As an American who just emmigrated, I guess I jumped. I can still vote from overseas, but I’m pessimistic about the future.
Current day America has proven beyond a doubt, humanity is the only animal that wouldn't jump out of a slowly boiling pot of water.
Submitted 5 weeks ago by to
Comments 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Where to, if you don’t mind 5 weeks ago
Japan. I had an offer from an EU country that logically would have been a better choice. But I couldn’t resist my inner child/weeb. 5 weeks ago
Its such a shit situation. If you want out, you generally need to get a job in another country. A job in a different country generally pays significantly less than the cost of living in most of the USA, so you need to already have a significant amount of money already saved to even consider it an option.
Most of us are just fucking trapped. 5 weeks ago
And in the case of the EU you probably aren’t getting in unless you’re highly credentialed. For all their shit talking they sure hate large-scale immigration. 5 weeks ago
Maybe I’m missing the point, but COL in other countries is also only a fraction of the US’s. We don’t live in hunger and squalor over here, you know. To move, you won’t need significant savings.
No, the real issue, as with all migration from high- to low-wage countries, is that you cannot easily return for retirement because you’re not going to be able to save enough for the US’s housings prices or 4 weeks ago
the biggest things in the way here are going to citizenship, the US has really lax citizenship most of the time, compared to a lot of other countries especially.
And your job, assuming you don’t work in a large national business, or from home, in a way that they’re willing to accommodate. 5 weeks ago
Called my mom last night, told her to renew her passport asap.
Most people are like “the waters warm, this is nice, what are you going on about???” And I’m like “hi yes this water is scalding hot and about to boil we need to get out!” 5 weeks ago
Renewed mine online in October. Received in 12 days. 5 weeks ago
That was under the previous administration… musk is hollowing out federal jobs so I bet the wait will be tough. Especially as more frogs realize that the pot is boiling… 5 weeks ago
Post UK Brexit was when I thought the same thing. 5 weeks ago
Billionaires are keeping us in the pot, using levers of power that we don’t access from the pot. 5 weeks ago
This would imply that they’re not surrounded by other pots filled with water which is (varying degrees of) boiling. We don’t really have a Socialist Utopia meeting spot, let’s say.
Beyond that, eloping requires a not insignificant amount of money (as a Romanian, I can say that homes/apartments aren’t cheap here, either, and we’re not exactly L.A.)
And at the other end of the line, immigration’s not exactly thought of with fondness, even in Europe. Don’t forget, we’re stewing in our own pot even if the heat’s still relatively tolerable. 5 weeks ago
This is a problem I’m having now with my boyfriend. I want to get out of the US and he says, “Where? Everywhere’s falling to fascism right now. And it’s hard and expensive to emigrate.” It doesn’t help that he also thinks it’s not worth it to think about leaving until the water’s actually boiling and he has verified it. 5 weeks ago
Your boyfriend is right. Unless one of you has an in-demand technical degree or a lot of money, immigration to Western countries is going to be out of reach. That leaves you with weakened economies which are either already authoritarian, or trending authoritarian. Even if you could get to a place like Europe, far-right parties emboldened by their new U.S. support are rising in popularity and receiving centrist support in places like France and Germany.
There is no green field to relax in while the rest of the world collapses. You’ll have to fight to prevent the slide to fascism wherever you go. 5 weeks ago
Yeah most people were like “I’m moving to Canada!” Ignoring the fact that the person most likely to be PM in a couple months is also fully a Musk shill. Europe is pushing right-wing and the UK’s been down bad for a while. Maybe Australia or New Zealand? 5 weeks ago
he’s not wrong… 5 weeks ago
Well, duh. A slowly boiling pot of water is just a fucking hot tub for 90% of the time you’re in it. 4 weeks ago
This isn’t the first empire. Masses can be brainwashed. You can even have multiple layers of brainwashing, like how Republicans are extremely brainwashed, and Democrats are secondarily brainwashed to think they’re the moral opposition, while both of them unquestioningly support the undercurrent of global imperialism. 5 weeks ago
Inside the pot: slowly boiling water Outside the pot: raging inferno that is heating the pot
When given the option to slowly boil, or jump into a raging inferno, I think most people would think twice about jumping out of the pot. 5 weeks ago
Pot boiling and the raging inferno are both in America. Go and explore, the world is more peaceful then you think 5 weeks ago
I understand, but like lots of people in America I was born here and have have had my wages suppressed because of multiple “once in a lifetime” financial crises to the point I can’t afford to travel, and therefore I can’t afford to immigrate. 5 weeks ago
jordan peterson has some knowledge about lobsters he’d like to share with you. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
They jumped into the pot. 4 weeks ago
No just the ones who jumped out had means. The pot has a lid. 5 weeks ago
People from all over the world are trying to get into this boiling pot. Despite America’s flaws, very few places are better alternatives when you look at economic opportunity and political rights. It is popular to trash on America now because who is president for the next four years but there’s also only so many things he can do with an executive order and Congress isn’t a fast moving engine. 5 weeks ago
You’re out to lunch, musk is couping the government and breaking it on purpose.
The technofascists want their fiefdoms and they’re trying to kill most of us so they can rule the rubble. Curtis yarvin, look him up. 5 weeks ago
I hope America will have democratic elections in four years. But I won’t be surprised if it doesn’t happen.
