- Comment on He's taking some deep drags on that Marlboro as he considers what to do 6 days ago:
Rest in Peace, Harry Dean Stanton.
- Comment on heh 7 months ago:
Damn. You never sent in the ROFLcopter? Not even once?
- Comment on Casual reminder 8 months ago:
For Whom The Bell Tolls by Ernest Hemmingway is set during this period. Just a side note.
- Comment on Make it stop. 8 months ago:
If everyone should learn to read, it would not only ruin writing but thinking as well.
—some embittered philosopher probably
- Comment on What's up with all the "___punk" stuff? 8 months ago:
We are in our suffix-punk arc. We’re such word-pilled portmanteau-maxxer.
- Comment on 4th rule 8 months ago:
They are named after the hero who goes back in time to save Sarah Connor from the Terminator.
- Comment on Shopping app Temu is “dangerous malware,” spying on your texts, lawsuit claims 8 months ago:
Same, but a year ago.
Also, Temu has tried to take all the shopping search results from Bing/DDG. So those results are trash now.
- Comment on Looks like something straight from Warhammer 40K 8 months ago:
I didn’t like that movie.
- Comment on Help! Help! I'm being assimilated! 8 months ago:
Fucking quality comedic writing.
Fucking brilliant crossover.
- Comment on Visions of a Post-Apocalyptic Internet: The Future of Democratized Information 8 months ago:
I’m not the person you are replying to but I do have one answer.
The Library of Congress should be tasked with maintaining a searchable index of Internet and World Wide Web sites. No ranking. Your skill at finding sites would be related to your skill with writing search queries
- Comment on Did it hurt? 8 months ago:
One of the most valuable things my dad taught me was how to take good advice from an asshole.
- Comment on Like a prion 8 months ago:
I so much want you to be a person that didn’t realize Al Jankovic was writing parody songs of other popular songs.
- Comment on Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day? 8 months ago:
Years and years ago at a house party, some woman from Cork and a friend of mine from Belfast were joking and they said, “Because Ulster says”, and I had no idea what they were talking about.
- Comment on Irrational 8 months ago:
“Imaginary” was merely poor word choice from long ago.
- Comment on Algerian man found alive after 26 years in neighbour’s cellar 9 months ago:
My guts tell me this has something to do with it.
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
Example warning!
This is from real life.
I hit the road late in the afternoon after working most of the day. It was a 14 hour drive. I had to be there as soon as I could. With my own car. Getting to my mom when Dad died.
I pushed myself so much that I got so tired that I kept missing the freeway exits. I was desperate to pull over and go to sleep but I was also so exhausted that I kept driving past the turn offs unintentionally. A nightmarish feeling being in that situation. I only managed to make it by going turtle slow and then turning off at the next exit, and once on a regular road I just pulled over on the shoulder and fell instantly asleep.
I was 31 and physically fit. The point is, assume you are more tired than you think you are. Take it easy on yourself. Be cautious. If I had hurt someone I couldn’t live with myself.
- Comment on xkcd #2932: Driving PSA 9 months ago:
Looks like it might be a stroad.
- Comment on Hey Evolution! You know that flinch I do when I think of embarrassing things in my past, sometimes accompanied by a groan? 9 months ago:
For anyone confused, they mean Cognitive Behavioral Therapy not Cock and Ball Torture or Computer Based Training.
- Comment on Draw your own conculsions 10 months ago:
I was 18 in 89, and until 92, I sexually propositioned every woman I met. It only worked like 5% of the time but I was making 20 propositions a week,so…
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
What if we’re all wrong and the Paulie exclusion principle is just electrons clearing their orbit of debris (sub electrons). Also, for the heaviest elements the outer shell is actually populated by dwarf-electrons. And electron sharing in molecules is just Oort Cloud stuff somehow. And our galaxy is a virus. And our bodies are a battleground. And humans are just batteries. Whait a minute —
- Comment on sweet dreams 10 months ago:
What is the average length of something very small (Plank length, electron penis, whatever) and the biggest thing (observable universe distance, actual universe length) ?
- Comment on Piracy 10 months ago:
Even tho I’m cis-mute, I support transmute rights. Everyone is allowed to STFU if they so choose. It doesn’t matter what you were born as.
- Comment on the struggle 10 months ago:
That’s why I like the I Ching. Instead of wrapping its abstract advice in hokey mysticism or pop-psychology quackery it comes right out and admits what it’s doing. It say, “Generate a random number between 1 and 64, then read the abstract advice that goes with your number. It may help you see a problem in a new light.”
- Comment on What is the word for someone who is friends with different groups but doesn't have loyalty to any one group? 11 months ago:
In the USA, one term we have for this kind of person is “poseur”.
- Comment on [deleted] 11 months ago:
2nd person singular: ya’ll 2nd person plural: all ya’ll
Using “youins” for second person plural is considered archaic.
- Comment on PC Engine (TG16) games are so colourful! I wish more modern games use bright colours like they used to do. 11 months ago:
If you keep going back in time colors get bad again. Like Atari 800 highest resolution had this magenta/white dithering only.
- Comment on US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users 11 months ago:
In this case, my enemy’s enemy is also an enemy. Life ain’t easy for a poor righteous teacher.
- Comment on 'We don't have shareholders, but we also don't think about them,' Larian Studios uses its stage time at the DICE Awards to speak out against a brutal industry climate 1 year ago:
The US needs more mutual companies in general but it could work for a gaming company too.
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
- Comment on A pizza flavored Hot Pocket is just a calzone... 1 year ago:
I’m not done eating the last batch of pizza rolls that Mr Plinkette mailed me.