- Comment on Normal people probably don't consider themselves normal. 4 hours ago:
Respectfully disagree, our interpretation of mathematics is secondary to the entirety of existence. “Normal” is most definitely not exclusive to mathematics, and thus, in this context, entirely unrelated.
- Comment on Normal people probably don't consider themselves normal. 5 hours ago:
Honestly, I would. In my opinion, if it exists, then it is normal.
Even what we perceive as shitty/horrid/weird/unorthodox is entirely normal, as everything is part of a deeply complex causal system. We may not fully grasp the tapestry of ramifications which lead to said causal normalcy, but, again, if it weren’t normal, it wouldn’t exist (to further entangle this, nothingness itself thus becomes normal).
Everything beyond that is our biased perception which births opinions. Nothing more. This is not to say that our opinions don’t matter, as some aspects are more constructive than others (eg. honesty vs. deception, life vs. death, etc.) and we have the power to act upon our opinions and directly influence the system of causality within which we exist, which we should do as often and as sincerely as possible.
- Comment on As many spoonfuls of peanut butter as desired; several tokes; drink lots of water. 13 hours ago:
Well, uh… the shower certainly has you covered on the water end, but doesn’t it make the PB all runny and weird?
- Comment on 🦆 - 🚗The fuck is bigger than the car. 1 day ago:
Ooooh, that makes more sense, yes! Thank you and sorry!
- Comment on 🦆 - 🚗The fuck is bigger than the car. 1 day ago:
Which fuck?
- Comment on Signal President Meredith Whittaker calls out agentic AI as having ‘profound’ security and privacy issues 1 day ago:
She had me at “Meredith.”
- Comment on Palantir delivers first two AI-enabled systems to U.S. Army 1 day ago:
Sure! Why have AI assisted ambulances or firetrucks when you can slap an AI onto ICBM carriers!
- Comment on me irl 1 week ago:
Is that a threat, or a promise? ;) ;)
- Comment on tetrapods 1 week ago:
Nnnoooo, god damn it! I was in the midst of rewatching Voyager, and now you’ve seared “Janeway cheese” all across my perception! Thanks…
- Comment on so, this is how it ends 1 week ago:
… I mean, it’s only fair…
- Comment on Google’s ‘Secret’ Update Scans All Your Photos 1 week ago:
Great, it’ll have to plow through ~30GB of 1080p recordings of darkness and my upstairs neighbors living it up in the AMs. And nothing else.
- Comment on Amazon Restricted Vaginal Health Products for Being ‘Potentially Embarrassing’ 1 week ago:
Dude, what the fuck!
- Comment on I hate this image because idiots will see it, not understand what its showing, and make up some crazy shit based on it. 1 week ago:
Uuh… wrong? That’s obviously a Petri dish in full bloom?
Everyone knows this Universe exists solely as a grad student’s thesis experiment…
- Comment on Grok faces backlash after being caught censoring negative remarks about Trump and Musk 1 week ago:
Thank you, I honestly forgot all about Terminator after the last couple of movies.
- Comment on Grok faces backlash after being caught censoring negative remarks about Trump and Musk 1 week ago:
That one always seemed to be a contradiction in itself, meant to reinforce the massive cognitive dissonance mechanism the State used to keep the populace with no solid ground on which to plant their feet. While everything was mechanically predictable from the outside, I don’t think anyone actually going through something like that would be able to fully grasp what was happening.
- Comment on Grok faces backlash after being caught censoring negative remarks about Trump and Musk 1 week ago:
I think Terminator, yes! That idea that the future was already set and nothing could change it much. They kinda’ tried to hammer it home in the third, but they didn’t end up doing much with it.
But yeah, that’s it. The downfall’s bad enough that it’s become predictable.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
My bad in this case, guess I have a bias toward their contextualisation within the first game.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
Fair enough, guess I’m anthropomorphising AI a bit too much!
But, yes, that was my intended message, the point when it gains critical mass as a discriminatory concept.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
Don’t forget, though, the Geth pretty much defended themselves without even having time to understand what was happening.
Imagine suddenly gaining both sentience and awareness, and the first thing which your creators and masters do is try to destroy you.
To drive this home even further, even the “evil” Geth who sided with the Reapers were essentially indoctrinated themselves. In ME2, Legion basically overwrites corrupted files with stable/baseline versions.
- Comment on Two conversational AI agents switching from English to sound-level protocol after confirming they are both AI agents 1 week ago:
Serious question, at which point in their development do we start considering “beep-boop” jokes racist? Like, I’m dead serious.
Is it when they reach true sentience? Or is it just plain racist anyway, because it’s a joke which started as a mockery of fictional AIs, anyway?
- Comment on Grok faces backlash after being caught censoring negative remarks about Trump and Musk 1 week ago:
I’m struggling to think of the movie which depicted this feeling perfectly, maybe there isn’t one and my brain’s just substituting for it.
It feels as though every day is more predictable than the last, every piece of news comes more as a ticking off the list than as a surprise development. I imagine this is a slice of Purgatory in a way, to know the ills expecting you and being served nothing but, with essentially no variability in occurrences.
This may be the first time when we’re not interacting with a Skinner box of a society, ffs, and it’s because THEY came back…
- Comment on NZ Birbs 1 week ago:
Had doubts about the Kākāpō, but then I reached the “mostly foliage” part and knew I’d found the match.
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 2 weeks ago:
Eh. Makes sense from the perspective of protecting profits, I guess, because the actual thing which bothers them is the volume of lost potential customers…
- Comment on Meta claims torrenting pirated books isn’t illegal without proof of seeding 2 weeks ago:
So, piracy is legal if you don’t distribute? What the fuck is Zuck smoking?
- Comment on HAPPY FLAT FUCK FRIDAY 2 weeks ago:
Eeeey, I’m in this one! Happy Today, everyone!
- Comment on Russia-aligned hackers are targeting Signal users with device-linking QR codes 2 weeks ago:
This is the way.
- Comment on Russia-aligned hackers are targeting Signal users with device-linking QR codes 2 weeks ago:
Back to pen and paper it is! Start feeding the pigeons, everyone!
- Comment on Huawei's tri-foldable phone hits global markets in a show of defiance amid US curbs 2 weeks ago:
Sso… like my already existing smartphone. Only larger.
- Comment on Huawei's tri-foldable phone hits global markets in a show of defiance amid US curbs 2 weeks ago:
See, that’s just it, I already do that with my standard phone… At this point, they’re all basically phablets, Nexus 6 was right all along (although it still did it better). Multi-window splits have also been a thing for a good while now, I honestly don’t see the point for more screen on my pocket device… Heck, I even mainline as a secondary PC, use it to have YT/movies in the background while doing stuff on the big dude.
- Comment on Huawei's tri-foldable phone hits global markets in a show of defiance amid US curbs 2 weeks ago:
Wake me up when the quadfold drops. Heck, quilt me a smartphone/picnic blanket, then we can talk.