- Comment on "Would U.S. tech workers join a union?" survey average: 67% likely 4 months ago:
Funny, seeing them at the top gave me a favorable impression of them, but seems to have caused the opposite for you. My impression was probably due to, like someone else said, feeling like maybe they’re not being drilled with as much anti-union propaganda.
But I’m from a place where you have to go out of your way not to be part of a union.
- Comment on I think I am socially ostrasized, what should I do? 5 months ago:
A quick test for this is, are you good at making a good first impression or short time of friendship and then it kinda falls off with time? If yes, masking is likely in play.
Can confirm. This is my entire life.
- Comment on Growing Old 7 months ago:
Wait, I’m not “young people”? (37)
- Comment on #justgradschoolthings 9 months ago:
My boss told me himself that I probably have impostor syndrome. Ever since then, I lose sleep wondering how much he regrets saying that. By now, he surely realises that I actually am an impostor, but our labour laws are too good and he can’t fire me.
- Comment on To play Elden Ring: Shadow Of The Erdtree, you must defeat some of Elden Ring’s toughest bosses 10 months ago:
So, Radahn and Mohg.
- Comment on Whoops 10 months ago:
I was very confused until I realized you mean flat elastic bands which I’m not so familiar with (the ones I’m used to, have square cross sections).
- Comment on The umblilical cord is a baby's power cord until they are ready for wireless charging (breastfeeding) 11 months ago:
I find it even better when you think about the oxygen instead of the food, since babies become able to breathe on their own entirely without parental intervention.
- Comment on Coding interviews are effective 1 year ago:
How do you phrase your refusal? I am not looking for work right now, and my current job didn’t give me live coding sessions. I’m against them in principle.
But I can’t figure out how to phrase it in a way that doesn’t sound like you’re dodging. Do you refuse while you’re already in the interview? Or do you make a preemptive disclaimer when they invite you for a “technical interview”?
- Comment on 1 year ago:
Seems like only the US is available. I am also curious about a product like this that’d deliver to Sweden.
- Comment on I've noticed that people make the 'surface of the sun' temperature comparison a lot 1 year ago:
We should at least have referred to the corona instead of the surface.
When it comes to the opposite, the coldest temperature in the known universe has actually been man-made (also in lab settings).
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
I do, even if it’s a bot, because maybe it’s not. I have worked on 2nd+ line tech support, and I’d often see 1st line getting mistreated by customers. I could never do 1st line.
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
I haven’t!
- Comment on Lol 1 year ago:
I was really confused about this apparently nonsensical The Expanse reference until I saw the username of the person you responded to.
- Comment on And how's there a car in a mall? Life's important questions 1 year ago:
Ah yes, the eye of the volcano
- Comment on And how's there a car in a mall? Life's important questions 1 year ago:
I used to live straight in the volcano ring, even with a huge tragedy happening in a town nearby the year before I was born. I could see the snowy top of our local volcano every morning.
But now I live in Sweden. Not only no volcanos or earthquakes but also no hurricanes, tornados, landslides, nothing. It’s just flat and chill.
- Comment on xkcd #2883: Astronaut Guests 1 year ago:
**Image transcript: **
Law makes long spokes of the short stakes of men. Your well fenced out real estate of mind No high flat of the nomad citizen Looks over, or train leaves behind.
Your rights extend under and above your claim Without bound; you own land in Heaven and Hell; Your part of earth’s surface and mass the same, Of all cosmos’ volume, and all stars as well.
Your rights reach down where all owners meet, in Hell’s Pointed exclusive conclave, at earth’s centre (Your spun farm’s root still on that axis dwells); And up, through galaxies, a growing sector.
You are nomad yet; the lighthouse beam you own Flashes, like Lucifer, through the firmament. Earth’s axis varies; your dark central cone Wavers a candle’s shadow, at the end.
- Comment on North Korea rolls out 4G service with secondhand Huawei gear 1 year ago:
Why would you go there?
Video below: "We I went to North Korea to get a haircut"
- Comment on How I cannot be worry?? 1 year ago:
My problem is that the "Can you do something about it?" is always unclear, I go back and forth until it consumes my thoughts.
- Comment on Why do we have an internal monologue? 1 year ago:
I do read extremely fast in my native language (Spanish). Feels like entire sentences go straight into concepts and my brain builds a whole world based on what I’m reading.
However I started reading in a verbalized way with my second and third languages (English and Swedish) because I was completely useless at pronunciation, while reading at a high level. So I had to learn the sounds and they started invading my reading, which I sort of resent.
But the verbalization is still very mild; faint, monotone, non-enunciated.
Some people talked about poetry and I hadn’t considered that my absolute lack of poetry-sense could be related. People have told me about the metrics and whatnot and it really doesn’t click. I have to sort of analyze a poem and explain it to myself in prose, and I imagine that defeats the purpose of poetry?
- Comment on The most relaxing part of driving in a city. 1 year ago:
Whenever we drive through one of these we’re stressed about finding the right exit and the GPS stops working inside the tunnels so we end up coming out where we didn’t mean to.
We don’t own a car or anything anymore, but I really don’t miss these.
- Comment on Headlines be like 1 year ago:
Same. My partner and I are engaged but there’s never going to be a diamond in the picture. If they had found the diamond ritual important, we wouldn’t be too compatible.
I also cannot deal with rings in general due to sensory issues.
We do want to find some kind of wearable, interesting symbol though.
- Comment on Gilbert's gripe 1 year ago:
This is such a beautiful comment.
- Comment on Tradition 1 year ago:
This sounds like a boast but it’s actually sad? Like I live in Europe and a lot of people I know seriously have functional alcoholism, but it’s normal enough that nobody thinks it a problem until it is. Alcohol is a pretty strong drug. It doesn’t matter if you can “take it”, it’s still doing things in your body.
- Comment on When someone corrects your code 1 year ago:
This is what I live for. :D
I agree with most of that. In formal settings, I prefer full sentences with conjunctions; however, choppy sentences are the ones that often end up in my Lemmy comments.
- Comment on When someone corrects your code 1 year ago:
Yes, I tend to do that, and thankfully some of my colleagues do too. Clever but readable solutions, following good and relevant practices, clear documentation, making a good MR description that makes it easier to review, and more.
- Comment on When someone corrects your code 1 year ago:
I am really happy when people are quite strict in code reviews, it makes me feel safer and I get to learn more.
Nothing worse than some silent approvals with no real feedback. What if I missed something obvious… and now it’s merged.
To be fair, I also enjoy getting my grammar corrected. I’m juggling 3 languages and things can get messy.