your luck just backs someone into a corner.
We can hope they’ll flip the assets and remodel into another title.
- Comment on BMW Adaptive Suspension Can Be Added via Subscription. Suspension As A Service (SAAS) 6 months ago:
Well, at least we know you’re not vegan.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
Go deeper.
We shouldn’t have these things because the usage is abused by every aspect of modern society. Look into the history of electrical and hydrogen engines. You’ll see what I mean.
- Comment on Starbucks' new CEO will supercommute 1,000 miles from California to Seattle office instead of relocating 6 months ago:
You keep using the word “future”.
That’s sort of the point you’re ironically appearing to miss.
- Comment on The Sam Vimes boots theory of socioeconomic unfairness 6 months ago:
Speaking of Tay, my Youtube feed recently dropped me a RayWilliamJohnson video. What a rebrand, holy.
It was almost a culture shock.
- Comment on N64 Platformer 'Glover' Returns As A Physical Switch Release | Time Extension 6 months ago:
It was hard because the controls were abysmal, with some otherwise difficult sections to go alongside the controls. That said, the game itself had a lot of charm. I remember it with fondness.
- Comment on On Bears 6 months ago:
Part of me wonders if the gunshot helps whether it would be worth the trouble to carry an air horn.
- Comment on Overwatch 2 is finally bringing back 6v6 with tests to decide OW’s future 7 months ago:
Important to remind everyone that a LOT of your negative memories and feelings surrounding OW1 and 6v6 were due to the migraine magnets called 2cp. Literally a stand in the choke for 9 years and see who correctly uses every Q under the sun correctly first.
- Comment on Gov. Gavin Newsom issues executive order for removal of homeless encampments in California 7 months ago:
It’s rather impressive how many of you refuse to read articles.
- Comment on YSK there is a massive Google Doc of U.S. gynecologists that will tie your tubes without asking about your kids, marital status or age. 7 months ago:
Any document for doctors who will actually listen and not make incredibly fucking idiotic observations about completely irrelevant medical topics? Asking for at least half the population of women in the U.S. who have gone in with a legit problem and been verbally pushed aside and not listened to.
“When was your last period?”
“I came in to be prescribed anti-depressants. I have been officially diagnosed.”
“Yes yes, but how is your uterus?”
“I am going to need anti-psychotics if you keep this up.”