Trump is a fascist, has both chambers and the supreme Court behind him. At best, it’s going to be a very dark four years for minorities, women and poor people. 4 weeks ago
The US will have a democratic election in two years and it is very likely the Democrats will retake the House of Representatives. After that time, everything President Trump tries to do will rapidly decelerate. Of course, that depends on what the Democrats do to win the vote. Right now they are doubling down on the things that made them into losers the last election. They need to get their act together. 5 weeks ago
Huffing a bit much on copium n.americanium? 5 weeks ago
[deleted] 4 weeks ago
I said very few places were better alternatives. Scandinavia is never going to be able to accommodate the volume of migrants as had the United States. Scandinavia also has a lot of problems regarding their immigrant communities … high unemployment, crime, and difficulty integrating. When comparing people in the US and places like Sweden, if you control for factors like race or immigration status, the average expected experience fairs very well in the United States. Where I live in the US is very clean, gun violence is low, my cost of healthcare is almost zero … really the only thing I’d like is the vacation time but I am self-employed and am a cruel boss to myself. Most of the problems Europeans try to claim about the US are problems that do exist but are largely confined to black communities. These problems do need to be addressed but are things that Europeans have no real comparison to outside places that have large romani populations. 5 weeks ago
Drank the Koolade huh?
The US has been looked-down upon by the world for a long, long time. Now we’re just starting to feel bad for you. 5 weeks ago
That’s what the woke mob would have you believe! The water isn’t getting warmer at all! Believe me! 4 weeks ago
The lid was always on. 4 weeks ago
the lid was never on, its just that nobody checked to see if it was, and as a result, here we area now. 5 weeks ago
USA, not America* 5 weeks ago
Isn’t it for all animals. If you keep slowly increasing temperature their body temperature will more easily come to equilibrium with outside temperature than it will if you just put them to hot boiling pot? 5 weeks ago
Yes but you have to lobotomize the frogs first. 5 weeks ago
Also the only animal whose greed and hoarding behavior outdoes it’s conspecific altruism. 4 weeks ago
Not on average, but we allow the most greedy to self-select into power, tipping the balance. 5 weeks ago
Water? Preposterous!
A giant pot of delicious soon-to-be stew, however… mighty tempting, doc! You’ll have to treat me right though, you wouldn’t want to get food poisoning from stringy meat would ya? 4 weeks ago
Tell that to my cat who keep trying to go outside when its freezing and its winter. Wtf 4 weeks ago
Lobsters 4 weeks ago
I’m trying! I’m working towards proving I’m Polish-by-descent, then I’ll be able to hold an EU passport. It’s slow going.
And in the mean time, I’m in a trans-friendly state, can pass as cis and hetero, and I’m white. I have a go bag and a US passport that matches my birth gender. My next steps are improving my food stores to protect against tariff impacts.
The only things that tie me to this country are my friends (who are also looking into exit plans and whom I talk to online more than in person) and my dog (I imagine moving to a new country with a dog is even harder than finding an apartment with a dog). Oh, and I really love my job and my coworkers, but my job might go away with all of the societal upset. 4 weeks ago
Just short FYI, I don’t know exactly your situation so I won’t go to deep into it, but moving to another country with a dog is no big deal. If you are worried about the dog, they just want to be with you, where ever you go. 4 weeks ago
Thanks :) I’m probably a bit wary after by watching friends jump through hoops to move to Japan with their pup. Japan has many hoops because they’re rabies-free, which, I didn’t think Europe has the same concern.
My pup is also 16, so sadly I won’t have to worry about him forever. 4 weeks ago
“The guy trying to help me out of a pot is a different type of left than me, so i don’t want his help, and that other guy below me is also a different type of left so fuck him. Anyone who is slightly right or left of me is a fascist and I’m gonna enjoy watching them boil”
-the American left in 2024 4 weeks ago
yeah pretty much.
They say education is the most important thing.
I’m inclined to agree, but we might honestly be past democracy in a post truth world, i’m not sure we deserve the rights we have. 4 weeks ago
Thinking about slow-moving effects, I have a theory that exposure to fiction is one reason people feel inadequate and depressed. For most of human history our idea of what it meant to be normal came from real people around us. We didn’t know any fictional characters except for a handful of stories told around the fire. After radio was invented we got to know a lot more fictional characters, a lot faster and more intimately than we get to know most real people. Then television made it more vivid because we could see them. We think of many of these unreal people as our friends, and some of them have more impact on us than real people do. It’s a lot easier to feel boring and inadequate than it was when we didn’t feel like we knew people whose lives are so much more dramatic and interesting than ours. I think this is a large part of why it feels like failure to have an uremarkable job or date average people. It’s a very slow-moving effect nobody would have seen coming. 4 weeks ago
It’s still not warm enough for population over a tipping point, you are just more aware of the boiling apparatus. I believe humanity will jump once it gets warm enough, much like a frog does, even in a slowly boiling pot of water. I trust humanity, after all we’ve survived so far, our ancestors overcoming much much worse. Can you imagine living in feudalism? Or sword fighting in medieval times? Or when we had to hunt? 4 weeks ago
We’ll definitely jump when it gets hot enough, the problem is if the logistics and mechanics of handling it take longer than it takes the world to become uninhabitable. 5 weeks ago
Don’t forget the millions of us chained to the bottom because we have no choice 5 weeks ago
Oh hello my friend, you fully drowned yet? I’m getting there. 5 weeks ago
Having no choice people think we can just jump ship (or I guess the pot) when they don’t realize the people who can’t do it at all because there chained to it
For instance trans people can’t get passports or renew them meaning they have absolutely no way to leave.
We need to stay and help the disenfranchised instead of jumping ship 4 weeks ago
latin america africa and many parts of east asia sending its regards